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Posts posted by JeffreyD

  1. My fiance received a packet from the embassy in Malaysia and it indicated that the form DS230 should be filled out and sent in first. Does this form get sent in separately from the rest of the packet? If so, what forms are sent in with the DS 230 or shortly after? What is the time frame for sending in the forms for this packet?


  2. I am in the process of completing the G325 for the interview package. Do I need two G-325A's, or just one for my fiance. The G-325A has a signature box for the applicat and requests the alien registration number. Does the petioner also need to fill out a G-325a?



  3. I sent my I129f application on February 5, 2009 and it was received on February 10, 2009. I just received the visa approval notice in the mail today (it's April 2, 2009). That's only 45 days from receipt to approval - I am impressed. I have noticed that USCIS web site has not been updated and it still says my case is pending. I also did not receive e-mail notification, but that is good. This is going to be one BIG surprise for my fiance when I let her know.

    Btw, my fiance is from Malaysia. For those of you waiting for Malaysia visas, there is hope...


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