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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. 11 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    Almost as good as all those THOUSANDS of shovel-ready jobs that got $50 billion thrown at them.  Then didn’t happen.  Remember that?

    Nice try!  Republicans used the exact same rhetoric about the stimulus package.  Perhaps you believe that Monday's appropriations for infrastructure projects will result in construction beginning on Tuesday.   The stimulus package resulted in 10,000+ infrastructure projects that put people to work at good-paying jobs.


    I see no movement at all by Trump to put coal miners back to work.  Maybe he'll have them make buggy whips instead.

  2. 8 minutes ago, bcking said:

    Your link doesn't comment on the DNC hack being done by a Bernie supporter.


    The person you quoted said that the theory that the hack was an inside job was debunked. If you want to suggest otherwise, you need to provide a different source. That article just talks about an agreement between Hillary and the DNC with regards to fundraising and control of their funds.

    There are certainly some serious reading comprehension issues in this thread, aren't there?  

  3. 20 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    You didn’t say guns were regulated, I did.  So we were not in agreement.  I pointed out that guns are already regulated.

    OK, I'll make it even simpler.  Just like vehicles, guns should be subject to further regulation.  Bump stocks are a good example of this.  Unfortunately, there is a vocal minority of Americans, including some in this forum, who won't give an inch on this issue. Do you think bump stocks should be banned?

  4. 6 hours ago, jg121783 said:

    Yeah it's funny how when someone kills people with a truck the person driving the truck is at fault. When someone uses a gun it's the guns fault. You don't see truck manufacturers being sued or proposals to ban trucks but when it's guns were talking about its a whole different story.

    There are many regulations on vehicles which are for public safety.  Why  should guns be any different?  If bump stocks were banned, I'll bet you wouldn't even miss them.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    I think they are starting the Uranium One investigation.

    That they are, and guess who is doing it?  It's Trump's stooge, Devin Nunes, the same guy who made a fool of himself a few months ago and had to recuse himself from the Trump/Russia collusion investigation.


    Of course, the investigation is simply another attempt by Nunes to shift attention away from the Trump investigation.  It won't go anywhere because it was debunked long ago.  Ask yourself, why is Nunes investigating it only now.  Hmmm...

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