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Mehdi + Olympia

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  • Gender
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    New Jersey

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Hi my name is Olympia and I'm from New Jersey in the US and my fiance is Mehdi, he's from Rabat, Morocco. We met over a year ago online, when really neither one of us was really looking or expecting to find love. We quickly realized that we wanted to be together. We used to keep our webcams on at night so that we could fall asleep together & wake up together. At the time, Mehdi was living in France and we agreed I would fly out to meet him in person. We were both so excited. We met at the airport and then drove to the South of France. It was so beautiful & romantic. We kept joking that we felt like we were on our honeymoon. Truthfully you couldn't ask for more. We remained in touch through phone calls, emails, instant message, webcam. A couple of months later Mehdi moved back to Morocco. We continued to talk everyday and our love grew stronger & stronger.
    I flew out to Morocco for the 1st time November 2008. I was greeted at the airport by Mehdi & his brother. It was so exciting. I can still feel the adrenaline rush when The doors opened and I got to see my love. When we got home, his Mom was waiting with hugs & kisses & with food ready. His family welcomed me with opened arms and made me feel so welcome & comfortable, like it was my own home. We went to Marrakech for a few days and had a wonderful time. His brother also had us over for a very elaborate dinner. I stayed in Morocco for the sheep feast which was very exciting and also Mehdi's birthday, December 9th. On this day Mehdi proposed to me and made me the happiest woman in the world. Leaving Morocco & my Mehdi behind was the hardest thing I had to do.
    Shortly after I arrived home, I started the paperwork. We sent everything in December 18th 2008. The waiting has been the hardest part. Just being oceans apart and not being able to feel Mehdi's arms around me....thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.
    We couldn't stay apart anymore, so I flew back to Morocco and arrived on Valentine's Day February 14th. Mehdi had a very special evening planned. This time I met more family members who were there visiting. It was so great to meet everyone and spend time with them & especially my Mehdi. His brothers both had us over for dinners & lunches....always so welcoming! We did get to go away again for a few days by ouselves. This time we went to Fes. We stayed in the most beautiful Riad and had a wonderful time.
    Once again leaving was so hard, both times Mehdi's family sent me home with so many gifts, but the one gift I really wanted to take home....my Mehdi, I couldn't.
    We waited & waited and finally got our approval on April 7th 2009. We thought the next step should be quick because we understood that the NVC was not taking so long. Unfortunately, the NVC kept our papers till May 14th 2009. The Consulate received our paperwork on May 18th and Mehdi received his package from them on May 29th. His interview is scheduled for June 23rd 2009. Exactly 1 year from when we met in France and also my birthday too! I'm hoping this is good luck! I pray to God everything will go well! We are so much in love and want to be together so that we can finally start our lives together. We want to wish everyone the patience to get through this and good luck. Please pray for us too!
    Mehdi got approved on July 13th 2009 and arrived on July 15th. We got married on July 24th. We are so happy!!! Now we are just working on getting through the paperwork on this end. Best Wishes to all! The journey is long and hard but the result is so worth the wait!!!

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