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Posts posted by Lover500

  1. Oh thank you!

    Sorry I put it in the wrong place! Im still learning...

    Does it have to be notarized or can my mom and brother just fax me a copy?


    When i asked the same questions before, to the embassy, and VJ, they told me that even if you dont make enough money, you MUST be the main sponsor for your husband. You have to fill out the forms and everything reguardless of your income. Then your mother will fill out another I-864 as your co-sponsor. And your brother will fill out the I-864a, as a member of your mothers household, so his income can be counted.

    About the people immigrating with you. I assume it will just be your husband. You wouldnt count your daughter or yourself because you are both already USC.

    I was wondering, when did the embassy approve your I-130, and how long did it take to recieve your packet 3? My husband and I are going to the embassy to send the I-130 on wednesday, so i was looking for a relative timeline. And a general idea of how it will go. Like what questions they will ask. What papers/documents will they need to see. We have everything im sure, but i just want to be 100 pct sure that im ready.

    Thanks so much :) and Goodluck.

    Hi I called the Embassy after I completed everything they asked for the I-130 and the gave me and appointment two weeks later! I went on June 29 for my appointment. It wasnt bad at all..My best advice is be as early as you can we got there 6:15 and we have 7 people in front of us! We were done by 10. They will call you up and just take your marriage certificate and the translation and the petition. Then you go pay and sit down again till they call your number. You will then meet with the consular lady..She is real nice..Its basically an interview for you. She will ask how you met, how long you were married and if you plan to move back home. She asked if I had domicile in the states and any proof. I showed her my transcripts from college and my drivers license. She just glanced at them and that was all..She said your approved. Oh she saw our baby. Then she explained that we will get a packet to complete and to mail in. I got the packet in 9 days..Your husband has to be home to receive it they wouldn't give it to me thank god he was home.

    Good luck!!

    Oh bring everything else just incase she said its better to be prepared..oh and just the copy of your passport..just the two pages where your picture is..and his passport too..She didnt look at the pictures or anything..

    Dont worry it will be fine and the people were real nice..

    Thanks so much. I get worried alot when i do this stuff. Im always scared ill do something wrong. You made me feel alot better. I think im 100 pct ready now :) Thanks

  2. Oh thank you!

    Sorry I put it in the wrong place! Im still learning...

    Does it have to be notarized or can my mom and brother just fax me a copy?


    When i asked the same questions before, to the embassy, and VJ, they told me that even if you dont make enough money, you MUST be the main sponsor for your husband. You have to fill out the forms and everything reguardless of your income. Then your mother will fill out another I-864 as your co-sponsor. And your brother will fill out the I-864a, as a member of your mothers household, so his income can be counted.

    About the people immigrating with you. I assume it will just be your husband. You wouldnt count your daughter or yourself because you are both already USC.

    I was wondering, when did the embassy approve your I-130, and how long did it take to recieve your packet 3? My husband and I are going to the embassy to send the I-130 on wednesday, so i was looking for a relative timeline. And a general idea of how it will go. Like what questions they will ask. What papers/documents will they need to see. We have everything im sure, but i just want to be 100 pct sure that im ready.

    Thanks so much :) and Goodluck.

  3. Hi guys,

    I'm going through the sponsor stuff atm and having alot of problems with it.

    I came to egypt about a year ago, I havent been working since i was here, so I dont have enough income to sponsor my husband. So I need a co-sponsor. My grandmother wants to help with it, but she doesnt have enough income to do it, unless she includes her 401k. Can a 401k be used as assets for a sponsor? If so then this would be so much easier. If not I really don't know what to do

    Thanks in advance

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm going through the sponsor stuff atm and having alot of problems with it.

    I came to egypt about a year ago, I havent been working since i was here, so I dont have enough income to sponsor my husband. So I need a co-sponsor. My grandmother wants to help with it, but she doesnt have enough income to do it, unless she includes her 401k. Can a 401k be used as assets for a sponsor? If so then this would be so much easier. If not I really don't know what to do :(

    Thanks in advance :)

  5. Hi,

    To answer your residency question. We were told by many sources and found that your residency starts from the time you enter the country as long as you dont leave. You have to be in Egypt without leaving for 6 months.

