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Posts posted by baron555

  1. Hello, Everyone :)

    I recently submitted (2/1/2016) a K-1 Visa application for my fiancé who is a citizen of Russia.

    Would any other gay couples with a beneficiary from Russia be willing to share their experience of the K-1 visa process with me? Specifically, I am wondering about the level of respect shown to gay couples throughout the process.

    From the US side, reasonable respect should be expected. From the RU side, we all know that government's stance.

    Additionally, do beneficiaries always interact with U.S. citizen authorities (i.e., doctors (RU medical folks at the medical) and interviewers (are USCs)) or were there instances where the beneficiary had to disclose his/her sexual orientation to a non-American (e.g., a Russian doctor sanctioned to perform exams for K-1 purposes).

    Maybe, don't know what kind of questions are asked at the medical.

    I would like to prepare my fiancé regarding how to be as safe and prudent as possible in light Russian culture and law.

    Yes, be careful but strong.

  2. My fiancee received her visa today! She is going to be coming to the US on Feb. 9. We were wondering, do people usually bring a copy of their medical history with them?

    Sure, why not.

    Or should the paperwork that was given by the medical exam be enough?

    Yes, at a minimum, you'll need those for AOS.

    Also, at the port of entry, I read somewhere that she could request work authorization from the immigration officer. Can this be requested, and if so, would filing an I-765 be unnecessary?

    Back in the day, many years ago, this was possible. These days, NADA..

  3. Most of our ongoing communication consists of FaceTime video sessions or Skype video sessions and messaging on Facebook.

    Would the skype/FaceTime logs (showing date/time elapsed stamp) suffice

    These only show you talked about something. You have to convince a total stranger, the Embassy CO, that you have a legitimate relationship. Records of talking do nothing towards this end; you need to provide evidence of what you talked about. Content is key, not quantity. Does this make sense?

    as well as printing out messages from Facebook?

    Great as long as you talked about serious stuff relative to your relationship. Most relationships follow a regular evolution. Your evidences, when all put together, should tell your story.

    We don't really have time to email and I can't afford international calls.

    Not to be blunt, then you aren't that serious about immigrating to the US and becoming married and live together? Emails are the best because you can talk about a lot and have printed evidence of what you talked about..

    So, the evolution stuff, first there is the getting to know you phase, then more discussion about your goals and desires, then talk of a more intimate nature (lovey-dovey stuff should be included since couples that plan to get married and live together do that), then talk about meeting in person, then talk of the visa process, then talk about moving to the US, then talk about living in the the US and planning that new life together. If you can show snippets of each of the stages, that speaks about the nature of your relationship.

  4. I have seen few replies to this question here but they were dated some time ago. Has anyone gotten a request for more info/redo

    due to a passport photo being too small for the G-325a form. The passport photo I miraculously received from my beneficiary is quite small

    ]in comparison to the 2x2, but the face is just BARELY an inch....

    I have heard conflicting things.....US passport have to have the correct sized face and overall size of 2x2

    But the K-1 stipulations seem to say only the face size....at this point by the time I get another one from Rural rural Brazil,

    I may as well file and see what happens????

    Any feedback.

    Yes RFEs are seen all the time for incorrect photos. You really should get a new one.

  5. I have one month to go but now I'm getting very hesitant and having second thoughts.

    Uh oh!

    I'm the kind of person who likes to know all the worst possible scenarios before I go through with something, just so that I am prepared. What I'd like to know is what will happen if I don't use my visa. Will it affect my future trips to the US if I don't use the visa,

    You don't have a choice. When you try to enter the US next, they will use the K-1 visa.

    if for example I don't take that flight and the visa expires,

    Then you are back to like before. It would be best to contact the Embassy and have them officially cancel the visa. That way they can update their computers.

    or if I go there, don't get married and come home again soon after, within the 90 days?

    You can do that.

    Or if we simply break up and I want to visit the US a year or two or ten from now, what will happen?

    They will see that you had a valid K-1 visa, so there was past immigration intent because of it. You might face additional scrutiny when trying to enter the US again due to that. Worst case, you will be denied at the border and sent back, or if trying to apply for a different visa, be denied that. Or nothing at all could be a problem in the future.

