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Posts posted by baron555

  1. Hello all,

    I am currently preparing to file for I-129F. While gathering documents and filling out forms I have a question in regards to my mailing address.

    I will be moving to a new address within a month or two, so when I fill in the mailing address, I should fill in the NEW address, is that correct?

    If you know it, sure.

    But the new address is not the same as my Driver's License, does that matter?

    So, your DL is not involved.

    Also another similar question. My Fiance is also moving to a new address within two months or three(in China). But she has not found a new place yet so she does not have the new address, can she put the address of close by family member?


    I am asking because in case the USCIS or the embassy mail things it will be the right addresses used. And Chinese addresses are hard to translate to English, when I fill out forms, all my fiance's addresses needs to be in English right?

    I wrote my wife's address in both English and Cyrllic letters.

  2. Hi! My fiancé and I are reviewing everything before we send the package out. We are a bit unsure about some items:

    1. G-325A - My fiancé received my signed fom in California 2 weeks ago. I left items which are not applicable BLANK. I read that I should write N/A or None and should not leave any blank boxes.

    That depends. Leaving a box blank my be the best answer. For example, if one has no middle name, if you write None, then you are telling them your middle name is None.

    Can he write N/A and None in the boxes I missed? Can we pass a mixed printed and handwritten form?


    Or I'll just make him write everything down since I also sent a blank, signed form?

    2. PROOF OF RELATIONSHIP: Ours is 135pages of photos, travel documents and conversations in different platforms. Is it too much?

    Too much, pity the poor adjucator, I hope they don't throw our their back trying to lift your file. Pare it down to about 20 pages.

    Also, we printed the pictures in bond paper and typed the date and location of every picture.


    Does he have to affix his alien number and signature in the papers?

    No, how does he have an alien number at this time?

  3. I applied for a K-1 Visa for my fiancée and thanks to the good advice on this site everything has gone quickly and smoothly so far. She'll have her interview at the Embassy in about a month or so and if all goes as planned she should be here in the U.S. before too much longer.

    In addition to taking on my family name after marriage, she is also considering to change her given/first name. My question is what would be the most convenient time in the process for her to do so? Immediately after our marriage? I appreciate any advice you may have to offer.

    Before AOS

  4. 1. The biggest worry most people have (when meeting online) is 'failure to prove bona-fide relationship'. This is why - above all else - I am trying to have a few trips under our belts before we go for a finance/marriage visa in the future. I've searched this site a bit - and it seems having my passport stamped a few times first in the 'past 2 years' is one of the most important things I can possibly have to "prove our relationship".

    Mere meeting in person does not prove a legitimate relationship. It is what you talk about and the content of those conversations. They should be relationship related, not about the weather or the latest game.

    - But how can we IMPROVE on this, to make 100% sure the consulate knows we're for real? Yes, of course we will prepare for the questions... but I really want to know what else we can do in my next visit or two to have no hiccups? For example:

    - We took lots of photos together, at various places and with her friends/family - but with our cellphones. Is this a problem in 2016 (our era of cellphones)... Are printed digital pictures a problem or fine (as opposed to camera film).

    Great but photos are secondary evidence. Generate all sorts of evidences. Emails are perfect. Digital photos are fine.

    - I saved my first flight tickets (and believe I can print my itinerary from the Delta site if needed). I will be sure to do this for ALL flights...

    Fine, but the passport stamps are best.

    - And of course (non-trip related): We emailed over a year (first year), which turned into Viber every day, Skype everyday... Could definitely use advice on where to go with this (will it be enough if printed; should we email instead etc).

    IMO, yes email is best.

    *Important: I spoke with a Visa lawyer

    Sri for you.

    and he casually said "we're close in age and have that visit... if we apply for the finance visa this summer (my second visit), we should already be fine).


    But based on how expensive the process is - I have NO problem visiting a few times first to have my passport stamped first and any other advice you guys can give.

    We only visited once.

    We are 100% in love and going strong, and in person it was everything we hoped for!

