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Posts posted by baron555

  1. The N400 instructions only state that passport photos, copy of Green Card, current marriage document copy are all that is required to be included.


    Yet the VJ guides state to attach everything else, i.e. previous divorce decrees, spouse BC, proof of living together, etc. etc.


    What have others been including in the initial N400 filing?


    Have you been front loading with all the "other" documents or not?


    Tnx in advance,


  2. Try not to judge people without knowing all the facts!

    I only know what the OP has told us.

    And obviously, your circumstances were very different than what we know of the OP's. Did you front load your petition with your circumstances?

    And in the many years here in VJ, I can only recall a handful where the couple did not try to meet in person within a timely period after first meeting....except for those couple who knew each other beforehand.

    And what about sending money to someone you have never met in person? Know about that scam? I our part of the world it is a big no-no and big red flag that the petitioner is being scammed.

    So tone it down; I've offered detailed guidance to this couple as to what they could choose to do in the future if they decide to.

  3. i do believe the red flag is because 1 week is not enough


    and because he was married twice.


    The other red flags are that he sent you money and sent ring and asked you to marry him without ever meeting you in person. That is just not normal. Yes, in some countries, sending money is OK but in most it is not. Check with your regional forum to info regarding your specific Embassy. His reluctance to fly long distances is not a good reason to not visit with you. And yes you can meet in another country.

    Nothing was asked about religion or age different or anything like that before i get denied under 221 (g).

    Not the reason.

    Our next step is to get him down here to spend at least another week or 2,

    Or more.

    and then perhaps get another appointment but this time he will come with me to the embassy.

    Probably won't happen, but not harm in trying.

    From the evidence's that you say you sent with the petition, they are all good for the meeting in person requirement but say nothing about the relationship.

    How do you communicate? What do you talk about? Hopefully serious relationship stuff (plus some lovey dovey stuff since two people intending to marry do that).

    Yes to make a timeline of your relationship. Most follow a normal evolution, getting to know you, then more serious talk, then (the norm) talk and planning on the meeting in person, then talk of marriage, then talk of the visa process , then talk of moving to the US, then talk of planning for the new life in the US (especially the upbringing of the child). You should have evidences of all of these phases. Content is key, not quantity.

    If you communicate in such a means that you have no written proof of these discussions, then stop that and use something that allows saving of the content. A combination of all mediums is best. Emails, letters, Skype video snapshots, etc.

    And whatever pch1 saying is pretty much make sense as well, because to be honest, i dont want him to have to convert down here just because he wants to marry me because religion is not an issue in the first place.

    Religion was not a factor.

    I read some of the feedback too that the evidences that was gathered need to be presented in a proper manner with cover page

    That is best. A short 1-3 page narrative of the evolution of your relationship, outlining the steps mentioned above and then referencing accompanying evidences to support each step helps.

    and also a letter of statement from both of us saying that we intend to get married after 90 days of arrival in USA. which we dont have it in the first place,

    You were supposed to have those for the interview. Read the Guides.

    but they did made me sign a statement of it when i went for the interview the other day.

    OK, if that is how your Embassy does that.

  4. and yes we do have a very compelling reason, not everyone is in a very comfortable enough to travel right away, i am thankful for your advise on what could be the reasons we got denied in the first place, but i dont appreciate for you to judge us by saying such thing that we are not serious about our relationship. everyone sail in their own boat, making judgemental statement like that is not really appreciated. I came here to ask for an advise what to do and what not to do, not to be judged by being told that we're not serious about our relationship.

    Sri to offend you; that wasn't my intent.......but.......if your ultimate goal is to get together, become married and stay together, somewhere, then all your actions prior to that should give compelling evidence that is your intent.

    Again, it is a big cardinal sin to send someone money that you haven't met in person. Lots of scams with that. The CO may just be trying to defend the petitioner.

    And agreeing to become married to someone without every meeting them in person is just not the norm.

    Did you guys front load the petition? Did you include evidences on why you didn't meet in person earlier in the relationship? Waiting three years to meet in person is a long time.

    Your relationship just doesn't fit the normal model and the CO couldn't be convinced that it could be legitimate.

    So you need to work on that. I don't doubt your sincerity and love but that does not factor at all in this. Only the facts.

  5. hi merrytooth, yes he does sent me money regularly but not really like a big amount every now and then, it probably for something like to buy my daughter a presents, or buy us some new shirts or shoes and he does it willingly just like taking care of us like his own family.

