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Posts posted by TdotGirl

  1. FIRST OFF...


    Wow!!! I've been like a chicken with it's head cut off up until now, lol! My advice for the 2K10 VJ newbees: try NOT to do the BIG move during the Christmas holidays :wacko:

    It's been so crazy that I actually forgot that I even posted this :blink:

    I thank you all for replying - incredibly helpful, as usual!

    Now that I'm officially over the border, it's time to do the SSN, MARRIAGE, AOS, DMV, ETC. stuff - oh joy! I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but I seriously cannot wait until I can totally chillax and not think about any of this stuff, lol!!! :sleepy:

    (L) (L) I just would also like to say that even though I'm not on here that often, I truly am grateful towards every single one of you, you have all kept my sanity (and saved me beaucoups dargents) - I seriously could not have done this without you guys and I keep you all in my prayers and wish everyone the best on not only their visa journeys but their life journeys, may Love bless you all, all the time!!! (L) (L)

  2. Hey Peeps!!!

    I cannot find this information anywhere and as much as I tried to think about it over and over, I don't even know who to call to verify an answer...

    So I come to you all for some knowledge! :help:

    I would like to know if I am legally able to change my maiden name to my husbands and yet still keep and use my maiden name in Canada :unsure:

    I would love to and don't mind taking my husband's name because all of my documents will be from scratch however....

    Eventually, somewhere down the road, we would like to move back to Canada, but I really wouldn't want to change everything over, I would much rather just keep everything the same - Is this legal to do (does Canada care that I'm known by a different last name in the US)???

    Thanks so much everyone!!!

  3. Thank you all for replying and easing my nerves, seriously..'cause I've been tripping out and my fiance is saying that I'm getting all worried and stressed out for nothing. Yah, there really isn't anything I can do.

    As far as emailing the Consulate, I did..and I doubt I'll get a reply back from them, but it's all good, I don't take it personal anymore, lol.

    But seriously, CanadaPost really needs to step up their game 'cause I will NEVER use them again!

  4. Allo, allo everyone!!!

    I received my visa last week but just got to my parents this week to finally take a look at it.

    My mom said she had a really hard time taking it out of the mail box (my parents live in an apt.) and ended up ripping the xpresspost envelope as well as a bit of the sides of the brown sealed envelope that I have to submit at the POE (it's ripped at the bottom corners not at the top where you would open it).

    Thanks CanadaPost...they really shouldn't have shoved it in and should have just left it at the nearest post office for me to pick up *gosh*!

    Although it is obvious that I didn't attempt to open the envelope, I'm still a bit concerned about the rips...will the border agents give me a hard time???

    In the meantime, just wanna say thank you to everyone on here, I don't come on here often but you all have provided great information and advice since I've joined and I'm extremely grateful for it - wishing everyone WONDERFUL & JOYOUS HOLIDAYS :)


    :star: APPROVED :star:

    So sorry I took so long to let you all know (I just got back in to Toronto and I was too tired to log onto the computer by the time we got back to the hotel). *And now my back hurts from the megabus and I'm too tired to write my review, so I'll do that tomorrow, hehe!

    DANU!!! You didn't get to see my happy dance once we came out so here it is ------> :dance:

    You're awesome Steph - it was so nice meeting you, as well as the others..SOCK LADY & DALENE -great peeps and company!

    Everyone on here is COMPLETELY RIGHT in saying that the interview is the EASIEST part - it's CAKE ;)

    So to all the fellow interviewees don't stress and GOOD LUCK :thumbs:

  6. Hi guys!

    Congrats to everyone so far!!! :dance:

    I'm currently in Montreal and have my interview tomorrow and we took a stroll by the consulate last night to see how far away it is from our hotel...

    My question is:

    Do we stand in front of the glass doors which is located exactly at 1155 St-Alexandre (or is there some other gate or door to wait by around the building)??? <---this is probably the only thing I'm worried about because I don't wanna show up early and wait in the wrong area *eeeeks*

    Please don't make fun of me for asking this, lol! Thank you so much :)

  7. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on how to save money on all the passport photos that are required throughout the journey...

    First: I found the cheapest place to get 2 (they wouldn't allow me to just buy one, which I found unreasonable but I got over it, lol) professionally taken passport photos (although you could totally do this yourself, I was just lazy and felt better about having someone else do it).

    Second: I taped both photos on top of large coloured sticky notes and then taped that to white paper.

    Third: Went to Staples to have them colour copy it on "80LB Cover Gloss Letter" paper.