    Love has nothing to do with proving a legitimate relationship. Content is key.

    Like many people, I have a job and can't take MONTHS of work off at a time...

    Me too.

    I was lucky to even get two full weeks off of work (which is the duration I will go each time; two weeks). Is the consulate good/understanding about these time frames?

    Yes, content is key.


  5. Hello guys, I am new here so I am sorry if I repeat questions that have already been answered before.

    I have been doing some research and going to apply next month for the K1 Visa. I have one question regarding the form G325A: I stayed in the US for 11 months on a tourist visa (6 months + 6 months extension approved by the immigration). I wasn't actually a resident once I was on a tourist Visa and my question is if I shoud mention the addresses (2) I stayed in on the form to answer the question Applicant's residence last five years. I kept my residence address in Brazil and came back in October 2014 to the same place, lived there from 2008 to December 2015.

    I have no problem with the American addresses I stayed in, just wanted to know what to do.


    They want addresses of permanent residences....not where you went on vacation.

  6. So, I sent off the I-129F package a couple weeks ago and received the confirmation email last week, stating that it's been forwarded to the appropriate Service Center. I listed my fiance as the K-1 beneficiary and also listed her 1 year old child as a K-2.

    There is no such listing but yes her name will be as beneficiary and the child's name goes in the children section. You don't declare which child is to receive a K-2 until later when she fills out the online DS-160 or 260 form.

    It just now occurred to me that I may have needed to double the application fee amount since I'm actually petitioning for 2 immigrant visas (K-1 & K-2), but I only sent the required fee for the K-1 application.

    Wrong, only the one filing fee.

    Am I correct in thinking that I should have doubled the application fee?

    Nope, only the one fee.

    If so, I'm assuming the Service Center will take note of it and simply request me to send additional payment?

    They would if you had sent too little but you didn't.

  7. Hi all,

    I was wondering how long it takes for the embassy to issue my fiancee the K-1 visa? Is the visa issued right after the interview or is there a wait time for my fiancee to have her visa approved?

    Usually about one week....have seen it take a year (but only once!).

    And she has 90 days from the day of issuance to come to the U.S. to complete her marriage right?

    No, she has six months from the date of the medical to use the visa to enter the US. Once she enters, then you two have 90 days to get married.

  8. Hello all,

    sorry if this has been answered already. There is a lot to take in. I am engaged to a French girl. We have flown back and forth to see each other and we are very much in love and wish to be married. However, I am 18 years older then her!

    Will this be a red flag?

    Nope, my wife and I have a 17 year difference and wasn't and hasn't been an issue.

    is there anything I can do ahead of time?

    Generate lots of different evidences of a legitimate relationship.

    Address the issue in a letter when sending the I-129F?

    Why draw attention to something that is none of anyone's business? You are both adults? You are free to live your lives as you see fit.

  9. 1) So my question is simple. Can I work while I wait to get married and then wait for my EAD?


    I know we need a work permit. A soldier told me that I may be able to do day labor, not sure what this means.

    You can do volunteer work.....work for free with no pay.

    2) Also, would gardening be allowed? Or helping other people in return for money?


    3) Am I allowed to work for a company located in my home country while I wait? Since I am in IT, I can do everything remotely.


    4) Can I keep earning money from AdSense? I guess this would be a yes.

    Nope, no money income at all.

    It is harsh that you have to save up a lot of money and then live off people for a few months.

    It's the rules. Get married first instead, file for the CR-1 visa which gives you working priviledges upon arrival. There is always another option.

  10. Hi everybody. Please help me. For filing I-129F, can I translate into English for myself documents sent to USCIS or I have to hire a licensed translator? If I have to use a licensed translator, can I use a translator in my fiancé country or I have to use a translator in US?

    Thank you very much for any help.

    You can if you are able.

