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About leslyjo85

  • Birthday 11/27/1966

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    swimming, snorkeling, traveling, reading,

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Orville and I met in 2005 while I was staying at FDR Resort in Runaway Bay. He was a staff member there and I was friends with numerous staff at the resort and we all hung out. We started out friends but after spending 2000.00 dollars on phone bills I realized this was more than "friendship". I went to be with him for his birthday and decided to move there with my kids 6 weeks later and see what came of it. The kids went to school in St Anns Bay and we fell more in love with every passing day. After 1 year the kids were so homesick we had to move back. We were all crying as we left Orville to return to the US. We thought he would be here shortly,,,that didn't happen as we waited over a year for him to get the "new style" birth certificate and then had to save the money to get him here. On a visit in Oct 2006 I became pregnant with our daughter who was born in June of 2007. He wasnt there but the Dr let him be on the phone while she was delivered so he could hear her first cries. We visited Daddy 5 weeks later. She talks to him every day on the phone and we have pics all over the house so she knows who he is...but she thinks he lives in the phone...she tries to feed him by holding food to the phone...hugs and kisses the phone...it is so sad....we are currently working on packet 3 and are awaiting an interview date. We have an almost 20 year age difference and that is what I am most concerned about....your prayers would be so greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!

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