    Also, I'm afraid you cant wait to send the packet. I read that it expires after about a year. So waiting that long would make it useless :(

    My husband and I are going through the military stuff atm. When he goes there they will ask if he is married to a foreigner. Ofcourse he will say yes, but I'm afraid if you leave, they will assume that he married you to get out of the military :( They are real sticklers like that. They assume if youre not there then its not a real marriage. So he will probably have to wait about 4-6 months for an investigation, then spend about 14 months or so in the military :(( So by the time all that is over all the the things you accomplished will be expired already. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me about this. The military stuff has been driving me nuts. I have been here over 11 months, and we have been trying for his military papers for over 6 months. He has been approved to get out, but we are still waiting on some guy to sign the paper, which could take another couple months. Its all so exhausting. Dont mean to be the bringer of bad news :( but just warning you from my experiences. The only reason they believed about our marriage is because i was here for 5 months before he even applied for it, and im still here. They investigate all of that really well.

    What i would suggest is either waiting with him until he gets out of the military. Or if you MUST go back, wait until he finishes his year of service to try for the visa :(

    If he needs more information, PM me and give us his number and my husband will call him and try to explain everything so he can understand it. Just so you know you have someone going through the same thing with you :)

    Good Luck

    Hello all :]

    I was wondering about the DCF in Egypt. I married on February 14, and I'm staying here in Egypt until August 31st. I thought since I'm staying this long, I could just go ahead and apply for the DCF, since I heard it is much easier to obtain than the others.

    There is a 6 month residency requirement. I've been here since Feb 2nd. The problem is, I only got my residency stamp in May because the lady at the passport office was really hostile and took forever to issue it. Now I'm worried because if the embassy goes by the stamp strictly, it would only show my residency as 4 months, and waste the other 2 I've been here. How does the embassy measure residency? Is it by the day you were married, or by the stamp?

    Also, we'll apply in late August. Unfortunately I have to return on September 2nd, so I won't be here for his interview if all goes smoothly. I'm scared that will be a problem or look shady because I left, but I really have to return to my university by then. And he is just graduating this semester so he will await his status in the army... if he gets picked he will be here at least a year. He should know in August I think... what I'm worried about is if he gets the visa, isn't there an expiry? If he gets it before he sends his Packet 3, can he wait until he finishes his army and just send it in then, or will it be too long of a wait period and it will all cancel?

    So confusing... and it seems the people at the embassy know nothing! Its frustrating to travel to Cairo (I'm in Alex) to get NOTHING. And the embassy only comes to Alex once a month and equally just tell me, "we don't know."

    A little background info: I'm 20 and he is 22. We are both Muslim. We met through a mutual friend about a year and a half ago. When I came to Egypt last summer we met and decided we fit each other and got engaged. I came back in February and we married. We obviously never married before and have no kids. :] We had a party at the masjid when I came here w/ his family and friends but don't really have any pictures of it because his aunt 'forgot' the camera. :blink: Just some shots of us both at home, in our fancy clothing and so with his family.

    Sorry if the questions are stupid in some way! I appreciate your help, the community here is really great masha'Allah. :]


    To answer your residency question. We were told by many sources and found that your residency starts from the time you enter the country as long as you dont leave. You have to be in Egypt without leaving for 6 months.

    Also, I'm afraid you cant wait to send the packet. I read that it expires after about a year. So waiting that long would make it useless :(

    My husband and I are going through the military stuff atm. When he goes there they will ask if he is married to a foreigner. Ofcourse he will say yes, but I'm afraid if you leave, they will assume that he married you to get out of the military :( They are real sticklers like that. They assume if youre not there then its not a real marriage. So he will probably have to wait about 4-6 months for an investigation, then spend about 14 months or so in the military :(( So by the time all that is over all the the things you accomplished will be expired already. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me about this. The military stuff has been driving me nuts. I have been here over 11 months, and we have been trying for his military papers for over 6 months. He has been approved to get out, but we are still waiting on some guy to sign the paper, which could take another couple months. Its all so exhausting. Dont mean to be the bringer of bad news :( but just warning you from my experiences. The only reason they believed about our marriage is because i was here for 5 months before he even applied for it, and im still here. They investigate all of that really well.

