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Everything posted by Boiler

  1. 260 miles? At most one topup for most EVs, which one do they have? I have been looking at my travel history, Google sends me a report every month, furthest I have done this year in one day was 160, Denver and around and back. I do not like going to Denver but needs must every now and then. More normal max is under 100. Because I am in the boonies I do quite a bit of mileage but regularly not long trips. And there is a fast charger which I doubt I would need a few hundred yards away, 2 units and usually available. The funny thing is they are doing road works and stopped to fill up yesterday and the pumps were out, the vibration from all the digging had knocked the system off, was able to pay inside and the guy working there was someone I know. So he filled me in. We have the most expensive gas in Colorado so I normally try and fill up elsewhere. I parked next to a Cyber Truck yesterday, they just look weird to me but no doubt time will change my perception.
  2. Much better than applying in Manila
  3. I participated in the OPs previous thread. The OP had been visiting for nearly 3 months and the plus and minuses of Adjusting vs Consulate Processing were discussed. Perhaps it is me but the situation seems odd.
  4. Would not employment, lease, mortgage be more obvious? It is an odd query, trying to think how it could come up or be relevant.
  5. How anyone could watch this and still vote for Creepy Joe is beyond me.
  6. I had never heard of Theravada, I know there are Buddhist retreats near me. Does your Hermitage have a Lawyer?
  7. Pro-Palestinian Canadian students’ post for ‘teach-in’ features masked guerrillas Zionist group claims antisemitism as McGill students advertise ‘revolutionary’ summer program at protest camp https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/14/pro-palestinian-canadian-students-youth-summer-program-antisemitism
  8. You could waste a lot of time and still have to do the DNA
  9. LA takes down 'No U-Turn' signs over 'homophobia' https://www.nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/la-takes-down-no-u-turn-signs-over-homophobia-los-angeles-city-councilmember-hugo-soto-martnez-silver-lake-neighborhood-councilwoman-maebe-a-girl-black-cat-protests-los-angeles
  10. She lost her case, this is a disaster for men everywhere. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/article/2024/jun/12/transgender-swimmer-lia-thomas-out-of-olympics-after-losing-legal-battle-swimming The US swimmer Lia Thomas, who rose to global prominence after becoming the first transgender athlete to win a NCAA college title in March 2022, has lost a legal case against World Aquatics at the court of arbitration for sport – and with it any hopes of making next month’s Paris Olympics.
  11. The answer is generally yes, for specifics I would read the guides.
  12. I did not think Pakistan does adoption? Anyway at 16 too old. Well for immigration purposes. Maybe look at a Student visa?
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