  11. My K1 visa interview is Monday - Squeeeeeeeee! - but i am totally stressed thinking i have missed something. I have gone over the packets/letters/forum posts countless times so don't think i have but would greatly appreciate it if someone will give my checklist a once over. TIA

    K1 Checklist

    - Valid passport

    - Two (2) full color, 5x5 cm

    - Long-form/unabridged Birth Certificate(s)

    - Evidence of relationship

    - Call logs / Texts / Emails

    - Photos

    - Invoices – Wedding dress & Ring Do not include these. You shouldn't plan any wedding until the visa is in hand. It may look presumptuous on your part. Lose this.

    - Police Clearance

    - Divorce Decree

    - I-134

    - DS-160 confirmation page


    K2 Checklist

    - Valid passport

    - Two (2) full color, 5x5 cm

    - Long-form/unabridged Birth Certificate

    - Letter of Consent - Father

    - I-134

    - DS-160 confirmation page


    Other Documents Checklist

    - W2’s

    - Tax return

    - Bank Letter

    - Bank Statements

    - Work Letter

    - Pay Stubs

    - Letter of Intent – Fiancé

    - Letter of Intent – Fiancée

    - NOA 2

    - Appointment Letter

    Looks good except for one thing.

  12. Hey Guys.. Can anybody tell me what to do. Until now I don't have my GC. Well, we received a letter stated that my GC will be email on March 2nd this year. No require interview! It is possible?


    No interview they will gonna send it through mail?


    I really want to get this GC asap to get my SNN!

    Correct, if you don't get your SSN before your 90 day I-94 runs out, one needs to wait for the GC.

    It's almost a year now. Im so frustrated! My husband can't get his Tax Refund like $$$$. And we badly needed it.

    Why? You don't need a SSN to file his taxes. You could get a ITN number to enter onto the tax form.

    Ps. I did not get my SNN right after my arrival bc we are so confident that we can get it anytime, but then we found out we only have 21days. We're too late! SO now my GC is needed to get my SNN.

  13. Sorry, my mistake, yes, fiance.

    But, it is his child, no? The CO asking if he has any children is a valid question.

    The male is the beneficiary, He is not, yet, married to the petitioner, the female who is with child.

    IF the child is his, then yes an updated 129f form should be brought to the interview.

    However the child would not need a K-2 visa because it is already in the US.

  14. , the petitioner/his wife,

    Don't say that......his fiance' yes.

    is pregnant or just gave birth on so and so date.

    At the time of submission, you guys answered truthfully on the I129F and G325A, so it will not be a problem.

    He's not related to you so therefore your child has no bearing on his visa processing.

    Yes to the updated 134 form, since there will be another dependent and the household size will increase.

  15. Since he is the beneficiary (he was the one that has the interview), you, the petitioner, having a child is meaningless to his visa processing.

    On his 129f form, yes you would have listed all his children, but he has none. You filled out a G-325A form but it doesn't ask for information for children.

    So there is nothing to disclose....or hide.

  16. Hello, sorry if this is in the wrong section. Me and my fiancé were going to apply for a K-1 visa, but now we aren't sure which is better for us, fiance or marriage visa.

    (sponsor speaking now): I make about 19,000 per year and I can sponsor him, but my W-2 only shows 12,000 because I've only worked there since July of last year and it doesn't have an entire year's worth of salary on it. This is my first 'job' job and this is my first and only W-2 form. I do live alone and pay my own bills and I can support us both.

    Current income is key. Former students of those first working have the same issue and it is not a problem.

    We don't want to wait an entire year just to get another one to prove I will be making over 19,000USD this year. What do we do?

    No need to wait, file now.

    Should we still apply for K-1? Is there some way for me to explain this situation of only having 12K on the tax forms? (actually, we can't wait, because he will be serving mandatory military service in his country if we don't get approved for visa before next year).

    You can add an explanation letter, but again, there is no "must have been working for this amount of time" requirement.

  17. Does anyone know how often the case status is updated on the UCSIC site? I am waiting on a status update and I can not find an answer on how often the site is updated. I feel like I am on the site several times a day thinking its going to be updated, but there is never any changes. Thanks

    It's updated only when someone touches the case, moves the box that it is in and something else like that. Otherwise, nothing happens but you wait.

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