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Posts posted by baron555

  1. Hi everybody,

    My Fiance tried to enter US through ESTA Visa, but immigration at SFO denied her visit to the US.

    So I am about to file CR-1 or K-1 visa, and end up thinking K-1 would be quickest on to be together.

    But since she has record of being denied, is there risk of getting her K-a visa approval denied as well?

    Hardly. She wasn't denied, just turned away. There is no 100% guarantee even with ESTA and VWP.

  2. Hi,

    My fiance is Canadian and I am American. We have recently been approved for our K1 but have not received information for interviews yet.

    Our concern is:

    He works for the Canadian government and is able to continue working there even afree maintaining residency in America. We want to understand that after he moves here and the 90 days starts... can he continue to drive over into Canada to work and then back to the US?

    No, not until he has his AP or GC in hand.

    And that after we marry and are awaiting the advanced parole / adjustment that he would he able to travel for work and back here as well?

    Nope, won't be allowed back into the US without the AP or GC.

  3. So I am trying to think of this that my fiance can do while I am away at work during her first 3 months in the US while waiting for her to get approved for employment status. Luckily this will only be 9 hours per day...but still that adds up. Being alone all day, in a strange country, away from all family

    Set her up with Skype and an international calling card.

    , and no "normal" comfort foods has to be stressful.

    Buy her the ingredients to cook for herself.

    Obviously she can explore the city and go sightseeing...but I doubt that will be much fun alone, plus could be scary.

    Correct, stay at home and tend to the garden.

    I was thinking she can study some more on her English skills, talk to her family, look at what interests her for jobs, work on Resume and learn US history for Naturalization. While all that is more than enough to keep her busy for 3 months I would have to imagine that being unemployed for 3 months would make me stir crazy and I would need a break from all of that.

    Need more home projects.

    So if you have any other ideas that would be positive things to keep her focused and not isolated...would be greatly appreciated.

    She can talk with my wife if she wants. My wife has Russian friends all over the US that she keeps in constant contact with.

    Thanks for the beneficial replies.

    Actually she is not here yet, I just want to get things in order before she gets here. If it were up to her, she would get a job the first week. She has a few college degrees and really wants to put them to good use.

    Maybe. Do some homework on what qualifying credits she would have for those foreign degrees....many times additional courses are required to have them be valid in the US.

    I will have to check the local CC to see what they have for Eng classes. She actually has fantastic Eng skills, but the overachiever in her wants to be perfect. :)

    Sadly we do not have that awesome of a public transport system, so that makes it more challenging for her to get around.

  4. Hello, I am about to submit my K-1 petition to bring my fiance here and marry him. He has a son that will stay with the mother for the time being, but we would like him to be able to come and visit whenever possible. It is also possible that he might come to the USA for high school, but that wont happen for a few years.

    -If I petition for the K2 visa will he have to come here within the year,


    or can he come later, like in 4 years?

    Not on a K-2 visa.

    -Does he have to become a resident in the USA?


    -Is there a better visa that he might be able to get? My fiance was denied a tourist visa twice so I think that his son will also be denied a tourist visa.

    Nothing else.

  5. My Fiance from the Philippines has been offered an opportunity to go to the UK to work at the UK headquarters for 9 months. Thing is, I've already submitted the K-1 Visa petition... and was just wondering how this would affect the process?

    The work assignment will be for about 9 months,... If she is in the UK for work when she is finally aproved for her Visa interview... how would that work? Would she be able to simply go to the US embassy in the UK for the interview?

    The Manila Embassy would have to send the case to London. Yes, if she is legally living in the UK, she could go to the London US Embassy. You'd have to email both.

    Would She be able to file for an extension, and simply attend the interview when she gets back to the Philippines? Or to put simply... would we simply have to cancel the petition?

    Nothing to file for. The K-1 visa has a validity period of 6 months after her medical. In many instances, Embassies will extend the 6 month period. You'd inquire with the Embassy after the visa is issued.

    If we did cancel the petition, and tried again at a later date... would that make it much harder to be approved?

    No, but you'd have to go through the entire process (and time waiting) all over again. No need to cancel.

    My Fiance has told me, that if this work travel opportunity jeopardizes our Fiance visa process.. then she will have to decline. We just want to know what our options are....

    Your call.

  6. Hello all,

    I wonder how many days it takes for the consulate to proceed and send out your documents (passport and visa) after your interview ?

    One week to one year!! Usually a week or two.

    What would it contain? Just the passport or there will be something else too?!

    The passport with the K-1 Visa attached to one of the pages and the Sealed large envelope that you give the CBP officer at POE.

    Thanks in advance !

  7. Hello

    I am sorry if this is covered in an old post but I could not find anything.

    I am a US citizen and my girlfriend is Thai. We met 5 months back in October 2015 - when I visited Thailand and we like each other a lot. We have been chatting and talking over the phone everyday since. We visited many places in Thailand together. She does not have a full time job in Thailand. She lives with her parents mostly and does part time work at some store.

    So I wanted her to visit me for 2 weeks in US so that I can show her around and decide if we are both OK with being with each other. The US embassy in Bangkok denied her visa twice citing reason that she does not have strong ties with Thailand. Is this fair ? I never intend for her to break the law and wanted her to go back after her duration of stay.

    In our paperwork for tourist visa first time she said I am her friend and got declined. Then second time she said boyfriend and that got declined too :(

    So question is if I apply now for a K-1 Visa - will it get declined because her B-2 visa was declined ?

    No affect at all.

    We are very stressed due to this. I feel they treated her unfairly. Is being from Thailand a factor ?

