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Status Updates posted by Rhiannercakes

  1. Weird. I would think Canada would have one of the shortest. That sucks.

  2. Cool, your NVC #. And good thing he wasn't attacked... I don't know how you can do it, having a husband who's overseas in the military.

  3. I don't play iRO anymore. I've just been private server hopping for the past 4 years. Haha.

    And you'll do fine, don't be too nervous!

  4. Good luck on your interview tomorrow!

  5. My fiance and I met while was 5 and a half hours away from home at college. My parents thought he was a stalker :D

  6. The NVC part sounds confusing, and it just seems like a waste of time. I mean, they send mail somewhere to send mail to other parts of the world? Seems ridiculous, haha.

  7. I really really want my NOA2, I'm sick of waiting so much. Haha.

  8. I hope the CSC smartens up and that you finally get your NOA2 soon.

  9. Southern California. I think about 30 minutes south(east? not sure) of LA.

  10. Haha, interesting. You're from Ontario, I'm from Ontario. And both our fiances are in Cali.

    I wonder how common it really is.

  11. I'm sure you'll pass. I mean, I'd hate to put Canada above other countries, but I've heard they're not really too hard on Canadians... since you know, we're kind of attached to them and we're not really known for marriage fraud and the like.

    So I'm sure you'll do fine.

  12. Good luck on your upcoming interview! I hope you can get there before your fiance has to go for duty!

  13. Yeah, that would suck. I hope they're able to push the date sooner for you.

  14. It's only mid June, maybe they'll push your interview date too.

  15. Ah, military.

    That's probably why. They seem to push the military ones.

    Congrats to you though :3

  16. Wow, yours got approved so fast! What did you do, just call CSC and they approved it for you? It's just so strange to see a fast case.

  17. Your sandcastle picture in your signature made my day.

  18. Your avatar is awesome.

  19. Omg.

    A fellow Ragnarok Onliner.

    I met my fiance there too.

  20. Hehe.

    I snickered at your personal picture.

    And it's so true.

  21. Thank you very much for the help you've given me so far

  22. Your avatar is adorable xD

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