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Status Updates posted by Rhiannercakes

  1. Did that huge pizza taste delicious?

  2. I'm hoping for a January interview anyway. Early January would be nice. It's about 4 months away and would be good.

    And yours will come soon, don't worry. I'm sure this will fix it and you'll get it fast.

  3. I hope so. My consulate takes an average 2.5 - 3 months to assign an interview date, so maybe it will be as long as the NOA2 wait.

    I'm sure yours will come super fast after you get the decree from India.

  4. Talk about slow email, my NOA2 email got to my inbox 2 days after it was approved.

  5. Yeah, the RFE was so stupid.

    I totally wouldn't have missed it if I did the paperwork myself though.

    Oh well.

  6. I'm into fantasy and historical fiction mostly. I do love comedy books though.

    I love cake decorating, it's fun.

  7. Aw man, I'd love to get a discount at that place. I buy way too many books.

    And I actually mostly do cake decorating. I just eat the donuts they make, lols.

  8. I'm not so big on the snow myself. And I can always go to the mountains if I miss it.

    I'm not too big on timbits either. I love the donuts we make from scratch everyday at work more :P

  9. Texas? Good luck with the heat, haha.

    You're going to miss the rain so much I'm sure. I missed it when I was in California.

  10. Oh, he just works at a Target as a manager for a section. I can't work in the same section as him or anything, since it's against company policy, but I can still work there.

    And Cali's expensive, so we need to each have a job.

  11. I live in Ontario, in a city in between London and Kitchener.

    And I was thinking about getting the stamp at the border that allows work for so many days and hopefully getting the EAD before that thing expires... since my fiance might be able to get me a job where he works. I'll do research on that when it's closer.

  12. He makes enough to not need a co-sponsor. Apparently debts aren't in the support form.. that I noticed. If they are, we'll have to use his dad.

    He currently lives with them, and we'll be staying there till I can get my EAD.

    And I actually live apart from my parents, they semi kicked me out, haha. They pay for my groceries though.

  13. My fiance and I lack money pretty badly. I hardly have enough money to pay rent and food and he's got previous money problems... so we'll probably have to end up borrowing the AOS money from my parents, ugh.

  14. I was suggesting to my fiance that we get married and file for CR-1 instead, but there's no way we can come up with all that money pretty much right away. It was the only thing really holding us back, along with a marriage, haha.

  15. I hope so. And I hope you hear something soon in your case too, even though I don't know a whole lot about the CR-1/IR-1 visa.

  16. Well, I guess if these people have done it before and are still doing it, maybe it isn't a problem. Who knows.

  17. Turns out there was a simple unchecked box in the I-129F. I'm still wondering if they'll RFE us for the G-325As though... since I dont know if they do all the RFEs per paperwork at once or they send them as they see them.

  18. She was only used for the filling out of the petition part. Nothing else.

    And I need to find someone with a printer, since I dont have one, haha.

    I'm planning to rush it to Cali on Monday and he's sending it to the CSC right when he gets it... no way am I delaying it.

  19. Because my fiance didn't think I could do it myself and wanted to trust a "Professional". He totally regrets it.

    And I think they want ink-signed G-325A's... because she totally sent in photocopies of my ink signed ones. Professional my ####.

  20. Oh lovely, I got RFE'd. Thanks, fiance's laywer. I knew I should have filed myself and saved 200 dollars.

  21. I was thinking about calling them, but they'll probably tell us to call back when the 5th month hits, since that's what the processing times are.

  22. Hai Cris and Amour :3

  23. Man, I wonder if my NOA2 is ever going to come. They're already processing ones past my NOA1 date.

  24. Well, that sucks. Looks like I have to wait till next year to get there. Stuff happens.

  25. That's cool. I heard that they get internet access and all that stuff over there. At least they don't make them use snail mail still.

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