    What i would suggest is either waiting with him until he gets out of the military. Or if you MUST go back, wait until he finishes his year of service to try for the visa :(

    If he needs more information, PM me and give us his number and my husband will call him and try to explain everything so he can understand it. Just so you know you have someone going through the same thing with you :)

    Good Luck

    Hello all :]

    I was wondering about the DCF in Egypt. I married on February 14, and I'm staying here in Egypt until August 31st. I thought since I'm staying this long, I could just go ahead and apply for the DCF, since I heard it is much easier to obtain than the others.

    There is a 6 month residency requirement. I've been here since Feb 2nd. The problem is, I only got my residency stamp in May because the lady at the passport office was really hostile and took forever to issue it. Now I'm worried because if the embassy goes by the stamp strictly, it would only show my residency as 4 months, and waste the other 2 I've been here. How does the embassy measure residency? Is it by the day you were married, or by the stamp?

    Also, we'll apply in late August. Unfortunately I have to return on September 2nd, so I won't be here for his interview if all goes smoothly. I'm scared that will be a problem or look shady because I left, but I really have to return to my university by then. And he is just graduating this semester so he will await his status in the army... if he gets picked he will be here at least a year. He should know in August I think... what I'm worried about is if he gets the visa, isn't there an expiry? If he gets it before he sends his Packet 3, can he wait until he finishes his army and just send it in then, or will it be too long of a wait period and it will all cancel?

    So confusing... and it seems the people at the embassy know nothing! Its frustrating to travel to Cairo (I'm in Alex) to get NOTHING. And the embassy only comes to Alex once a month and equally just tell me, "we don't know."

    A little background info: I'm 20 and he is 22. We are both Muslim. We met through a mutual friend about a year and a half ago. When I came to Egypt last summer we met and decided we fit each other and got engaged. I came back in February and we married. We obviously never married before and have no kids. :] We had a party at the masjid when I came here w/ his family and friends but don't really have any pictures of it because his aunt 'forgot' the camera. :blink: Just some shots of us both at home, in our fancy clothing and so with his family.

    Sorry if the questions are stupid in some way! I appreciate your help, the community here is really great masha'Allah. :]


    To answer your residency question. We were told by many sources and found that your residency starts from the time you enter the country as long as you dont leave. You have to be in Egypt without leaving for 6 months.

    Also, I'm afraid you cant wait to send the packet. I read that it expires after about a year. So waiting that long would make it useless :(

    My husband and I are going through the military stuff atm. When he goes there they will ask if he is married to a foreigner. Ofcourse he will say yes, but I'm afraid if you leave, they will assume that he married you to get out of the military :( They are real sticklers like that. They assume if youre not there then its not a real marriage. So he will probably have to wait about 4-6 months for an investigation, then spend about 14 months or so in the military :(( So by the time all that is over all the the things you accomplished will be expired already. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me about this. The military stuff has been driving me nuts. I have been here over 11 months, and we have been trying for his military papers for over 6 months. He has been approved to get out, but we are still waiting on some guy to sign the paper, which could take another couple months. Its all so exhausting. Dont mean to be the bringer of bad news :( but just warning you from my experiences. The only reason they believed about our marriage is because i was here for 5 months before he even applied for it, and im still here. They investigate all of that really well.

    What i would suggest is either waiting with him until he gets out of the military. Or if you MUST go back, wait until he finishes his year of service to try for the visa :(

    If he needs more information, PM me and give us his number and my husband will call him and try to explain everything so he can understand it. Just so you know you have someone going through the same thing with you :)

    Good Luck

    Hello all :]

    I was wondering about the DCF in Egypt. I married on February 14, and I'm staying here in Egypt until August 31st. I thought since I'm staying this long, I could just go ahead and apply for the DCF, since I heard it is much easier to obtain than the others.

    There is a 6 month residency requirement. I've been here since Feb 2nd. The problem is, I only got my residency stamp in May because the lady at the passport office was really hostile and took forever to issue it. Now I'm worried because if the embassy goes by the stamp strictly, it would only show my residency as 4 months, and waste the other 2 I've been here. How does the embassy measure residency? Is it by the day you were married, or by the stamp?

    Also, we'll apply in late August. Unfortunately I have to return on September 2nd, so I won't be here for his interview if all goes smoothly. I'm scared that will be a problem or look shady because I left, but I really have to return to my university by then. And he is just graduating this semester so he will await his status in the army... if he gets picked he will be here at least a year. He should know in August I think... what I'm worried about is if he gets the visa, isn't there an expiry? If he gets it before he sends his Packet 3, can he wait until he finishes his army and just send it in then, or will it be too long of a wait period and it will all cancel?

