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Posts posted by November_Filer

  1. So i was just quickly (obssessing) reviewing the AOS package I am going to send off today...and got a tad confused with the G-325

    My husband (the US citizen) filled out a G-325...now at the bottom of that form is says;

    Applicant:Be sure to put your name and Alien Registration Number in the box outlined by heavy border below.

    is he the applicant? he doesnt have an ARN. (Neither do I for that matter)

    ?? Im lost.

  2. Hey all,

    I have been creeping the boards..and I am happy to say I am sending my AOS packet to the Chic. Lock Box tomorrow bright and early!!!

    Can anyone send me a link for a document checklist just so I can stop stressing?

    I have everything all packaged up nicely, passport photos are in half size ziplocks, everything is separately papercliped together. Any other suggestions?

    For the i-130 it asks for supporting docs..like joint bank accounts etc...I have attached copies of all that should I send wedding pics? or other stuff like that?

    Thanks for the help..my journey begins!!!

    WOOOO!! :dance:

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