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Posts posted by tybeau

  1. I've been lurking on this thread for a while, as my fiance lives in Canada and will be going to Montreal for her interview. We submitted her Packet 3 at the end of May, so we thought no way we would get an interview until August/September. Well today, on the off chance a miracle might happen, I called DOS to inquire as to the status. I was floored...as we have an interview July 29!!! I'll be outside tonight doing the Happy Dance of Joy. :dance:

  2. Quick question....My fiance got her Packet 3 today...in it all they are requiring to be sent back is the DS-230 Part 1 and the checklist. We've already done the DS-160....but it doesn't specify if we are to send a copy of that at this time. Also, they sent a copy of the DS-156K form....but no where in the instructions does it mention that. So....all we need to send in is the DS-230 Part 1 and the checklist, and then begin the agonizing wait? Thanks.

    You did the DS 160 online right? That's all you need to do! Just keep the copy of the form and the confirmation page and bring them to the interview. You will need to fill in the DS 156K and bring it to the interview later as well. Just the DS 230 Pt. 1 and the checklist need to be sent back, then the waiting begins!! Good luck! :)

    Thank you very much....lets hope that Montreal speeds things up a LOT.

    She's going nuts up there living with her parents. lol.

  3. Quick question....My fiance got her Packet 3 today...in it all they are requiring to be sent back is the DS-230 Part 1 and the checklist. We've already done the DS-160....but it doesn't specify if we are to send a copy of that at this time. Also, they sent a copy of the DS-156K form....but no where in the instructions does it mention that. So....all we need to send in is the DS-230 Part 1 and the checklist, and then begin the agonizing wait? Thanks.

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