    So confusing... and it seems the people at the embassy know nothing! Its frustrating to travel to Cairo (I'm in Alex) to get NOTHING. And the embassy only comes to Alex once a month and equally just tell me, "we don't know."

    A little background info: I'm 20 and he is 22. We are both Muslim. We met through a mutual friend about a year and a half ago. When I came to Egypt last summer we met and decided we fit each other and got engaged. I came back in February and we married. We obviously never married before and have no kids. :] We had a party at the masjid when I came here w/ his family and friends but don't really have any pictures of it because his aunt 'forgot' the camera. :blink: Just some shots of us both at home, in our fancy clothing and so with his family.

    Sorry if the questions are stupid in some way! I appreciate your help, the community here is really great masha'Allah. :]

  6. Hi,

    To answer your residency question. We were told by many sources and found that your residency starts from the time you enter the country as long as you dont leave. You have to be in Egypt without leaving for 6 months.

    Also, I'm afraid you cant wait to send the packet. I read that it expires after about a year. So waiting that long would make it useless :(

    My husband and I are going through the military stuff atm. When he goes there they will ask if he is married to a foreigner. Ofcourse he will say yes, but I'm afraid if you leave, they will assume that he married you to get out of the military :( They are real sticklers like that. They assume if youre not there then its not a real marriage. So he will probably have to wait about 4-6 months for an investigation, then spend about 14 months or so in the military :(( So by the time all that is over all the the things you accomplished will be expired already. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me about this. The military stuff has been driving me nuts. I have been here over 11 months, and we have been trying for his military papers for over 6 months. He has been approved to get out, but we are still waiting on some guy to sign the paper, which could take another couple months. Its all so exhausting. Dont mean to be the bringer of bad news :( but just warning you from my experiences. The only reason they believed about our marriage is because i was here for 5 months before he even applied for it, and im still here. They investigate all of that really well.

    What i would suggest is either waiting with him until he gets out of the military. Or if you MUST go back, wait until he finishes his year of service to try for the visa :(

    If he needs more information, PM me and give us his number and my husband will call him and try to explain everything so he can understand it. Just so you know you have someone going through the same thing with you :)

    Good Luck

    Hello all :]

    I was wondering about the DCF in Egypt. I married on February 14, and I'm staying here in Egypt until August 31st. I thought since I'm staying this long, I could just go ahead and apply for the DCF, since I heard it is much easier to obtain than the others.

    There is a 6 month residency requirement. I've been here since Feb 2nd. The problem is, I only got my residency stamp in May because the lady at the passport office was really hostile and took forever to issue it. Now I'm worried because if the embassy goes by the stamp strictly, it would only show my residency as 4 months, and waste the other 2 I've been here. How does the embassy measure residency? Is it by the day you were married, or by the stamp?

    Also, we'll apply in late August. Unfortunately I have to return on September 2nd, so I won't be here for his interview if all goes smoothly. I'm scared that will be a problem or look shady because I left, but I really have to return to my university by then. And he is just graduating this semester so he will await his status in the army... if he gets picked he will be here at least a year. He should know in August I think... what I'm worried about is if he gets the visa, isn't there an expiry? If he gets it before he sends his Packet 3, can he wait until he finishes his army and just send it in then, or will it be too long of a wait period and it will all cancel?

    So confusing... and it seems the people at the embassy know nothing! Its frustrating to travel to Cairo (I'm in Alex) to get NOTHING. And the embassy only comes to Alex once a month and equally just tell me, "we don't know."

    A little background info: I'm 20 and he is 22. We are both Muslim. We met through a mutual friend about a year and a half ago. When I came to Egypt last summer we met and decided we fit each other and got engaged. I came back in February and we married. We obviously never married before and have no kids. :] We had a party at the masjid when I came here w/ his family and friends but don't really have any pictures of it because his aunt 'forgot' the camera. :blink: Just some shots of us both at home, in our fancy clothing and so with his family.

    Sorry if the questions are stupid in some way! I appreciate your help, the community here is really great masha'Allah. :]

  7. Hi,

    To answer your residency question. We were told by many sources and found that your residency starts from the time you enter the country as long as you dont leave. You have to be in Egypt without leaving for 6 months.