    What if I then eventually meet a different US citizen and we want to get married, am I out of chances?

    That happens, but this visa should be officially canceled first. Don't just let it expire and think your free.

    Will I default back to a B2 visa or ESTA?

    Maybe yes and maybe no.

    Worst of all, what if we do get married and then divorce? I know I'd have to leave, but what would happen if I came back, to visit or through another visa, in future?

    Maybe yes and maybe no.

    I truly love her and I do think about being married and having a family with her, but I do have these second thought too.

    You two should discuss this together.

    Please, help me at least know the possible pitfalls in the scenarios I described above.

    Officially cancelling this visa gives you the best options in the future. It's natural to be scared, especially for the immigrant, but it's not like your culture is so radically different then life in the US. This will be one of many challenges to your relationship. If it is strong, you two together can forge ahead. Many relationships become stronger due to it. Some also can not weather the challenge and the relationship fails.

  6. After reading a closely related post, it raised a question in my mind. One of the comments mentioned two sentences were fine.

    My GF and I were introduced by our respective mutual friends. on Dec 21st, 2015, my friend gave me her phone number via Viber. I then contacted her via Viber and we established an on-line dialog leading to our first physical meeting on 3 January 2016.

    Do I need to provide the details of the physical meeting here as well? Yes, you only need to describe one meeting in person, not how you first met. That is for the interview.

    Is this all I need for 34.a? Do I need the one page detailed explanation. Yes but two sentences are all that is needed, not a novel. The size of the box on the form is indicative of the answer they expect.

    Without screenshots from Viber, the prose will be about the same.

    Does USCIS care about the additional background explaining that she is a friend of a friend of a friend and proof from Viber? Even if how we met goes over the recommendation of no more than one type written page.

    Nope, they do not care, only that you met in person once. The relationship stuff is for the interview.

    Have you guys only known each other for just over a month? USCIS may find it suspicious that you are engaged so quickly.

    Wrong.....USCIS only wants to know when you met in person. Relationship stuff is for the interview.

  7. Makes me wonder if you don't have a sig on the form and no passport pics for your foreign fiancé, send this in with your I-129f form in case the yahoo that looks at it isn't aware of this policy, they can't give you an RFE for it, right?

    Theoretically, but if I was adjucating your case and found out you called me a Yahoo, no telling what accident could happen to your paperwork. International immigration to the US is a privledge, not a right.

    wouldn't cut off the hand that is trying to feed you.

  8. Everything above the meeting description is perfect. They want to know about the basic details of when you met in person, one time. Two sentences should cover that.

    You can though include the long winded description of your relationship's beginning on another page titled Beginning of Our Relationship which will serve to front-load the package with this information that is only needed at the interview.

  9. Hello. Quick question here.

    A father (k1 beneficiary) will be traveling with his daughter (k2) to USA pretty soon. The father plans to marry a US citizen, and she will be petitioning for the child as well.

    The father shares custody with the mother (yes, they're divorced.) The mother has no problem at all that her daughter will be moving to USA with her dad and starting a new life with dad's new wife.

    So, will mother need to sign a consent from with an attorney in Mexico in order to 'officially' give consent to her daughter to go and live in the USA?

    Yes, just needs to be notarized.

    If so, I'm assuming she needs to do that NOW, since father and daughter will have their interview next month for the K visa.

    Oh yes.

    Can you mention what the letter specifically would need to contain so that the Consulate is satisfied to grant the K2 visa?

    I PARENT NAME hereby allow CHILD NAME to immigrate to the United States of America and to permanently reside there. I also allow CHILD NAME to return to my country to visit and then return to the USA.

  10. Hello all.

    So, my girlfriend and I decided to get married this year. We decided to do the K1 (Fiance) visa.

    A few years back I applied for a Visitors Visa and was denied as well as bared for 10 yrs. This was because I was illegally present in the US for over a year. I left voluntarily and was never deported. They gave me a paper that said I could apply again after Sep. 2015. For the life of me I can't find that document.

    Will this be an issue when applying for K1 visa?

    Yes, the petitioner will want to write a letter requesting a waiver of the ban and include that in the 129f petition package.

    Is it possible to check what my status is? I really want to make sure my bar has been lifted.

