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  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    To my husband, my heart, my soul, my miracle, my destiny,
    I cannot wait till u r here and we can go for walks by the lake, listen to the birds chirping in the trees, lounge back on the couch watching TV in each other's arms, relax 2gether on the patio. I'm tired of being across oceans from you and can't wait till all of this is behind us. I can't wait to wake up in your arms and fall asleep and ur voice is the last thing I hear. How I miss the simplest things that most people take for granted, yet I know this journey -as hard as it seems now- is necessary to make us understand how crucial we are for each other and how life w/o the other is filled with depression, sadness and utter longing... While I have come to hate this separation, I believe things happen for a reason and one day we shall look back and laugh at all of this! Can't wait till that day is here. Gotta keep the faith!

    Gais and I were last together 14 years ago. I was 17 and he was 22. Our love story was the talk of the town, sort of like Romeo and Juliet. It was a forbidden love due to our differences in religion; everyone interfered to part us and then 2 yrs later my family and I moved to the U.S. Last year, I found Gais online on Facebook and we got married this past June and we now await for him to join me here. We waited 14 yrs to be reunited with that "1st love" and now more waiting....sigh.

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