    Fourth: Took my time to precisely cut around it (the coloured sticky notes makes this easy for you to see the edges *wink*).

    And what was the total of 10 pictures, which includes the 2 originals???

    $13.50 (including tax, y'all!)!!! *breakdown: $10.15 for the photos, $3.35 for the copies

    Obviously, you don't have to go to Staples..any printing place will do (just use gloss cover stock paper) and they will usually print one page for free to show you how it looks prior to buying.

    Don't waste your money buying, SO MANY, actual passport photos. Every penny saved counts for something, especially when it comes to this process :thumbs:


    Looks like Friday the 13th isn't unlucky like they say, but who's "they" anyway?!

    Congrats to everyone so far! Good news is always uplifting and refreshing :)

    I have a quick question...

    Do they keep the "evidence of support" (tax returns, mortgage documents, bank statements, etc.)..should I have to make copies for them to file away (which I really don't feel like doing, lol)???

  9. Hey Everyone!!!

    I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to you all for receiving interview dates!! I'm so happy and grateful that most of us were able to fit in just before Christmas - what a great freakin' present, eh?!


    Good luck and blessings to us all for the actual day...we're all going to breeze right through it..so don't stress! ;)

    Add me on to the list for November 23rd :thumbs: I'll be on the lookout for my fellow VJers who are scheduled that day (let's pray it's not too cold..oooh laaawd)!

  10. Hey online homies!!!

    I had the exact same letters sent to me (the ones Ebrech N Persona posted). I sent them everything they requested, however, on my cover letter I stated that I did not sign the 156-K form since the instructions stated so and that I also did not include the birth certificate, police certificate, evidence of engagement to my fiance and evidence of financial support and that I will provide them at the interview.

    I didn't feel secure enough sending those documents in the mail, just in case they got lost.

    Hopefully all goes well with what I sent *prays* :)

  11. I agree with SapphireDreams - Great explanation TrailMix :)

    And well said Carla and Treble :thumbs:

    The current healthcare system is absolutely and inhumanly pathetic and saddens me deeply - so a change is mos def needed!!!

  12. Hi everyone!!!

    I was arrested almost 7 years ago due to a domestic disturbance call placed by the neighbours (very loud and long argument - good ol' sibling rivalry). My sibling and I were never charged and we were released unconditionally with no convictions (this will be my explanation on the DS-230, DS-156 and the online DS-160 forms).

    We were never finger printed or had our pictures taken, nor did we fill out a police report - but I called the station and the officer I spoke with advised me that although I technically was not arrested (he stated the full procedure of an arrest was not carried out and technically we were just cuffed and detained) to state that I was because they still have the incident in their system - he said, "You definitely don't wanna play around with immigration!"

    So to avoid any problems I will be selecting the "yes" box *sighs* :(

    I am aware that I require the police clearance certificate (which states that my record is clean), however if there is anyone, who has had a similar situation, who can tell me if I need anything else (other papers/documentation) or if this will cause any delays/problems along the way and/or at the interview, please, please do let me know.

    If you can relate I ask you, ever so kindly, to help calm my nerves and ease my mind please, lol.


    Oh and ps...

    CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS RECEIVED THEIR NOA2 and to those who are still waiting..DON'T WORRY - TIME SERIOUSLY FLIES, SO DON'T STRESS (I'm realizing this now, lol!)!!!

  13. wow..........my timeline just moved up!!! :dance: .....i love this time of day when people get on here and update.....makes me HAPPY!!

    I know what you mean Strega...

    I ABHOR when peeps don't update, let alone, create their timeline *screams* it's my VJ pet peeve :angry:

    Ok..that's enough hatred for the day... back to celebrating, lol.


    ---I'm so giddy, hehehehehe-----

    Wishing the rest speedy #### approvals (can I say ####? - oh, I guess not, lol)!!!

  14. I took a break from this forum because it was beginning to emotionally stress me out plus I was becoming waaaay to addicted to it :wacko:

    My reason for logging back on is to wish everyone well and to lend some hope by saying....


    ALL PRAISE TO THE MOST HIGH for love and support through this not-even-close-to-ending process!!!


    I found out through email! It arrived in my inbox on July 31 :dance:

    So hang in there my fellow March applicants, yours is coming :thumbs:

    (L)Blessings to you all (L)

  15. :dance:CONGRATS!!! :dance:

    This is seriously encouraging news for everyone who has applied through VSC (since we've been seeing extremely fast approvals with CSC)!!!

    Keep em' coming Vermont!!!

