I did not get that from the article, my issue I think focused on the need to socialise men, which I assume means shame men to 'stand up'.
The article focuses on Boss Babes and Hypergamy without mentioning either. No mention of the high risks involved in freezing, or the possible medical issues if successful.
It come across as delusional, Seems older men are out of the equation, 50 is mentioned.
So the requirements are somebody of the same educational standing, the same income level, same sort of age, well really higher education and income.
So a man c40, with that CV has options, if he wants children how likely is he going to be interested in a similar age woman with frozen eggs? After all the number of men in this category is tiny. I am sure there are the usual list of other requirements. Add it all up and they are looking for the proverbial Unicorn.
How could you do a study, write an article have it published without a single input from a male, who could have set them straight in a couple of minutes?
Life choices have consequences, now if this had been an article discussing that fair enough.