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Posts posted by swb

  1. Thank you for the replies! :yes:

    I did get to speak with an Immigration lawyer today who advised me not to hide anything, so Im going to try and get my hands on something that says I did have a DUI 8 years ago in my former country.

    I think to be on the safe side I might take an Immigration Lawyer with me to the interview as this will be the first time USCIS will find out about it (even though I was not jailed or arrested for it).

    I really don't know what I am in for as far a lawyer's fees go....I'm guessing I'll have one consultation and one appearence at the interview with me.... anyone got an idea on what is reasonable to pay? :blink:

  2. Firstly sorry if this is in the wrong area....I'm new!!

    I have a Green Card interview coming up in a month (based on family immigration) I got the letter yesterday and read the notice about disclosing any previous DUI's.

    I had one 8 years ago in my original country, although the fine was more then $500 I was not technically arrested for it, nor does it show up on a Police Background check in my home country. When I went for my K1 interview in my home country I gave them a copy of the Police search done in my name, it was all clear, then they asked me if I had ever traffic voilations etc and I told them about the previous DUI then they said OK and nothing more was mentioned about it. In other words they have no actual documentation of this occuring.

    I am now trying to get my hands on info about this from the court I had to go to but if they cannot provide me with what I need I'm wondering if I can tick NO? I'm assuming if it didn't come up on my Police Background search would immigration even know about it? I'm happy to let immigration here know but I'm worried about the mess it will create if I can't show them anything........has anyone been through this situation?

    Anyhow hope that was clear enough,

    I'm stressed!! :unsure: Any constructive advice would be greatly appreciated!

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