    Also, I'm afraid you cant wait to send the packet. I read that it expires after about a year. So waiting that long would make it useless :(

    My husband and I are going through the military stuff atm. When he goes there they will ask if he is married to a foreigner. Ofcourse he will say yes, but I'm afraid if you leave, they will assume that he married you to get out of the military :( They are real sticklers like that. They assume if youre not there then its not a real marriage. So he will probably have to wait about 4-6 months for an investigation, then spend about 14 months or so in the military :(( So by the time all that is over all the the things you accomplished will be expired already. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me about this. The military stuff has been driving me nuts. I have been here over 11 months, and we have been trying for his military papers for over 6 months. He has been approved to get out, but we are still waiting on some guy to sign the paper, which could take another couple months. Its all so exhausting. Dont mean to be the bringer of bad news :( but just warning you from my experiences. The only reason they believed about our marriage is because i was here for 5 months before he even applied for it, and im still here. They investigate all of that really well.

    What i would suggest is either waiting with him until he gets out of the military. Or if you MUST go back, wait until he finishes his year of service to try for the visa :(

    If he needs more information, PM me and give us his number and my husband will call him and try to explain everything so he can understand it. Just so you know you have someone going through the same thing with you :)

    Good Luck

    Hello all :]

    I was wondering about the DCF in Egypt. I married on February 14, and I'm staying here in Egypt until August 31st. I thought since I'm staying this long, I could just go ahead and apply for the DCF, since I heard it is much easier to obtain than the others.

    There is a 6 month residency requirement. I've been here since Feb 2nd. The problem is, I only got my residency stamp in May because the lady at the passport office was really hostile and took forever to issue it. Now I'm worried because if the embassy goes by the stamp strictly, it would only show my residency as 4 months, and waste the other 2 I've been here. How does the embassy measure residency? Is it by the day you were married, or by the stamp?

    Also, we'll apply in late August. Unfortunately I have to return on September 2nd, so I won't be here for his interview if all goes smoothly. I'm scared that will be a problem or look shady because I left, but I really have to return to my university by then. And he is just graduating this semester so he will await his status in the army... if he gets picked he will be here at least a year. He should know in August I think... what I'm worried about is if he gets the visa, isn't there an expiry? If he gets it before he sends his Packet 3, can he wait until he finishes his army and just send it in then, or will it be too long of a wait period and it will all cancel?

    So confusing... and it seems the people at the embassy know nothing! Its frustrating to travel to Cairo (I'm in Alex) to get NOTHING. And the embassy only comes to Alex once a month and equally just tell me, "we don't know."

    A little background info: I'm 20 and he is 22. We are both Muslim. We met through a mutual friend about a year and a half ago. When I came to Egypt last summer we met and decided we fit each other and got engaged. I came back in February and we married. We obviously never married before and have no kids. :] We had a party at the masjid when I came here w/ his family and friends but don't really have any pictures of it because his aunt 'forgot' the camera. :blink: Just some shots of us both at home, in our fancy clothing and so with his family.

    Sorry if the questions are stupid in some way! I appreciate your help, the community here is really great masha'Allah. :]

  8. Nope. Both you and grandmother fill out an I-864, not the I-864A. You are not a member of your grandmother's household currently as you are living in Egypt, therefore there is no need for either of you to fill out an I-864A. Even if someone was eligible here to fill out an I-864A (like another member of your grandmother's household), somebody would have to fill out an I-864, as the I-864A is not a standalone document.

    Hope that makes sense!

    This is correct :thumbs:

    Thanks so much everyone. You guys are so helpful and reduce my stress by atleast 90 pct :P

  9. It's very simple. You are the main sponsor. You fill out an I-864. Your grandmother is your joint sponsor. She fills out an I-864. The only person who might fill in an I-864A would be someone either your or your grandmother's household whose financial information is adduced to that of the person filing the I-864 -- it's right there in the title of the I-864A: "Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member." You are not a member of your grandmother's household, nor she of yours.

    Once again:

    I-864 for you

    I-864 for your grandmother

    No I-864A as no member of either of your household (apparently) is contributing to the sponsorship

    You are not a member of her household as you are living in Egypt. The I-864 is about what is happening now, not will be.

    Thanks for the reply. You cleared it up quite a bit. So I'm assuming on the I-864 form she checks that she is the only joint sponsor, as none of the other choices apply to her? Just making sure. I want to get all of this right so i don't have to redo anything. Thanks so much.

