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About Avery

  • Birthday 09/02/1980

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Winnipeg, MB
  • Interests
    Computer Programming and Repair, MMORPGs, Arts & Crafts, Blue Skies & Sunny Days

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My husband and I actually met long ago in 2001 while we both were playing Everquest. At the time we shared a mutual friend and engaged in activities together through him. We first met in person in 2003 when I went down to Ohio to visit our mutual friend. It was actually quiet interesting as we had both developed a crush on one another the day we met. Unfortunately it was only two days later I would return home and our interests would be placed on the back burner for several years.

    It wasn't until January 2007 that our paths would once again cross, fate had definitely decided. Our mutual friend invited us both to start playing WoW with him. To which we both obliged. Interesting enough though it seems our mutual friend however was not fond of us talking to one another. For he continual reminded us both that neither of us liked one another. So we never really talked.

    Until one fateful morning we both happened to be on, and the only two who were on. (This may only resonate with those of you who play) I had actually fallen off a cliff and landed at his feet dead. I was ever so embarrassed. He plays a priest so he happily resurrected me and I thanked him sheepishly and ran off to finish my questing.

    He was rather insistent afterwords on following me around to make sure I stayed out of trouble. This was of course to my delight as I still harbored a flame for him after all these years. From there we did nothing but talk to one another and follow each other around. It wasn't until March that I was for certain that this was the one. The feeling was more than mutual.

    He decided over Easter long weekend to drive from Ohio up to Winnipeg. Over 24 hours in total. As well as forgetting a crucial piece of information to cross the border. (his birth certificate) The Canadian border patrol was sympathetic and allowed him entry. The surprise weekend visit turned into a week. And we were more than ever for sure.

    I visited him down in Ohio in May for a week and met his family who insisted that I stay there. By stay there, they meant move in. However, we both decided that moving to Canada was in our best interest. We had a wonderful down to earth ceremony on July 31, 2007 and have been living happily and still playing wow together.

    We now are starting our journey back to the US as our circumstances have changed slightly but find that each challenge life gives us only makes us closer.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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