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Posts posted by mb_2_az

  1. OMG.... I feel your frustration.... My packet 3 was rec'd on Feb 18th, no interview here either. Sometimes looking at other people's timelines makes me feel better, and sometimes it just makes things worse. There is nothing "fair" about this painfully long wait. We're approaching the 8 month mark for our total... gross.

    When I emailed Montreal I got a similar short one-liner response telling me that it could be 4-6 months before they schedule the interview. I (like you) FREAKED OUT. We called our lawyer and he contacted the Consulate. He got a much kinder response (?!!?) but they still said 3-12 wks to schedule the date. This was 2 wks ago... I just called DOS and still no interview date. We are hoping for a May date at this point, if it happens sooner I will be floored. There is no sense of urgency over there... I've spent far too much energy being angry, and am trying a new relaxed approach. TRYING... This does not mean I've been successful :)

    I wish you lots of luck, and totally symathize with your tough situation.

    To all the ppl hoping for an April/May interview:

    I am completely annoyed here. COMPLETELY....First, I wanna say i have been VERY patient in this all things considered. I have only called and email a handful of times. More so in the last few weeks because I am not at home now and won't see my mail so calling/emailing is best for me.

    First, I sent my packet 3 in January 19th, so I was expecting April interview,. early May at worst. ANYWAY....................I emailed Montreal this morning, and asked if I could expect an April interview or should I plan for May?

    They said this:

    "Could be May or June 2009.




    I am telling my fiancé to contact his congressman. First, our NOA2 was approved in October and EVEN THOUGH WE INDICATED ON THE FORM we wanted to deal with MONTREAL (I lived in Korea at the time but was coming back to Canada within the next few months I filed and NEW that I was going to be in Canada and NOT Korea). So, low and behold our file was sent to KOREA (I was in Canada now). UGH.

    Back and forth from Montreal to Korea we got different stories. Montreal: "Korea needs to request the file". Korea: "MOntreal needs to request it" #######!! Finally Korea said they sent it over, ok. We wait 3 weeks (me thinking it was on its way to Montreal from Korea), I contact Montreal..nothing. ####### how long does it take to send something in the mail?? Call Korea and they tell me, "It was not sent and Montreal has to request it" R U KIDDING ME!!! WE ARE BACK HERE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!HOW CAN SO MANY PPL BE INCOMPETENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, we had 4 way emails now...me, my fiancé, Montreal and Korea so that WE ALL could get our stories straight. My fiancé sent a nasty letter to both of them and Montreal sent an in depth letter explaining the mix-up. Whatever, OK. Fine.

    So, THREE MONTHS LATER, it is in January and we got our packet 3. THREE FRIGGAN MONTHS!!! I literally send it back the SAME DAY, OVERNIGHT EXPRESS. So, I get it January 19th, send it back same day (even tho Canada Post sucks and it actually took 2 days....got my money back tho ;) It gets there on January 21st.

    So....I think we should be a little bumped on the list a bit seeing as we have waiting SO long for a LOT OF PPL's COMPLETE INCOMPETENCY. I have seen ppl send in there stuff for January and HAVE ALREADY HAD A MARCH INTERVIEW. Or at LEAST April!!!! #######!!!

    How does this happen?? Now they are saying MAY OR JUNE EVEN!!!!!!!!

    I am sooooooooo peed off right now. I have been extremely patient. I know this takes time and I was set up for this. But come on.


    Rant over :)

    Has anyone reading this sent in their packet later then January 20th and already scheduled for an interview?

  2. Wow, I'm actually feel POSITIVE for the first time in weeks after seeing all of the progress that the rest of you are making. My lawyer emailed the Consulate on Tuesday the 10th, and was told that we too were in the queue for the interview - and that we would be notified of our date within the next 3-12 wks. This is a much brighter answer than the 4-6 months they told ME a week earlier!!

    I did have one quick question to ask - when you email the consulate they always send that initial "blanket " response right...? Well when you read the Q's & A's it states the following:

    All visa interviews for Immigrant Visas take place at the U.S. Consulate

    General in Montréal (except for "K" visas for residents of British Columbia,

    Alberta, Manitoba, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories, which take place

    at our Consulate in Vancouver).

    Just curious... is anyone on here from MB... AB etc...? I'm from MB and my interview is going to be in Montreal according to my case # that begins with MTL - anyone happen to know why they have changed this? When you go on the DOS website, Vancouver seems to process things much faster than Montreal.

  3. For all of you patient and tortured people waiting for a K1 interview in Montreal, I have to share the email that I rec'd today from the Consulate. I'm borderline hyperventilating with ANGER right now.

    I emailed Montreal-IV-DV@state.gov to ask if my interview date had been set (my timeline is now over the 7 month mark in total and my patience was gone around month 3!!!)

    FYI ~ all of my stuff was rec'd in Montreal on Feb 18th 2009...................

    This was their response:

    You are on the waiting list for an interview date. It could take 4-6 months


  4. For the couple of people that were asking about calling/checking on status... after you have a case number from the consulate, you can call the Department of State at 202 663 1225 ( press 1, 0, 4, 3, 0 ). IMO the people that take those calls have been the best part of this process! Super friendly and helpful and able to tell you whether your packet 3 is missing something or if it's ok and you're on the list for an interview. They gave me my interview date about a week before I got the letter even.

    Thank you so much for your help - DOS was very helpful, I just got off the ph with them. Unfortunately I didn't receive the news I had wanted, and am still waiting for the interview date :(

  5. I too am past the 6 mos mark... waiting for the K1.

    It has been 7 long months, and still no interview. Apparently the consulate in Montreal has all of our paperwork, and has had it for the past 3 weeks. We're hoping to secure an interview date soon, regardless of when that date is I just want something on the calendar to work towards!

    From what I have seen on various websites/forums it appears that the timeline between when everything is rec'd in Montreal, to the actual interview is on avg 111 days. Talk about discouraging.

    Your story is just another example of why this whole process moves so painfully slow :(

    Lets start a place for all of us who are waiting more then 6 months now.

    Just a funny (NOT) bit of information I got today.

    When I got the mail I saw an envelope from USCIS!!!!

    YESYESYES!!!! My Heart stopped beating, I stopped breathing while I opened it.

    And Guess what it was????

    I called the 1-800 number 2 weeks ago asking for advice on how to find out whats going on with my case, the girl told me to write to them. So I sent a short letter asking them to please just make sure that my file wasn't lost and if it was I would gladly send them a new one.

    So you know what they did????

    They wrote me back and told me to call the 1-800 number.

    How's that for a run-around!

    And they sent me back my original letter AND envelope as if they didn't even want it in their trash!!!

    Isn't this great?


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