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About yolly&steve

  • Birthday 03/19/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    hong kong

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
    Hong Kong
  • Our Story
    steve and i meet at internet last year august 4 then he book ticket on the 13th then come to hongkong sept.13,2008 till 22 seen then our love get stronger everyday all we wish our petition will be more faster so we be togethere again its kind of wierd but we do fall in love and we dnt expect this will happen so fast we do really love each other so much and as of now we just see each other in the internet 24 hrs day 7 days week 31 days amonth non stop we can say we are crazy inlove to each other so much .as of now i'am planning already how can i go out with my work fast after i got my visa coz steve cnt wait for a month for a one moth notice for my work so i'am planning to just go stright to the airport and leave if there are some members that can share their experience i will be so happy to know i'am here at hong kong right now u can call me at 67983033 or email me at yholliez@yahoo.com .ph

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