  16. CONGRATS!!!! :dance:

    I most definitely will cry - and my beau will just laugh because he already knows how emotional I get, over everything - I even felt myself tearing up when reading how you were hugging the glass (but I stopped myself, hehe), lol!!!


  17. Same reason as most people - He's more settled, owns a home, has a recession-proof job with great benefits (so not concerned about health care) and a salary which can support the both of us; plus I have more opportunity to advance myself there, rather than Toronto. I rent, could definitely not support him here and I LOVE NYC :) So it was, not at all, a hard decision for me to make.

    I love Toronto, as well, but only in the summer, lol. And I will always consider myself a CANADIAN (and I will be wearing all of my "Canada" t-shirts when I'm out about) - even when it comes to applying for citizenship, hehe!

    He does, however, want to move to Canada - some day.. He truly looks forward to becoming a Canadian citizen and would definitely move here if he could work in the same field, with the same salary, but for now, it's just not cutting it.

    As far as raising children - I personally feel that it takes good planning no matter where you raise them :thumbs:

  18. OMGoodness!!!

    I cannot believe what has happened to this thread (I just, only now, have had the chance to read through everything)! :wow:

    Personally, when I have crossed the border I have had both big scary white men and small scary black men harass and interrogate me - and I'm a mixture of both races (you would think I would get a break somewhere, right?), lol!

    Anyway..getting back to the topic...

    The reason why I was flagged is NOW a funny story ('cause Lord knows it was traumatizing for a long time):

    Back in 2007, I was able to have time off from work and decided to spend it with my beau (2 months). I was naive and ignorant to how US visits really worked (my way of thinking used to be: "I'm Canadian, so what's the problem"). So, my honey came to pick me up in a US rental (I know, I know). I decided to pack A LOT of stuff, brought no ties, and no return ticket because I was unsure of the departure date and what form of transit I would be taking (Again, I know, I know - just didn't know at the time.. Remember: Naive Canadian mentality, lol).

    Basically... I was treated like a criminal - was fingerprinted, had pictures taken and was refused. We drove back to Toronto, got all my ties together and attempted to cross at 1:30am - was interrogated AGAIN (asking me ####### like why did I bring my documents of evidence with me.. because you told me to IDIOTS) and then finally let through.

    Ever since that day, they have continued to treat me like $#!^ (even though I show them all of my documents); although, let me give them some credit, there were a couple of times where they were actually friendly, made jokes and did not give me a hard time.

    But, otherwise, it's been emotionally straining - I've learned to deal with it over time and since finding this website I totally do NOT take it personal anymore. :thumbs:

    But it has been awhile, so just wanted to get some valuable opinions and mentally prep myself.

    So thanks to everyone who responded appropriately :)

    As far as the first comment Rhiann made - I was not offended by that at all, to be quite honest. Was it irrelevant? Most definitely but I find myself doing the same thing (stating irrelevant descriptions) from time to time (just keeping it real), like DeadPoolX said, "it was simply a description. It's not like she said anything racist or derogatory."


    It was Rhiann's latter comments which raised my left eyebrow - seemed very sketchy.

    But yah...anyway - let's all keep the peace, have respect for everyone and stick to the topic :P

  19. Hi my fellow Canucks!!! :)

    Quick question:

    I plan on visiting my fiance, soon enough (not sure when, as of yet), and I'm up in the air about how I should travel...

    I've been flagged back in 2007 and I've been harassed pretty much everytime I cross since then (which is why I carry a HUGE package of evidence showing ties to Canada and never lie) but the interrogation that I have to deal with (which is on and off - I guess it depends on which officer didn't get dibs on the chocolate timbits) is emotionally frustrating and puts me in great distress (I always go straight to the bathroom after they allow me entry and literally bawl my eyes out in the stall) ...

    So my question is...

    In your opinion would I be less harassed if I take a bus or fly (flights are ridiculous, so I'm considering the bus *sighs*)???

    **It's been awhile since I last crossed the border (July 2008) because I HATE dealing with the unecessary drama they put me through so I'm not even emotionally prepared as I usually am (I used to go every month from 2007 - 2008)

    Oh..also.. I'm planning on including a copy of our K1 package along with the original NOA1 with the rest of my "ties" evidence - Opinions anyone? Good idea? Bad idea???

    bkg info:

    I'm from Toronto hoping to fly to either LGA or JFK (I hate going to Newark) so anyone who can relate, as far as location goes, I would appreciate your replies :)

    THANKS A BUNCH, in advance (I guess that wasn't so quick afterall, my bad, lol)!!!

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