    Chill......They did not treat her unfairly......No to Thai factor.

    I want to see her more and I feel she needs to see me more before marrying. 5 month is not a long time. We do love each other. Is the K-1 Visa right for us ? I really appreciate any suggestion in this stressful period

    Maybe you have doubts? The K-1 is not a let's get to know each other visa. Your mutual plans for marriage should be solid prior to filing for it.

    Then again don't look at our case as an example of that...we both filed when we had only knew each other for three months...and we only met in person once for 10 days.

    We both went into the whole affair with honesty and understanding and with the agreement that at any time either could call the whole thing off with no ill feelings, even after they arrived in the US.

    We have been together for 6 years now and agree that our initial feelings about the relationship and it's potential for great success were correct.

    Has it been easy? Nope, but we never hold a grudge, easily pass off emotions and never bring it into the bedroom.

  8. Ok experts,

    My Fiancee had her interview yesterday and was approved within 5 minutes of final interview. I attended the interview with her and consular only asked her a few questions, hers and my name, birth date, where we met, my favorite place in Philippines, how many times I visited, how far along she was in her pregnancy. He then told me he appreciated that I attended her interview with her and he could see our relationship was genuine.

    He then said we were approved and to go to Releasing were they told us she would receive her visa in 4-5 days. We were never asked at pre-screen or final interview for the I-134 Affidavit of support even though she had it out sitting right in front of her. They never asked to see any pictures or show any proof of relationship. However, the only thing I could think of why they didn't because we had three binder's and one photo album sitting on counter were they could see.

    Now I'm concerned about possible K-1 Visa issuing delay because they will ask for the I-134 Affidavit of support before issuing.

    • #1 Ok experts what's your opinion???

    Congrats, you're approved. The CO told you why they approved you so quickly (and without the need for the other documents) that was because you attended and how you two answered the questions and probably interacted with each other.

    Chill and plan for the move and new life in the US!

  9. The procedure we did on filing the petition form is quite different from the usual i guess.

    On January 26,2016 the USCIS received the Form I-129f (only) sent by my fiance and after a week we received the NOA 1. Last month I saw this visajourney site and i got concerned if we did the right thing that we first sent in the petition form only without the required documents. After having seen the list of documents needed, we then completed them right away and on March 1, we sent in all the requirements with the receipt of payment for the petition.

    On March 6 my fiance got the return receipt from Dallas Lockbox.

    My questions are if what we did was alright?

    Maybe.....if they are savvy enough to be able to match the second group with the first. Or, your petition may be rejected and you'd have to refile. Your error not theirs.

    And how long will it take for me to receive the NOA 2?

    Plan for 10 months be happy with 5.

    Thank you so much!

  10. My petition for the K1 has been approved, and we are about to schedule his interview, but some Egyptian attorneys have told him

    Why are Egyptian attorneys involved? There is no need for them.

    that he may encounter problems when he tries to leave Egypt with the fiancé visa stamped in his passport, because the visa will show my full name, making it obvious that he is emigrating to marry another guy.

    By whom? Airport personnel? For sure not at POE here in the States.

    Does anyone know of any Egyptian same-sex K1 holders who have left Egypt with no problems?


  11. So, I have pretty much everything together now, after waiting 16 days to receive my Fiancee's signed letter of intent, G-325a and passport photo. I am just gathering last minute info to add. I think I have enough for evidence of meeting in the last 2 years, I am including his emails for flights (he doesn't have his boarding passes) and scans of my boarding passes (though these only have the month and date, not year) and some emails also. I'll also have some pictures of us together, I have a picture of him with my nieces (though none of me with his family as I tend to be the one behind the camera) so I think I'll be ok there. Do you think it's necessary to also include scans of my passport?

    Stamps in passports are primary evidence.

    I figure it might not hurt, it'll show my travel stamps and it's another form of ID along with my birth certificate anyway.

    Not needed, BC yes.

    I am just a little worried about evidence of ongoing relationship. I know that this is not used by USCIS, but I am trying to frontload some information for the embassy. My problem is that I don't have much information. We mainly videochat on skype.

    Then stop that and purposefully generate different kinds of communication that you can print out to show what you talk about. Content is key.

    I have 177 pages worth of skype call logs, in which I was just going to print out about 10 random pages of it. I don't really have actual chat logs. In the beginning I didn't save them because I didn't think I'd ever need them, and now we just video chat. I have some screen shots from Facebook that I am printing out that show some milestones in our relationship and some posts about visits. Will this be enough? I don't really know what else I can do at this point.

    Not needed to the petition filing. Generate different kinds for use at the interview. You'll have many months to do this.

    He will have his interview at the Vienna, Austria embassy, I don't think they get very many applicants, so I'm hoping that's not a difficult embassy. I really have no insight on that.

    Easy Embassy.

    I think my packet will be pretty solid otherwise, I've been through all the guides, I've proofread it many times and am going to have someone else check it to make sure I didn't miss anything.

    I'm just a natural worrier and I'm stressing so much about this!

    Chill, you'll be fine.

  12. Hi! I just had one question regarding the passport photo that's required for the petition before the K1 Visa application.

    My fiancee and I took photographs about a month ago because we were planning on sending the petition at that time. Well, after doing the math we realized it would be better if we waited a month. We want to send in the petition now, but we realize that on the petition it says that it needs a very recent passport photograph.

    Can we still use the one we took around a month ago or does it need to be even more recent? Can they even tell? Do we need to take new photos?


    Sure as long as your appearances remain the same.

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