    Email the Embassy?

    Also, if our K1 visa application is denied can we try again the next year?

    Thank you all for your help.

  11. Hi, I just came on to this forum hoping someone could help me! I am hoping to file the K1 visa for my Peruvian fiance in about a week.

    -Are statements of intent to marry required from both of us? Or can I just write one for myself? Both, Follow the Guides. They have been compiled from all the successful journeys to date.

    -my fiancé doesn't speak English...so if he does need to make an intent to marry, can he just sign a general one?

    You draft the letter in English and have them sign at the bottom.

    Just wondering if there's any way to avoid finding/paying an official translator. :/ It should be in English.

    -He obviously lives in Peru...so what do I do about his signatures? Can he just sign and fax paperwork back to me? Or is a photocopied signature a no-no? Original signature is best.

    -will him not speaking English hurt our chances of being approved? He's planning on starting to study in about a month.... No, how do you communicate if he doesn't speak English?

  12. My fiance's mom has been ill and he has had to take care of her. Long story short our K1 is expiring soon and we need more time.

    1. What do we do to request additional time? Email the Embassy.

    2. How much time is given? About 4 months

    3. Do the requests vary by country? Yes

    4. Does he need to resubmit his passport to get the updated K1? Yes

    5. Do we need to supply any other additional documentation? No but the Embassy will tell you.

  13. Does anyone have information regarding a K1 being held up for DNA testing on a K2 applicant? I am very lost, my fiance was approved for his K1 on 12/11/15, he was told he needed to bring back the birth certificate for his minor child before his visa would be issued. He did and was scheduled for a follow up yesterday 1/26/16. When he went the advised him that they are requesting DNA for his K2 applicant who we clearly state will not be traveling with him at this time. The child is 14 and may not join us in the US, she is undecided if she will stay with her mother. The only reason there is a K2 on file for her is because US law mandates we list her on the I-129F petition for fiance visa.

    No, you must have listed the child on the DS-160 (or is it the DS-260?) online form that was completed prior to the interview. It is there that you list which children are to receive a K-2. You list ALL children on the 129f form, regardless of age or immigration intent.

    We are willing to do the DNA testing but why are they not issuing his visa until this is done?

    If you listed them as To Follow (meaning come to the US after the parent immigrate here), then no visa would be being issued at this time. You must have listed them as To Join (the parent in immigrating to the US).

    It is expensive and will cost us about 6-8 weeks, please help...I am trying to plan a wedding here and this is turning into a nightmare. Why can't DNA be done once he is here and we are ready to bring her? I don't understand. This is in Kingston Jamaica.

    I don't understand also. Something is not adding up. Please explain to us.

  14. I have a question about what you do and do not need to submit with the I-134.

    The directions for the form list including letters from your bank and employer.

    I read things to the contrary such as..."If you qualify on income alone then a tax transcript for at least the most recent tax year and a recent letter from your employer. That's all. Nothing else is needed in the majority of cases. You don't need bank statements unless you're using assets to qualify or you're self-employed."

    If I qualify on income alone, are we good with only the following...

    1. Letter from employer Yes

    2. Most recent W-2s (or even the past 3-4 yrs worth) No, need a copy of your complete tax return filing, all copies of all forms which will include the W2. Better yet, the free IRS tax transcripts for those years.

    ?? Copies of a few recent pay summaries or pay stubs.

    Thank you!

  15. Hello, does anyone know if a letter of consent from the other parent is mandatory or required to show on the day of the interview? My problem is that my ex-husband will not consent for me taking our 2 children to live abroad as he is facing a custodial sentence in February in a Crown Court for domestic violence, stalking and harassment. Will the embassy still ask me for a letter from him even if he's in prison? I can not provide this due to bail conditions/restraining order that he is not allowed to have any contact with me either directly or indirectly. Will a written evidence (court letter) confirming his custodial sentence be enough reason for me not providing a consent letter from him?

    Please help. Thank you.

    Email the Embassy and ask... THEY are the ones who know what they will want.

    Many folks, it seems, are very reluctant to ask the Embassy. Maybe they worry that their case will be highlighted. That is not the case. They are there to help you. Ask them.

    Usually the letter is required, but your case is unique.

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