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Brian and Cherry

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About Brian and Cherry

  • Birthday 08/30/1961

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  • Our Story
    I was just thinking about our immigration. We did it all by ourselves with no attorney and It took us less than a year.. We started the formal paperwork in June 2009, It was not that complicated, just a little confusing sometimes, but mostly time consuming and detail oriented. There are a lot of good research and helpful resources out there. I have heard stories of many people who take years and years to try and immigrate. I have to believe they must have issues that cause problems or they just don’t follow the instructions step by step. We met other people along the way that we wondered how they would ever get approved after hearing them tell us how they were doing. Over all I have to thank Cherry for all her hard work, and showing such attention to details.. We both kept our paperwork in good order and in the end it paid off.

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