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Everything posted by Boiler

  1. I said asylum as what else could it be. So he does not have a Lawyer? Immigration Law is Federal but this would be a situation where he needs a Lawyer where he will be living and deals with that Court.
  2. Because nobody believes anything he says so it is pointless?
  3. A bit odd, suppose they could ask for a bond but with 14,000 a day whatever I thought they were just sent on their way with a master court hearing date.
  4. A promoter I think, well I watched the advert. Why not? They were using their brand, not some off the shelf actors.
  5. Seems very reasonable. I have seen mentioned that this is going to be a template for other marginalized groups but have not been able to find a timeline.
  6. Short version is that he needs a Lawyer to handle his Asylum claim, does he have money or is this something you will be taking care of?
  7. It is very common for AR11's not to be properly processed, I am sure those reviewing ROC know this.
  8. Form I-131, Application for Travel Document, if you are applying for humanitarian parole; That is what the Fee Waiver form says. You were not applying for HP.
  9. Tax obligation and income requirements are separate issues Lets say somebody graduated from MIT and is now on $200k but previously was earning nothing as they were a student - awesome.They still need to have showed they filed taxes or did not have to, usually easier just to have filed.
  10. Tax returns yes but they do not need to show qualifying income, now his job does.
  11. This is really weird, why is he messing around with adoption and ignoring their immigration status. I can think of a few things that might be complicating factors so I suggest he gets competent legal advice.
  12. Sounds very much as we thought, my money would be on the lawyer being a notario.
  13. Seems like there is no overlap, so you have to make sure you use the right one
  14. There did used to be a Turkey plant in Longmont, but that closed a long time ago. I grew up on lamb but hard to find and expensive Now a lot in Construction and Hotel/Restaurant that I will give you.
  15. Pretty sure there are no chicken slaughterhouses in Denver. Looks like Joe is ramping things up to a 100,000 a week, so a lot more slaugterhouses will be needed.
  16. I have my doubts that there will be an issure retaining LPR status. But assuming LPR status is not jepodized that certainly does not equate to meeting the requirements for Citizenship. You have the 90 day requirement just to start.
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