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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. 10 minutes ago, jayjayj said:

    Are you quoting from the same polls that guaranteed Hilary was going to win the election?  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA I can't even type enough AHAHA's for that.  You should buy her book to find out what happened.  She needs more money, since all the foreign donors stopped donating to the Clinton Foundation after she LOST.  AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Trump: "Hey, I'm on your side!!!  I would love to see YOUR polls.  Please share!!!"

  2. 13 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    Actually, I am not sure Trump ever said he was ever against single payer.  Sure he did say Obamacare was bad, but I think he would sign single payer if it were sent to him.  If you have a quote to the contrary I would love to hear it.

    Trump: "I used to support single-payer health care.  Didn't you read the book my ghost writer wrote?  It's called 'The America We Deserve.'  I sang the praises of Canada's and Scotland's health care systems.  Now that I'm in charge, the truth has come out: I support the failed Darwinian market approach."

  3. 2 hours ago, IDWAF said:

    I don't think anyone here has said that they are.  But you gotta admit, they are certainly in a large jar of stinky pickle juice that they didn't choose to be in.  Send them away, they are hosed.  Keep them here but deport their illegal parents?  Similarly screwed.  That's my summation of the whole mess.  Of course it's not really that simple, but that's pretty much all the energy I have left for it tonight.



    Trump: "DACA is EASY!!!  Nevermind that I fully supported the dreamers before I used them as red meat for my shrinking base.  I wish the FAKE media would stop showing that old video clip of me singing praises of the dreamers!!!"

  4. 30 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Come on man, just stop it.  You've got a year or so worth of ammo.  The other side has 8+ years.  Please try to stay on topic, I'm sure you've got some good input for this DACA mess.

    Trump: "A year or so worth of ammo?  Sheesh, you must have gone to Trump University!!!  Hey, I've been in the spotlight for DECADES!!!  I've screwed minorities looking to rent, I've screwed investors, I've screwed lenders, I've screwed contractors and workers, I've declared bankruptcy more times than you can count, I'm the king of frivolous lawsuits, and now I'm screwing the dreamers!!!"

  5. 38 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    Or how to reach across the isle to work for the good of America. If he hadn't the MDL would be screaming he didn't care about Harvey victims . The leftist don't care about America they are just agianst anything Trump. It's like the parable of King Solomon and cutting the baby in half. They would destroy America, if they could keep Trump from having any success.  True, our queen lost Butt hurt 

    Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan: "Apparently you missed class when they covered Negotiating 101."

  6. My wife, Chinook, is a dual citizen.  It was a painless process for us.  We went to a local outreach event and we were done in less than two hours.  We filed our Report of Marriage, Chinook filed for a new passport, and she obtained her Filipino citizenship.  It took a few weeks for them to send her new passport.


    Chinook always travels on her U.S. passport.  She used her Filipino passport to buy a house in the Philippines.

  7. 44 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

     This is more like going to 95 doctors who tell me I'm overweight based on their computer models where they are fully able to manipulate the data then telling me they have a wonder drug to make me lose weight if I give them $1000 then going to 5 other doctors that actually weigh me and tell me my weight is normal.

    Trump: "That could actually happen!!!  Thanks for a brilliant real-life example!!!"

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