  10. Nope. Both you and grandmother fill out an I-864, not the I-864A. You are not a member of your grandmother's household currently as you are living in Egypt, therefore there is no need for either of you to fill out an I-864A. Even if someone was eligible here to fill out an I-864A (like another member of your grandmother's household), somebody would have to fill out an I-864, as the I-864A is not a standalone document.

    Hope that makes sense!

    Ok now I'm definitely confused. lol. The way I originally understood it was that I would have to be his main sponsor and fill out an I-864, and she would be a co-sponsor and fill out the I-864A. I've seen alot of different answers to that question. We will both be members of the household when we get back, we will both be living there for some period of time. So do I count myself in her household since I'll be living there?, or still not.

  11. You each fill out your own I-864A. Even if you don't have income, you just put in 0 on everything for your Affidavit.

    On your Affidavit, you list you and your spouse. Your grandmother lists herself and your spouse (and any other persons living in her household, not counting you, i.e. if she has a spouse).

    So I don't need to fill out I-864 only I-864A for me and her, right?

    I saw in another thread someone asked a similar question about household members and someone replied to them that they must include both her and her spouse as members of the household.

    So I'm a little confused.

    Thanks alot of your reply :)

  12. Hey everyone,

    I'm filing I-130 for my husband and I have question about sponsors.

    I don't meet the requirement for both of us (only worked for part time because I was a student), so my grandma will be co-sponsor.

    So should she fill out the I-864 or I-864A to be our sponsor, and which one should I fill out since I lived with her before I came to Egypt, and we will be staying with her for a short period of time when we arrive back.

  13. Hey

    i want to be sure about the employment thing, ive worked from home ( graphic design ) and setting up networks in peoples homes and offices for over 4 years. so when im filling out forms, do i put self-employed or anyother ideas. since i dont work with a specific company im confused about what i should put.

    thanks for the help. :)

  14. First of all, let me thank everyone for all the help I received here on VJ. and thank you for all ur kind regards :x

    I sent Mosaad's packet back on April 17, 09, the embassy here in Cairo received it April 18, 09.. April 23, 09 Mosaad got a call on his cell from the embassy, asking him if he could come in on April 26, 09 for his interview. of couse he said yes. they said ok, great, we will send u out the appointment letter..we received the appointment letter April 24,09.

    We arrived at the embassy late the morning of April 26 , due to a problem we had on the micro bus ( long story)

    We got there at 8:30am... they looked at his interview letter outside the embassy, and said go ahead in. We went in, got our number to be called. and about 10 minutes after arriving . Mosaad was called to the window. it was an Egyptian woman, she asked for his original birth certificate, and his original military certificate. she was there with his file , collecting all his papers. Then he was asked to go and pay DHL, and pay the fee for the Visa application. and he was told , sit down and his number would be called again.. so we proceeded to pay the DHL and Visa app fee. and sat down, about 10/15 minutes later, he was called again. This time it was an American woman, and she took his fingerprints.. the fingerprints were electronically taken on a machine. he was told to sit back down, and his number would be called again.

    Well, this time, we waited about an hour or so.. before they called his number... there were many guys ahead of him, and unfortunately most of them were completing the interviews and leaving with papers that stated , either there was not sufficient evidence, or their case was going under review to USCIS.

    so to say the least, we got a bit discougaged, thinking maybe something was gonna go wrong with our case.

    They called his number, and we proceeded to the window.. .it was an American woman, late 20's, long dark hair, (wavy) green eyes, and very kind looking.

    Let me give you a list of questions ( not in order) that she asked Myself and Mosaad


    1. How long have you lived in Egypt

    2. When did obtain your divorce

    3. Is your ex husband currently a permanant resident/US citizen

    4. Who is __________ ( joint sponsor)

    5. Are you still sponsoring your ex husband?

    6. Have you met all of Mosaad's family?

    7. Are you close to his family?

    8. Why have you been living here this long?

    9. Do you work here , or did you work in USA?

    10.Did you sign a rental agreement in USA? ( yes, btw)

    11.Are you seeking US employment currently?


    1. Tell me about your arrest ( Mosaad was arrested once, so we had to write an explanation explaining)

    2. What is Jill's Birth date

    3. What city was she born in

    4. What is Jill's mothers name

    5. What is Jill's mothers birthdate ( why in the world she asked that, we don't know, LOL, but he didnt know the answer and the IO said, np)

    6.Does Jill's mother approve of your marriage ?

