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Posts posted by bobbyboy23

  1. hey all! just seeing that it's been a while since anyone's posted in here... a few days is too long! where did everyone go? let's get the good vibes going.....i'm still holding out hope that i get my NOA2 before the end of the month. C'mon CSC!

    I hear that the service centers switch gears between which applications they process and what not...and that the CSC is currently working on work visas? is that still true? anyone have any insight in to this or when they will begin working on I-129Fs again?

  2. Hey all. As much as I'd like to think that I've gotten to be a pro and learned all I can learn about this whole Visa process...I am not and have not. Although, I've learned a lot more than I thought, especially after reading VisaJourney posts for hours on end. Anyway...

    I need some help from people who are a lot more familiar with the process than I am. I have filed for the K1. Currently, I am waiting for the NOA2. My question is this: What in the heck is the Packet 3? What goes in to it? Is it something she has to prepare and send to the Consulate? Sorry for my ignorance, but I haven't been able to find too much info on what the "Packet 3" and "Packet 4" are and how they fit in to the process.

    Here is why I ask:

    I will be visiting my fiancee at the end of the month. She will then be coming to the US to visit me for a little while. If, and I do mean IF, we happen to get our NOA2 and the case sent to the NVC and all is good while she is here, is there any way to keep the process going while she is in the States? Obviously, she will be going back and she will schedule her medical and interview and all that (just in case there are doubters out there who think she is coming to stay permanently). But, from what I can understand, after receiving the NOA2, there is some sort of packet or documents or something mailed out to the beneficiary in their home country that they have to fill out. If we have to wait until she returns to her country to then review/complete the necessary docs and send them back out, we will be losing quite some time. Is this how the process generally works, though? And, if this is the case, can we have her family mail the packet to us in the States and she can complete them here?

    Ideally, if we did get our NOA2 while she is here in the US, we'd like to continue the process and eventually get to a point where she can schedule her medical and interview for just after she returns home...so that she wouldn't have to spend that long back in her home country.

    Hopefully, this all makes some sort of sense. Again, I apologize for not being very familiar with the process, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and take care.


  3. Hey guys... Long time reader, first time poster. I just wanted to see if I could get my name added to the list of February filers waiting for their approvals.

    I am not sure how to create my timeline, but hope to soon with some help. In any case, sent the package February 24th and rec'd NOA1 dated February 27th. Have been seeing so many good vibes with quick NOA2's and I'm hoping to be included in that group soon.

    I'll be going to see my girl at the end of the month and she will be coming back to visit next month. Hoping to have a great gift/surprise for her upon her arrival. Anyways, keep up the good work!

    Rob and Claire

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