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Karina & ALex

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Posts posted by Karina & ALex

  1. I do not know if you have checked out the website Dominicans to the USA? It has been down for this last week, but hopefully it will be online again soon. There are experienced members in the website who could perhaps help you in your particular situation. I think I remember reading about some members who were put in AP so contact with these people would be essential as they would have consulate-specific information.

    Were the questions that they asked you the first time around really difficult? I am just trying to get more of a sense of the types of questions they may ask since our interview is next week. Thank you and good wishes!

    I been trying to get on there but i didn't noe it was down but hopefully its going to be up soon. LOL i thought my internet was mess up thanks for that info.

    The 1st time the consul was a A**hole but the questions weren't so much about us. It was like who took a bath first & was there a TV in the room. But the second time was about A-Z. 1st consul ask me a time line about our relationship the the 2nd consul ask questions about us. But listen carefully to the question & bring as much pictures as humanly possible because both times i been there ppl that didn't have enough evidence failed. I took all my pictures a 300 pix album & 4GB cd of pictures & letters we wrote & msn messenger ims & my phone bill & receipts of almost everything we did. Here's a good site that can help you get an idea of the questions http://www.***removed***/greencard/***removed***/marriage-based-greencard-fraud-interview.html & try not to get nervous because that's y i f-ed up.

  2. Why was your visa denied the first time? What happened there?

    Has this second petition been under administrative review or administrative processing? You and your husband need to call the embassy, visa specialist, etc. Like yesterday! Why have you waited so long to try to get answers? What did the sheet that they gave you after the interview say?

    1st time we answer some questions wrong & i didn't know that i had to bring a lot of evidence. But this time i was prepare. Administrative Processing is what the sheet said & that's it. He calls every month & call when they tell him too. i called everything that deals with immigration. All they say is wait.

  3. My interview was June 2,2010 it wasn't denied but was put on administrative processing. They started the process in September 2010. So its March, its been 6months.

    They said they'll tell us when we have the second appointment & all my husband has to bring is his passport & that i don't have to go.

    My interview was perfect, this time i was prepare i brought all my pixs & evidence etc. I was about to get my paper to pay for the delivery DomEx. But then the consul scan our papers & the old case showed up to haunt me :bonk: . She ask my husband if someone had petition him, we said yes it was me but i found it strange she ask cuz i would think my name is there. I'm so mad right now cuz when we call they sound surprised that it been 6months "it wierd that it been that long usually take no more then 60 days" i wish i had money to get a lawyer to sue them. They DONT CARE! Its not fair, i see other people time line & i been married longer & they get approved. i just don't get it. It's gonna be 4 years in august & my husband still isn't able to celebrated here with me. But im going to DR in June-Aug so lets see what will happen maybe he'll come back with me :yes:


    I wanted to know how long will it take & if you been through it please tell me what happened.

  4. Hi, I wish I could help, but I am new at this and I don't know much. I just wanted to show some support as a fellow Dominican. I know that the consulate in DR can be very difficult, and I am nervous myself about my own case because even if our relationships and marriages are true, they don't care they just decide whatever they want. I'm sorry to hear about what is happening to you, sorry I can't help. Good luck and if you speak Spanish, con Dios delante todo saldra bien, solo hay que tener fe.

    I'm inclined to slightly disagree with your comment....

    Yes, the consulate in the Dominican Republic can be difficult, but you have to understand why they are being difficult. Fraud is extremely high in this country for numerous reasons. No, the consulate cannot just decide on whatever they want. That's against the law. If that were the case, I'm pretty sure no one would get approved. It's up to us to be prepared properly. If we know that we're going to be tested and tried going into the fire then we need have ALL (and I mean ALL) documentation prepared. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If you go in to the consulate with a gaping hole in proving your relationship is valid....guess what? They are going to hone in and move in for the kill. No doubt about it.

    I said the same thing your saying. But look what happened to me. When i was there i think only 4 couples got their visas, once they tell you to go to room 11, its over.

  5. I got married Aug.11.07, started to do his papers in September '07, got our appointment in SANTO DOMINGO Dec.29,08 He got his visa denied and they closed the case, the paper said it was a fraud marriage which they are so fukin wrong but they don't care, we just messed up on the interview. That was the hardest & saddest day of my life :( , i felt like it was unfair. I'm dominican born in the US & he's dominican...i don't understand why the didn't leave my case open so they can investigate, if they did investigate i would be with my husband right now.

