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Posts posted by marklovetina

  1. hmmm...... once again this query seems to be in benefit of this girl i know lol. who came here and after 8days asked her fiance if when theyre going to get married. then when he answered "NO RUSH" she got mad and told him "if it wasnt rush then why the hell you let me come over here? you should have let me stay with my family instead!

    And then since then, they started fighting everyday. She would give him attitude for not buying her a cellphone, she complains that he wont let her meet new friends and hang out, she complains that he wont let her wear sexy clothes and she complains and so mad of him for telling her that she needs to earn his trust as the poor guy have been burned many times.

    Eversince that day, she would always pick a fight, show attitude of superiority and would dare him to buy her a ticket so she could go home becoz her life is WAY much better in PI.

    One day he took her to his office, she turned on the music s loud that made the fiance mad and told her that if she wanted soundtrip she should wear a headset becoz theyre in the office. Again she got mad, didnt look at him and out of no where once again asked him where is her ticket? the guy got pissed and took her home.

    On their way home she told him that she wanted to passby a store to buy something but he said no, again she got mad and started asking about her ticket. They got home, via internet she asked me if i could call the ticketing office as she said its only him who went inside so i did but they said call back on monday. As soon as the fiance came home, she asked him if did he really booked her ticket or not. the guy was quiet and she went on saying so you mean you lied??? the guy got so pissed off he left and when back got the ticket booked but she canceled it as she says she already changed her mind. Days went on, fighting everyday went on the guy refuse to buy her ticket again.

    One day when they fought again, after the guy left, she went walking to the bus station to go to some Jewish Mother to hang out. she went there alone and no permission. The same thing the next day, but later when she got home she found out that all her stuff is outside the house and the apartment locked up. She left and stayed with her frens, she told me the guy was texting her but she didnt wanna go back. Few days after that she called me and told me she met a new guy from cali and that hes really nice and was sending her money so i told her okey use that to buy ur plane ticket.

    This girl has so many stories, all untrue, never matching up. sometimes she would say she wanna go home then the next she wanted to stay and marry another guy. She kept on reseaching for ways even thought she could use the waiver stuff to adjust status.

    I have kept statements from her asking me and my husband to take her from her fiance's house and that she would stay to our house and later would just get work permit but my husband says no.

    She had plans and intention to stay illegally in the US.

    As of now one of the girl shes talking to suspected shes actually been living with another guy and she even said : it is wrong if i fell inlove"?

    Im hoping OP is not referring to this girl who as of now is soliciting money for her " so called ticket to go home" becoz i think she dont intend to. but i heard people advicing her the she can extent her i94 and that she can "legally stay becoz she already inform USCIS and that shes in a terrible situation" so she can get an exemption in her case.

    same case... just opened another thread coz penguin_ie closed the old thread similar to this case.. but anyways, just want to make it clear to other new Pinay giving wrong advices or comment about immigration to a thread on this kind of case.. the life of an unfortunate pinay is at stake on this and we cant give any falls hope too... this is reality and legal immigration...

  2. Ok i know this is a silly and simple question, i posted it to an old thread but the thread is closed and suggested to open a new thread for these inquiries... do an I-94 can be extended?...or if an expired I-94 can be extended?

    and if a person who is a K1 visa holder can marry another guy here in USA, and just file a waiver??

    this thread are for Pinays who give wrong advices to other Pinay....

  3. aw! sheesssh. i didnt notice that. i wonder why it was on my notifications lol

    its ok, not far to a case ur referring to, and so other Pinay who new here in US they got their answer to what case you're pertaining to...

    and for the information of others here who thinks that an I-94 can extend, then i am asking VJ members here.. If really an I-94 can be extend/ or if an expired I-94 can be extend?

    and if a person who is a K1 visa holder can marry another guy here in USA, and just file a waiver??

  4. My heart is broke.


    My fiancee arrived the Nov. 15th. I have been the happiest guy in the world with my fiancee until I got home from work today and found out she was gone. No message, no communication, her luggage is gone.

    She seemed very happy here. We did lots of shopping, eating out, got a christmas tree in the forest, hockey games, cooking together..... I thought we were very happy as far as I knew. We had a great evening together last night, she seemed more romantic then ever and I went to work this morning like normal. She was talking to me via phone messages all day as usual.

    Her phone is shut off now from the moment I arrived home from work. I tried to send her an email and it was rejected.

    I do not know where she is. She does not know any people around my city. I found out through my phone bill she has been talking to people in 3 other states a lot for days so I assume she is in one of those states becuase she did not know anyone here.

    I can not believe this has happened to me. I treated her like a princess always. I do not understand why women use men. I have known her for 2 years and we talked every day. How can women be so heartless to just leave and not say anything? I put 100's of hours into helping her get her visa and paid for everything. And she leaves me without any conversation at all?

