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    "U" to the "S" to the "A"

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    I had just purchased a computer in March of 05' and never really chatted. I went to Christian chat, and that's where I met my husband. That day I think I had chat with over 20 people and forgot about him the following day. He sent me an instant message around the same time I was online the day before. I asked who he was and he refreshed my memory. I saved him as friend. Shortly after that I began a relationship with a guy that lasted til the end of that year. At the same time my husband still remained my very understanding friend and I felt closer to him than the guy I was in a relationship with and engaged to. When I ended my engagement with the other guy, I feel madly in love with my husband. I couldn't help it. I wanted to give myself a break, but my husband had a way of soothing me after my breakup. We became best-friends and been in this distance thing for over 4 years. He says he always knew I was his wife even while I was with my fiance, but he never said anything or done anything disrespectful during those times, just prayed. It has been a challenging wait, but I'm happy that I waited. He is truly my gift from God.

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