    The consulate in Santo Domingo are known to be the worst people. :bonk:

    And a yesterday i called the consul in Santo Domingo they said the case was sent back to the US, USCIS told me they have to review it and they choose to deny it or send it back to Santo Domingo & get another appointment, So i gotta wait like 120 days.

    Can somebody tell me what happens or what can i do ??

    After i got denied i went to the top immigration lawyer in Dominican Republic and she was an ex-consul and she said i can't do anything. I did talk to congress they said i have to wait till i get a letter from USCIS that explains why i got denied. So i'm just waiting. Then i have to prove my marriage is real. I've talk to every department that has to do with immigration. I'm going to talk to Congress again. Everyone says to. Thanks everybody you helped me a lot.

    Some of you guys say to move to DR but I'm still in school. And i visit my husband alot.

  6. I got married Aug.11.07, started to do his papers in September '07, got our appointment in SANTO DOMINGO Dec.29,08 He got his visa denied and they closed the case, the paper said it was a fraud marriage which they are so fukin wrong but they don't care, we just messed up on the interview. That was the hardest & saddest day of my life :( , i felt like it was unfair. I'm dominican born in the US & he's dominican...i don't understand why the didn't leave my case open so they can investigate, if they did investigate i would be with my husband right now.

    The consulate in Santo Domingo are known to be the worst people. :bonk:

    And a yesterday i called the consul in Santo Domingo they said the case was sent back to the US, USCIS told me they have to review it and they choose to deny it or send it back to Santo Domingo & get another appointment, So i gotta wait like 120 days.

    Can somebody tell me what happens or what can i do ??

    Hi Amica

    am sorry for the problem now faceing :( cause we have same situation except our not closed. What visa you and your hubby apply for? Did they give you an automatic denial? If the VCS told you that they had to review it and would give you an answer in 120 days then your in for a rude awakining. Cause they told us the same old ####### of 120 days and we have gone 3 months past with no end in sight. Start working on your rebuttal and contact a good attorney, and Marc Ellis is said to be the best in rebuttals.

    Good Luck


    K3 i just got a paper describing why i got denied after my interview. Good Luck!! for u 2.

  7. Hi, I wish I could help, but I am new at this and I don't know much. I just wanted to show some support as a fellow Dominican. I know that the consulate in DR can be very difficult, and I am nervous myself about my own case because even if our relationships and marriages are true, they don't care they just decide whatever they want. I'm sorry to hear about what is happening to you, sorry I can't help. Good luck and if you speak Spanish, con Dios delante todo saldra bien, solo hay que tener fe. :thumbs: ALWAYS!!

    Just prepared questions about everything you do, they asked questions about the dumbest things, not to make you even more nervous, when i was there they denied almost all the couples and if you have a baby get a DNA, you gotta be prepared and if they do deny your visa DON'T leave the building like i did. You can ask to speak to the head consulate and talk to him to get the visa. That's what my cousin did & many people that i know but i found out after my interview.

    When you are asked to go to room 11, they are going to investigate you and they already think your marriage is fraud, that's were i messed up, i got nervous. Dormir muy bien the night before, i was there from 5am-6pm

    All the questions they can ask you: What happened to me i don't what to happen to anybody else


  8. I got married Aug.11.07, started to do his papers in September '07, got our appointment in SANTO DOMINGO Dec.29,08 He got his visa denied and they closed the case, the paper said it was a fraud marriage which they are so fukin wrong but they don't care, we just messed up on the interview. That was the hardest & saddest day of my life :( , i felt like it was unfair. I'm dominican born in the US & he's dominican...i don't understand why the didn't leave my case open so they can investigate, if they did investigate i would be with my husband right now.

    The consulate in Santo Domingo are known to be the worst people. :bonk:

    And a yesterday i called the consul in Santo Domingo they said the case was sent back to the US, USCIS told me they have to review it and they choose to deny it or send it back to Santo Domingo & get another appointment, So i gotta wait like 120 days.

    Can somebody tell me what happens or what can i do ??

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