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Everything posted by Seven

  1. I am sorry that was the situation. Also, please notice that there are special situations that prevent certain things. Most people can apply by mail and online. Also, I am just talking about a simple 10 year card renewal (I-90 for a 10 yr card renewal). I understand people with certain special circumstances can be irritated about their situation and case. By the way a lawyer told me not to apply online because it would take longer. So you know. There are stories of positive outcomes out there so just sharing one. To be fair, USCIS also sends an automatic notice of action letter letter with a two year extension on your expired green card. Wish you the best.
  2. Do you process all the cases? I am trying to share my experience but let’s continue focusing on the negative. Again, I am not special. The norm? Maybe not. Maybe average wait a year, I don’t know, there are many variables. I don’t dare to say that everyone will have my experience but that they CAN. Obviously, not impossible.
  3. Next (big) step would be that immigration processes were free. Yay!
  4. I am not saying those do not exist. However, not everyone who files posts in this forum.
  5. I am talking about what people say, stories they tell that make it look all cases are a nightmare. I am also talking about news to where it was said that it is crazy what immigration is doing to LPRs making them wait forever just to print a green card. I am also talking about the false advertisement and push that in these times it is better (if we only factor processing time) to do the N-400 than renewing a green card. That is all I am talking about. I understand that USCIS puts all cases from all people of all walks in life to do an estimate. It can be people who committed a crime or other irregularities that make their case longer and skew the estimation numbers. All I wanted is to share my experience to show not all cases are a nightmare. I have not won a Nobel prize, I am not in the military, I have done nothing special to get my case expedited. It just happened that way. I filed online, Potomac. No issues, it can happen.
  6. Yay! think it there are many out there and it is great! I just thought to share because usually what’s heard the most are the bad experiences and for someone just wanting to find info and guidance it can all be very demotivating
  7. To all my I-90 renewal of green card filers (10 yr renewal). If you are doubting for any reason between N-400 or GC and see the greencard wait time is bigger than the N-400, don’t let yourself be fooled by those estimated times. At this moment, I just felt like I wanted to do things simple and renew my GC so I filed March 20. March 22 I got a notification saying it has been approved and card has been sent. Today (March 26), I received my new greencard in the mail. Total time from filing to receiving the card 6 days. The USCiS website says 20 months. Just your reminder that each case is different so if you have nothing outstanding, 20 months won’t necessarily be your wait time.
  8. It is the law as I said above. Not allowed, never changes. Never. Complicated things that can be done are: first name for transgender people. Change the paternal or maternal last name if just say, one of your parents murdered the other and now you don’t want to carry one of their last names. In that case, you would carry both of your other parent. I have no NIE or residencia. I am Spanish born and raised. There are different laws in every country. In not all countries one can change their names like they change their underwear 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. I guess that what’s the whole point of dual citizenship, you know? Then it’s better to never get the US citizenship and use the more powerful passport (Spanish one in this case)
  10. People are not allowed to change their names. Marriage is not a valid legal reason for name change. You are born and die with your name.
  11. Couldn’t you have presented your Canadian at check in the US (having booked a round trip to India) then get your US passport out only to enter the US in customs? The US law doesn’t prohibit having other passports and doesn’t obligate the citizens to exit the country with it. They just care you enter as a man American. Therefore, for you, with the matching name, only have to think of you want to enter a country as a Canadian or a U.S. citizen.
  12. My question was directed to any country that the Spanish passport has an advantage over the US passport, that being the need for a visa or any other restriction the world decides to make up.
  13. Someone told me that I could book the flight with the Spanish passport name to a country such as Vietnam which requires no visa for Spanish passports. Then enter Vietnam with the Spanish one, exit Vietnam with the Spanish one and just take my American passport in US customs. What got me thinking is that when traveling with a GC with a different name than my Spanish passport to Spain, most of the time the airline people want me to check in using their kiosk. I tell them it won't work. They insist. Kiosk asks me if I have a US issued document, I say yes, names mismatch, need to go to the counter. Agent calls supervisor because according to her, I cannot fly with different names. Supervisor tells agent that I entered the name in my passport and any other issues are immigration's job, not hers. Then I am free to go on with my day. LOL. Sorry for the rant
  14. Thank you for your answer. It is much appreciated. The whole name mess that I got into when immigration happened (over a decade ago) was not entirely my decision either. I was very young too and uninformed to know how bad things got messed up. USCIS was not the most collaborative either. Long story. I guess Spanish names are not the most understood in the USA overall... Anyhow, my Spanish passport "opens more doors" than the US passport does. So just wondering how things could be done. The reason I am always going to keep my Spanish passport is because that's who I am, because all my family is in Spain, and because one never knows where life will bring. If (God forbid) a truck was to hit my husband tomorrow and kill him then I would have to think long and hard if I want to stay in a country where I absolutely have no one. Or we can make it both to our 90s and just leave this earth then. Who knows. Can't obsess about the what ifs...
  15. The law of the passport of origin prohibits any name changes
  16. I am a bit confused: why carry on only? Then maybe with the A and B it got confused but for example the Spanish passport would allow me to go just say Vietnam without a visa. The American needs a visa to go to Vietnam. So how that’d be? What name on the tickets? Would the airline in the US have a problem that the US passport is in another name? I thought all countries had a border security where you show the passport. I got really lost at the multiple round trips bookings for so many countries. Sorry !
  17. Hi everyone. Just curious about something. Just say US passport (passport A) has a different name than the passport of origin (passport B). A visa is required with passport A but not with passport B so how to travel to that other country using passport B without running into issues, not being let on the plane etc because the passport A has a different name? Thank you in advance!
  18. Hello everyone! My 10 years GC expires June 2023. With the new policy changes of USCIS I would get an automatic extension of the green card of 24 months for either an I-90 or an N-400 application. Yesterday, talking to an USCIS agent, she said that if my citizenship is pending after 2 years then I would not get anymore green card extensions. Right now in the USCIS website the GC and the citizenship processing times are around 20 months each for 80% of cases. My husband and I moved to Fort Myers, FL on April 2021 so I have never done anything related to immigration in the Fort Myers office. I am in a dilemma. Should I just renew the GC and then do the naturalization having 10 extra years more to do it whenever or just go ahead and do the citizenship now? It is just problematic to choose what to do the fact that USCIS has overall not been doing good with processing times since COVID... Side question: anyone knows if there are judicial oath ceremonies in the Fort Myers office? USCIS messed up my first name back in the days and split my two words first name into a first and a middle. Also, I want my maiden name back for cultural reasons so would like that restored too. Therefore, whenever I apply for the N-400, I would ask for a name change to have my first and last name restored to my birth name. Thank you in advance! Probably I am overthinking this but USCIS being slow processing doesn't make things better for this indecisive human being.
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