    I am confused as to what to do? Report her missing? Call the numbers she was calling? I don't think they will tell me anything she must have beening organizing with them to leave.

    sorry to hear about that.... but atleast u discovered her true color already.... :(

  5. Hello guys,,

    thanks to ALL of you esp. for those who posted all their experiences here.got my visa approved (CR1) this morning!!!GOD is great! goodluck to those who will still on their way of having it approved..Just relax, be honest and everything will be turn outright. questions were just basic that evolved on your relationship and the background of your husband/fiancee...they just asked me to show our photos..that's all..Have Faith!


  6. hi everyone, im really confused with k2, since my visa will be k1 and k2 for my daughter, my question is, is it possible to file the k2 later and not at the same time with mine(k1) because my daughter wants to finish high school here, im worried if my fiance file it at the same time and be approved she might not finish her high school here. Correct me if im wrong because as what i understand in filing of k2, it can be file with in a year frm the date of the filing of k1. please enlighten me and i hope it make sense.

    k2 can follow... here are several ??? regarding k2.. maybe u want to read...


  7. I dunno, I think that if the sexual wow isn't there, at least in the beginning, it isn't love, it is romantic friendship. Nothing wrong with that either, but I wouldn't call it "real love"

    well i respect your opinion about that... :thumbs:

    but as for me... that is just a secondary thing... :star::yes:

  8. Don't you like young though? Young and ripe, with tight skin and nice buttocks - did you notice how old men have no #### cheeks? - and big muscles and a ####### that can get up and stay up without blue pills?


    well who doesnt like it?.. is there someone posted here that they doesnt like that???:blush:

    BUT, that is not always important to a relationship... well not all people are looking at that... if your truly looking for (L) (L) (L)

    sex or other outlook good appearance of a man is just secondary for some woman.... :yes:

  9. Hi V'jers just want to ask about the ring size. My fiance wants to buy me an engagement ring but I am not sure if Philippines have same ring size with USA. I am a filipina and my ring size here in the PI is 4.5. What do you think guys is my ring size in USA? My fiance wants to buy in USA and take it with him when he comes here early next year. I just wanna make sure that it fits me and we wont be returning or replacing the item. I appreciate any ideas from u guys. :)

    we re-size my ring... and we need too bcoz honey told me that during winter and its cold our fingers get a little smaller.... and he is correct coz my ring now is a little bit big for me... ^_^:yes:

  10. To those who filed k-1, what is the average age difference of a fiance to a fiancee? Is it a matter of desperation for such young girls to marry old guys? Is it for love or money?

    we filed K1, but i think there is no difference between a couple married which is Cr1 or filing a fiancee visa.... honey ko is older than me for 23 yrs., he doesnt have lots of money in his pocket.. bank... i am not desperate to come here in US.. i have a good life in the PH... Y i am here in US right now...? it is bcoz honey ko doesnt want to live in the PH...

    i am not hypocrite.. some woman marry white guys bcoz they want to come here in US.. they want security.. but who among us doesnt like security?... sometimes woman marry older guys bcoz they doesnt like young guys... as to my previous marriage to a young man it didnt work out... so i preferred to marry an older guy.... but it doesnt mean too that there is no responsible young man... it is just bcoz i fell in love with honey ko... bcoz we have a good chemistry working out our marriage...

    our relationship is not base in money.. but for (L) (L) (L)... right now honey ko doesnt earn any money... but still i support him whatever he wants to do... that is love... :luv:

  11. i have read that one can trace one's visa thru ur mnl number. i was just trying to check mine and saw something else's name. could this be possible?

    call 2go main ofc. and ask for ur real tracking no. maybe they put someone else's name in ur tracking no. and they gave u another tracking no., sometimes tracking no. is not the MNL no. :yes:

  12. WOW.....CONGRATULATIONS TINA! WAY TO GO!:dance::thumbs:


    Congratulations. :dance::dance::dance::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


    Congrats on the JOB! :thumbs:

    I'm confuse... :huh: I thought you posted (before) that you worked in Dubai...? :unsure: You even posted a picture of you with your co-workers. :blink:

    :huh::no: never posted a pic with a co-worker in Dubai, and never been to Dubai in my whole life... its not me.... :yes: but anyways, tnx! :)

  13. You're definitely on the right path.....a good attitude and willingness to work. You'll go far, just don't take it too seriously, priorities are important. Best of luck!! :D


    Thank you for the advice.. :star::thumbs:

    no work during weekends... :luv: its a time for my family... B-)(L)

  14. Congratulations Tina!

    Way to go.

    Happy for you! :dance:


    Thank you guys!!! :dance::yes::innocent::dance:

    :wow: That was quick! :star: Congratz Tina. :star:

    yeah T, i didn't expect it too, that's why i am so happy, work experience here in your country is important to me, as a starter here this will gonna serve as a training for myself too... never been to any country in my life before i re-locate here in the United States, so i am really excited about it and to earn a little dollar from my hardwork :yes:

    :wow::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: Awesome!!!!!


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