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Posts posted by Lover500

  1. Hey,

    It will be so easy InshaAllah, you must be early there like 6:30 am, then at 7:15 they will let you in, and give you number, They will call you up and just take your marriage certificate and the translation and the petition. Then you go pay for DHL and fees and sit down again till they call your number again to meet the consular lady, Its basically an interview for you. She will ask how you met, how long you were married and if you plan to move back home. She asked if I had domicile in the states and any proof we showed her driver license.


  2. Hi guys,

    When I get back to the US, im going to change my last name to my husbands. Do you guys know any papers or forms that ill need, since i was married in egypt, not the US. What papers do we need from egypt. We are going back very soon, so I want to get everything we need before we leave. Thanks so much. Goodluck to everyone :)

  3. Mabrook...that is wonderful news!!!

    Thank you soooooo much

    Big woo hoo!



    Thank you, hope you get yours approved soon. :)

    :dance: Congratulations Lover500! Hope your SO gets the visa very soon!

    Morning MENA!

    Waves to previous posters & all to come later in the day ...Another monday & i'm exhausted ...

    Have a nice day everyone (F)

    Thankssssssssssssss :)


    ...stealing Amal's word...MABROOKALATIONS!!!!

    Jackie (F)

    Thanks alot (F)

    Good Morning MENA! It's Monday :wacko:

    Congrats Lover500!! May you two be reunited soon!

    Thanks so much

    But dont worry about being reunited we still live together in Egypt since the day i came here. :)

  4. Congratulations on your visa approval. We are very happy for you.

    About the military, there is no rule that says an egyptian man married to a non-egyptian woman will be exempt from military. He will go through alot of investigation, to see whether or not the marriage is real. If they are not convinced, they will make them serve. If the wife lives with the husband from the day they get married, its ALOT easier to be exempt, because thats what they consider to be a real marriage. If the wife travels back to live in her country, they see it as a marriage to get out of military service, and they will make the husband serve.

    Even if you stay with your husband, and do everything right, there is still no guarantee that he will be exemp from the military. It really depends on how satisfied the investigators are. And even if he is exempt, it will be a longggg drawn out process.

    My husband was exempt from military. I lived in egypt since june 25th 2008, we got married on Oct. 13th. It still took him 6 months to recieve the actual papers exempting him from military. So prepare for a long ride.

    Theres also alot of cases here on VJ where the husband has had to serve out his full military service. :( However unfortunate, it happens alot, and its something you should prepare for, especially if you cant stay in egypt with your husband.

  5. And what a wonderful Monday it is! Tamer's Visa Interview was approved!!!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!! Alhamdolilah :)

    He got the african american consul. The young one. He said she was very nice, and easy to talk to.

    The interview went like this.

    He arrived outside the embassy at 6 am exactly. There was only one other immigrant visa interview before his.

    He went in around 7 am and was number 2...obviously from the statement above.

    Then after like 20 minutes, they called him up for the original documents and stuff. The woman he said was a nice egyptian girl, wearing hijab. Not the usual cranky one. She asked for his birth and marriage certificate, and his passport. She asked him to pay the DHL and fees and told him to take a seat.

    Then he paid dhl and they called him to the window to pay the fees, and the fingerprint window at the exact same time lol. So he went to the window to pay the fees. By the time he made it to the fingerprint window, they told him to go back and take a seat and they would call him again later.

    Around 30 minutes, and he was called back up for fingerprinting.

    He said the embassy was so hot and crowded from everyone there. So many people you could barely walk around.

    Then after about 45 minutes, they called him for the interview.

    She started by asking him for the dhl receipt and fees receipt. Then asked him if he understood everything on the forms, and if he swore everything on the forms was true. He said yes and signed the form.

    Then she gave him back the original documents and asked him questions while typing something into her computer.

    -Where is your wife? I am still in egypt and i was waiting for him to get home so he told her that.

    -How long have you known eachother?

    -How did you meet?

    Then she asked for my domicile proof. He gave it to her and it was good enough.

    Then she said that everything is alright, and your visa is approved. We will send it to you within 2 weeks. Welcome to America. Congratulations!

    He was done with everything around 9 am.


    It seems like the consuls are in a good mood this week! Alot of people from VJ atleast are getting approved. Im soooo happy. Thanks so much for helping out like you have guys. We couldnt have made it this smoothly without you. Goodluck to everyone else with interviews soon. I hope yours go as flawlessly as ours did.

  6. Wow, Thats great news to all of you. It makes me so happy that you all got approved. Hopefully tomorrow when Tamer has his interview, it will go the same. Congratulations to everyone. Ill let you know how his went in detail after he gets back home tomorrow.

    Only thing hes worried about is the rude egyptian woman. Hes afraid he will spout something off to her if shes rude x.x Lets hope not lol. Im sure he will be fine though. Anyways, still let me know how long it takes to get the visa from your interview date. Thanks so much for the details on your interviews. It helps alot to read them. So happy for you! Good luck with the rest of your journey, and I hope you have a happy life there in the US.

  7. Our interview is the 24th actually. But thank you soooo much. Good luck to everyone with interviews tomorrow and the 24th.

    Interviews on 23rd dont forget to let me know details on how it goes!

    Insha Allah all our interviews will go smoothly. Ill pray for all of you. Dont forget to pray for my Tamer and me.

    We've all been waiting for this day for a long time. Be sure to be as prepared as you can be. Too much is better than not enough! lol.

    *hugs for everyone* Good Luck!

