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Status Updates posted by Rhiannercakes

  1. Yeah I'm hoping so, haha. I've got a bit of a gut sticking out, so I'm not too sure.

  2. Ouch, 40 dollars of chocolate.

    Come to think of it, I've been to a Hershey's store. I've probably seen one and just forgotten.

  3. That's an awesomely huge chocolate bar in your personal photo. Lols.

  4. Yeah. It's on the Alfred Angelo Website. Style 1797 in the top right colour, Espresso.

  5. That's cool.

    I tried talking to my mom today about my wedding dress and she still isn't catching on. I hope I can get it. I love it too much.

  6. I think you should expedite. Maybe you should ask if you can expedite the interview, since you have to wait FOREVER for it.

    I hope he's able to come back in February!

  7. Meh, it was lame like always. I don't like my work anymore and I'm so busy I don't even get a break. I maybe get to sit down for about 5 minutes a day, it's pretty lame.

    I got P3 in the mail today though, my mom's going to bring it to me since I'm not at home right now.

  8. Haha.

    Isn't there like 350+ of them now? I have no clue anymore xD

  9. Some genres do, you know the same old cliche stuff.

    Manga gets so expensive.

  10. I'm not asian, but my fiance is. xD

    Well, not Japanese, but you get the point I think.

  11. Hey me too. xD

    I love anime, even though people think I'm way too old for it.

  12. I've always wondered, do you know what anime your avatar comes from or did you just randomly find it xD

  13. You and your fiance are such a pretty couple!

  14. Hm well, I don't really need to know what's on it, I just want to know if they can record stuff from my denial incident that I did not sign for. I had to sign a paper that had a description of what happened, that file's in the computer on my passport. I was just wondering if there was more that I was not allowed to know.

  15. I hear there's a phone number in Canada you can call for free legal advice, once per household though. I'm not sure if it's still around, but if it is, I'm going to see if they have any immigration lawyers and ask them a few questions to ease my mind.

  16. I lie when I get really, really nervous about stuff.

    And hell do I ever get nervous at the border.

    Never really got me in trouble till the last time I tried to cross though.

    Not lying on the paperwork though. Last thing I want to do is get in more trouble.

    I mostly just want to know if there's something on my file about that time that I wasn't made aware of...

  17. would be recorded. I signed for what the 2nd one told me, so why wouldn't the first one's stuff be on there?

    I'm just scared of getting banned from the US forever for "misinterpretation" which I'm sure lying counts ;_;

  18. Huh, I've been down there 6 times and I don't think they ever really acted weird.

    And I think I need to see an immigration lawyer... because the last time I tried to cross I kind of lied to the POE officer and got caught and thrown into secondary... and I need to know if what I said to the first one got recorded on my file... which would be so wrong if it was because I was not told it

  19. Wow, sleeping?

    That's... nice xD

    I honestly never really said I was going to visit my boyfriend... I always said friend. I was always way too scared of getting denied, so I usually lied my way through. Though, he is a friend too, technically. Haha.

  20. Secondary is so scary x_x

    I got denied cause I was trying to enter the country to marry my fiance and AOS, cause I thought I could xD

    I'm glad they caught me before I did it though, I don't want to have been deported.

    I still worry anyway, haha.

  21. I'm very surprised how fast DHL is. I was looking at other shipments in my date range and one got to Hong Kong in 2 days!

    That's insane.

    I hope I get packet 3 by next Friday, I want to get these silly forms done and over with... now I just have to worry about my POE denial from March x_x

  22. I'm even guessing that it's left NVC by now.


  23. I'm sure you'll get yours with good timing.

    And I'm pretty paranoid myself, so you're not the only one haha.

  24. There's people filing for K-1s that sent back package 3 in July and don't have an interview date yet D:

    I dont really forsee an interview till January which is cool, then my fiance can come.

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