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Kikay K

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    K-1 Visa
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    California Service Center
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  1. Taking my CGFNS (nursing) exam tomorrow, then I have 2 weeks left before I fly to the US to enter a new phase of my life!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mahalia


      ei whats NCLEX mean?

    3. KYLEandUAN


      hi goodluck. do you really need CGFNS exam? i only took NCLEX. what state youre going?

    4. Kikay K

      Kikay K

      @mahalia: NCLEX and CGFNS are nursing exams for the US.

      @KyleandUan: I'm going to Indiana, which requires CGFNS. I learned that the PNA group there is vying for the removal of the CGFNS requirement. Not sure if it has already been approved this year. Nevertheless, I'm taking the exam tomorrow. Been registered to take the exam since December. I also took the NCLEX last August :-) When I get to the US, I'll take an English test.

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