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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Chula Vista CA
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  1. Hi, My granddaughter got her LPR and green card when she was three years old. Now she's 12. I just sent in the i-90 yesterday (for renewal) with a copy of her old card. I didn't see anything about a current photo being required for additional information to submit. We will be traveling this summer so I assume that the receipt I will be getting and old green card will be enough. At some point though do I need to send in a new photo? Is that a separate process? Thanks for your help!
  2. Does anyone know; Is the replacement (gotten via the N-565 application) just like the original? Does the replacement have the date you first became a citizen? (Just like the first one?) Or does the replacement have a new date? Thanks!
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