  8. IHQ.. you guys get any further?

    I think you're going to be sorry you asked.

    At his interview, the IO wanted 2008 taxes from me. Well, in order to do the tax return, both spouses have to have either an ITIN or a social security number. I have a social security number, but my husband has neither. We did send off to the IRS for an ITIN, but they wanted identification documentation, which included either a notarized copy of his passport (by an American notary - how does one find one of those in Egypt?) or his passport. He needs his passport for the visa process, so he didn't send it. The IRS sent a letter back that said no notarized copy/original passport, no ITIN. That makes sense, right? So, he took the letter to the interview. I thought a letter from the US government would be sufficient, but the Embassy wanted something else, which is fine. The IO told him, two times, and a man that works there told him once to send a letter explaining the 2008 taxes and gave him a paper about domicile (I knew that was coming and it's not a big deal). The letter went to the Embassy, explaining the ITIN/passport thing - as well as the mention this would be better served by an American tax professional anyway, went out the next day by DHL. They got the package. I know this because I traced it.

    Yesterday, he sent an email asking for a status update. Hey, he has to learn how to do these things on his own. His self-confidence about all things English, except talking to me about everything there is to talk about, is zero, so this is a big deal. I watched over his shoulder and helped him along, but he did it.

    Today he gets an email response. The Embassy needs 1040 and Affidavit of Support and domicile. How? They got the letter they told him THREE times would suffice and they've had the Affidavit of Support. The domicile is no big deal (although it took me forever to get him to understand I don't have to apply for a social security number like it says on the paper they gave him because I already have one) because :star: I'm going home! :star:

    Anyway, the 1040 and Affidavit of Support is a huge deal.

    Here's what I think happened. I've read plenty of Egyptian English (no offense, but sometimes you can just tell) and I'm pretty sure that's what it was. What I think they did was looked in a computer instead of in the physical file and wrote what they saw (1040, domicile) and wrote what they thought it meant. And, instead of "1040 for Affidavit of Support" they wrote "1040 and Affidavit of Support." It has to be a mistake because there's no way two different people would tell him one thing then later, after he's out the door and we've given them what they asked for, someone else changes the rules and they now want something different. My husband, however, believes what he read because it came from the Embassy, even though it didn't make any sense, so it was quite the dramatic evening.

    Okay, so an email went back saying hey, you have those things and the domicile stuff is coming soon, which it is. If they don't answer tomorrow or don't have the right answer, I'll call them tomorrow after I wake up from sleeping in because I'm totally playing hookie from work.

    Yeah, we're a little further along. Almost finished, I'd say. They've had the I-130 so I think if there was going to be A/P they should have or could have started and maybe finished that a long time ago, but I don't know.

    Shhhhhhhh. Don't tell my job this, but it appears my flight out of here is probably going to be September 9th. I wasn't really even thinking about it until J started talking about driving and Mexican food and coming and going as she pleased and walking down the street without being stared at or proposed to. That made me want it really bad, for the first time since I've been here, because I used to have that life and I miss it. Now I'm ready, so I'm asking for everybody's prayers, crossed fingers, rubbing lucky rabbits feet and/or childrens' and/or bald/balding heads, amulets, four leaf clovers, whatever you got because I am SO READY to go.

    Wow, it sounds like youre having a bit of trouble :( I feel sorry for you. I hope our interview on the 24th goes much better than that. Good luck to you both, and i hope you get approved soon :)

    I guess alot of us are getting things done at the same time. My flight is schedule for the 15th, and our interviews are all close to eachother lol. And i miss mexican food too :( I made a few tacos here, but its not the same xD

    @ Yasmina

    If you get put in AP, I'm going to be depressed :( You've been here longer than me, and have a baby. If they AP you theyre nuts....I dont know what else they want from people to prove their marriage is real lol. Good luck on your interview, I hope all goes well. And dont forget to let me know. My husbands interview is the next day. Im excited, and scared at the same time. But Insha Allah, everything will go well.

    Also anyone doing the DCF route from Cairo, dont forget to let us know how your interviews go! Thanks so much guys.

  9. Hey everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone here has gone the DCF route in Cairo. Just wanting to know how many people actually get through without getting stuck in AP. Our 1 year anniversary is October 13th, and we want to be able to celebrate it in the US, but if we get stuck in AP, we wont be able to. If anyone has been through DCF in Cairo, let me know. I would love to hear your stories, and tips. Thanks so much.

  10. My husband will file DCF in USE manila this year 2009. If it is possible for him to stay till i get my visa approved, he will stay.But if not and need to go back he will return. My question is, Is it ok for him my husband to return to his homeland a at the day when the USE manila send me a letter of schedule of final interview?

    Yes he can return to his homeland.

  11. My husband has been approved for 2 months now and no packet 3. I am fixin to call them today and tell them I am sending his paperwork in. Or just thought about doing it. Was told on the 14th of this month that it will come shortly and its been 2 weeks already and nothing. And I can't find anything that says it happened to others like this. So, I can understand being frustrated. Getting pretty angry at the current moment.

    are you doing DCF or K-3?

  12. I second that. However, note that the changes saved with Foxit reader will not be seen if you open the saved document in Acrobat. So, if you save changes using Foxit, you will need to open the document using Foxit when you print it.

    It work fine with me when i open it with acrobat. i just tried it.

    You saved changes to fields w/ Foxit, then opened the same doc in Acrobat and saw the data you previously saved to those same fields? I've never been able to get that to work.

    yes i did with DS-3032 and DS-230.

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