    Im not sure what red flag is about in the first place but yes he is 11 years old older than me and different religion as well, but nothing was asked about it in the first place.

    how much time usually we need to spend time together before there is any possibility we can get approved though merrytooth? thank you so much for at least replying to my post, we was clueless, no idea whats going on at all and just got rejected by piece of paper and not given a reason for it

    He broke one of the cardinal rules of international relationships......Never send money to someone that you have not met in person first.

    I would agree, your Internet relationship was not enough to convince the CO.

    Why did he wait 3 years to visit you? That is the bigger question. Unless there is a very compelling reason, I would say that you two were not serious about the relationship, because it took 3 years to meet in person. Nothing personal is meant and I hope you can understand the seriousness of being serious about this.

    Also, who would ask someone to marry them without meeting in person first?

    Big red flags all around. Sri.

    You two should spend lots more time together and document the seriousness of the relationship before you file again.....or get married and file for CR-1 visa.

  6. Hello,

    I'm putting together more evidence of ongoing relationship after the initial K1 process.

    I came across some of my text from my fiancé, referring her as my wifey or my wife.

    That's bad. Don't include any of it.

    We didn't get married when we were together, but I've read some thread that the interviewer denied the beneficiary because they saw on text that they call each other wife or husband even if they aren't married

    Yep it has happened.

    or have seen photos of the couple together that looks like a celebration or attending a wedding.

    Happens a lot.

    Anyway, my question is, should I not include that in the evidence? In the initial application, there was a text message exchange, I'm calling my fiancé is my wifey/wife and added I can't wait to marry you.

    Do not include any of this.

    Or I am thinking too much into this?

    No, it's a problem.

  7. for the declaration of how we met to answer question 34a on form I-129F, is this supposed to be strictly factual? Like how we met, dates of my visits to Ukraine, date he proposed and our future plans? Or do people add other details like what they love about their spouse or things like that to show its a true loving relationship?

    Describe one meeting in person. Dates, location. That's it. Two sentences max. Save the other stuff for the interview. Kiev is an easy Embassy.

  8. What If a CO ask you about "Why you gonna marry your fiance in USA? Why not here in Philippines?" What would be the best answer for this? Thanks a lot ?

    Assuming I echo your collective intentions:

    Because we want to live our lives together in the US and since the K-1 normally takes a shorter amount a time to obtain, this will allow us to begin our lives together, in the US, as soon as possible.

  9. Hi guys - may I ask for your advice on something? I just moved back to the States this past March, after working for 2 years in the Philippines. I have been applying for jobs like crazy, but so far nothing has opened up (it's frustrating!). I had a stable job for almost 10 years prior to this, though...and of course I can prove it with my tax statements from previous years.

    Doesn't matter, current income is key.

    Will my fiance and I have problems at the interview due to this (I plan to join him in Philippines for the interview)?

    Yes, you'll need a cosponsor....and remember sometimes Manila doesn't allow cosponsors for K-1s.

    I've heard that you can use your assets for the I-134 if you don't currently have income - does anyone have a link to the specifics on that?

    Depends. Money in the bank must be 3 or 5 times the minimum rate. Other assets must include an official appraisal.

    Would it raise significant red flags?



  10. Hi all,

    I plan on visiting my fiance in Houston in about 2 and a half weeks. The last time I went to Houston (April 29, 2 weeks after our NOA1), I found that the border guard was a bit more questioning than I've ever experienced. I told him I was visiting my boyfriend I was let in, but I realized that he probably knew that we filed for K1.

    On this next trip, I would like to take a printed copy of my return ticket info (it was requested last time) and a letter from my employer. My question is about the letter - how much info should this feature? Should it mention that my employers are aware of the petition but I'm still employed at the company and they expect my return to the office by a particular date?

    Or will a regular job letter (stating when I started working there, my position and my salary) be enough?

    Looking for some veteran responses here. Thanks a bunch.

    The latter.

  11. Whenever someone arrives in the US and is denied entry, one of two things happen: 1) they are allowed to withdraw application for admission voluntarily depart, or 2) they are expeditiously removed. If removal happens, there is automatically a 5-year 9A ban, which means they cannot get any visa for 5 years, unless they apply for and receive permission to reapply. CBP will often allow someone to voluntarily depart if there's not an egregious or knowing violation of immigration laws, and the person is able to quickly arrange an immediate flight out, but it's completely up to the officer whether to allow the voluntary departure or not.

    First time hearing about this.

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