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K-9 Visa

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About K-9 Visa

  • Birthday 04/05/1962

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. The statute says "receipt of documents." An interview is not a document.
  2. Embassies are part of the State Department, you meant that the National Visa Center (NVC) is different from the embassies. The FAM section is written for consular officers, i.e., the section is reminding embassies that are covered by the 30-day policy.
  3. I filed a I-134a parole application for my lovely Cuban fiancée January 14, 2023, or five days after applications opened. In July, 2024 I sued the DHS and three weeks later her I-134a parole was approved. Coincidence, I'm sure. 🙂 The DHS never issued her an ATA so she interviewed for her K-1 visa two weeks ago, but that's another story. My question is, how did DHS choose I-134a parole immigrants? Selection wasn't chronological, or we would have been selected in early 2023. Same with a lottery, we should have been selected long ago. And DHS wasn't picking immigrants who had a K-1 visa application pending. I might file an FOIA request asking this question. If no one can answer this question here, I'll cross-post this question in the Caribbean forum.
  4. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-106publ113/html/PLAW-106publ113.htm (The Immigration and Naturalization Service is now the Department of Homeland Security.) https://fam.state.gov/FAM/09FAM/09FAM050407.html#M504_7_2 The Department of Homeland Security sent our K-1 visa application to the State Department April 26. On November 29 I received an email with a January 15 interview date at the Havana embassy. That's six or eight months, depending on your definition of "processing." (The Foreign Affairs Manual seems to say that the interview should be within 30 days.) Was our experience compliant with the statute? Do other embassies interview K-1 fiancé(e)'s within 30 days?
  5. I bought Nolo Press's "Fiance and Marriage Visa." It says that if your income is below the federal poverty line, you can show assets to make up the difference. I will have to show $9,000 of assets. That's more than my 2005 Subaru Outback is worth so I'll have to list my house. 🙂 No co-sponsor needed.
  6. My income isn't sufficient to sponsor my fiancee's K1 visa. Can my brother co-sponsor her? Do I bring two I-134 forms to the interview? I don't see anywhere on I-134 for a second sponsor. Google's AI Overview says: Q14 (page 6) has space for five individuals to list their income but says: That doesn't say "yourself, your co-sponsor(s), your pets that weigh more than 25 pounds, the homeless roommate from college who sometimes sleeps on your couch, and any other dependents." The I-134i instructions don't say anything about Q14, other than talking about income from illegal activities. My best guess is to put my brother in Q14, then in Part 8 add a note: and his signature, date, phone number, and email.
  7. My beautiful fiancee heard from a friend who heard from her mother who heard from an immigration attorney that the USCIS has stopped issuing Advance Travel Authorizations until after the election. Is this true? Almost two months ago the USCIS said that we would receive our ATA within three weeks.
  8. The USCIS approved our I-134A July 26. Three and a half weeks ago they notified us that they would approve our ATA in three weeks, at most. Is there anything we can do to get them to issue the ATA?
  9. The USCIS approved our I-134A July 26 and says that they will issue my fiancee's ATA soon. I'll book her flight on American Airlines from Santiago de Cuba to Miami, she says there's no need for me to fly to Cuba to get her. Where do I meet her in the Miami airport? Does she go through the immigration line like everyone else and come out with everyone else, or does she go to the immigration office and come out someplace else? How much time should I plan between flights?
  10. We met in 2019 and filed for a K-1. We've been waiting more than four years. I filed the 134a on January 17.
  11. We filed our K-1 application August 9, 2022. The CSC is now processing August 17, 2022. When should we start to panic if we don't hear anything from the CSC?
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