    7.How does your family feel about Jill?

    8.What do you plan on doing in USA?

    9. Did you have a wedding party?

    10. How many and who attended?

    just a brief run down on the pics.... This IO looked at every single picture we had, and I mean looked, and asked who every person in the picture was. she spent atleast a good 5 mintues commenting/looking at our pictures.

    11.What do you love about your wife?

    12. Have you been married before ?

    13. Do you plan to marry again ? ( which struck me as odd, but that's what she asked LOL ) Mosaad said.. this is my first and last ... and he chuckled .. and the IO looked at me, and said wow.. what a catch LOL

    I might of missed a question or 2, but it seemed like a string of questions we were asked.. the IO was very polite and calm, and laughed alot with us.

    At the end of the interview, she said, well it seems like everything looks good, and in order, Im going to keep your passport Mosaad, and you will receive your visa in 2 weeks.

    she said, congratulations and do you have any questions.. we said no, thank you so much. and that was it.

    We were at the embassy from 8:30 am until 12:00pm

    For anyone going thru DCF here in Egypt... as long as you have all the required paperwork and everything is in order, and you follow all instructions... and your of course legit ;) your interview should be fine. it is for sure a nerve-racking day, but just tell the truth, and be calm. and things should run smoothly.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel I need to stress pictures... pictures with the family and also wedding pics... my IO seemed pretty interested with those. so if you don't have any, I would certainly invest some time in taking some with your husband's family.

    and all questions asked on the DS 230, please know the answers .. they will ask you questions off of your visa application.

    Good luck to all that are waiting, if I can be of any help to anyone here in Egypt, please feel free to let me know.


    Congratulations on your visa. It seemed like it went pretty fast and flawless. I was wondering about how long youve been married; in egypt. I was also wondering how long the process took from the very beginning. Thanks

  15. if we file it at the embassy it will be around the same time 6-8 months, we can do it through the embassy ,but they will need his passport to schedule the appointment. and im legal resident in egypt for 8 months and got 1 year more this week.

    so i have 2 questions

    1- can i send it from here (Egypt) to USCIS or send it to my family to send it to USCIS.

    2- do i have to send copy of his passport to USCIS.

    Thanks alot guys.

  16. If you are just visiting in Egypt, the embassy cannot help you. If you are a legal resident there (for at least 6 months), then you can file with the embassy.

    Otherwise, you file thru the appropriate USCIS Service center in the US. You cannot file with the NVC.

    Thank you for your reply.

    i have been in Egypt for 8 months, but i dont want to do it in embassy because theyre asking for copy of his passport and he wont have it for 1 month.

    so i think i will do it through USCIS or whatever it will be.

    but my question is can i do it from here (Egypt) or i have to be in USA or let my family send it for me. and do i have to send copy of his passport.

    Thanks alot

  17. I just checked the USCIS site for that again and you are right MO. has been omitted from their list so as i said above i would send it to the lock box for the states around MO. that should be the correct one. :thumbs:

    Thanks so much

    but are you sure i can send it from Egypt or i have to go back to America to send it. (My family can do it too)

    and do i have to send copy of his passport with the other forms. like i said before his passport is not ready yet and we want to save some time. it will be ready before the interview in Egypt.

    Thanks again.

  18. Hi guys,

    I'm getting ready to send an application from Egypt for a visa for my husband. Im in Egypt and I was wondering if I, or my family, could send them the application to NVC directly, or if i HAVE to send it through the embassy in cairo. If we go through the embassy they will need a photocopy of both passports to schedule the appointment. We cant get his passport yet cause there has been delay. So i was wondering if theres a way i can send it to America without going through the embassy. It will save alot of time if we can, and I really want to get back to my family so if theres a faster way to do it let me know.

    BTW My family live in Missouri


    It's been a long time since I did it but I think your going to need a copy of his passport to send with the application to America as well. So, it sounds like you need that passport no matter what you decide to do. However, like I said it has been a long time since I mailed mine, almost 3 years, so I could be mistaken.

    Hopefully a person who has done the application more recently will enlighten you.

    Thanks for your reply.

    But i want to make sure if i can send it from here in Egypt to NVC in America.

    I hope someone could help me.

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