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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. 30 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    Its funny. Liberals won't trust pilots with a gun but they trust them with a plane that could do far more damage than a gun. That's liberal logic for you.

     I must be reading fake news. I didn't realize that Douglas High School was attacked by a plane. When did Nikolas Cruz get his pilot's license?  

  2. 1 hour ago, jg121783 said:

    Its unfortunate. Most low and mid level FBI agents are good people who do good work when they are allowed to. But the upper management of the FBI is filled with a bunch of political hacks who think it's more important to investigate whether Trump had Russian dressing on his salad last night than it is to investigate a potential school shooter.

    The only "political hack" at the FBI is the Director.  No other FBI job is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

  3. 24 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    From Wiki:


    ”Switzerland thus has a relatively high gun ownership rate. There are no official statistics, and estimates vary considerably. The Small Arms Survey of 2016 placed Swiss gun ownership per capita at 24.45%.[5]

    In 2016, the defence ministry estimated that 2 million privately owned guns are in circulation, which given a population of 8.3 million corresponds to a gun ownership rate of around 24 guns per 100 residents.[6] This is roughly a quarter of the rate in the United States, and lower than that in the neighbouring countries of Germany, and Austria, but about the double of Italy and France.[5]

    Traditionally liberal Swiss gun legislation has, however, been somewhat tightened in 2008, when Switzerland has complied with European Firearms Directive.[7] Throughout the modern political history of Switzerland, there have been advocates for tighter gun control.[8]

    The most recent suggestion for tighter gun control was rejected in a popular referendum in February 2011.[9]” 


    From Time:


    Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder.”

    More cherry picking, I see.  Why don't you post the info a bit farther down in your Wiki link?

  4. 16 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    So called gun control does not stop criminals but prevents law abiding citizens from defending themselves against those criminals. Chicago is a prime example. I dont think there are any whack job potential school shooters out there who would say "Gee I was going to go shoot a bunch of people then kill myself but this new law says I'm not supposed to have this gun so I changed my mind". How about instead of banning guns we do something about the SSRIs almost all of these shooters are taking that are known to cause homicidal and suicidal thoughts? We're not allowed to have that debate though because the corporate media's biggest sponsor is big pharma.

    Good point about Chicago, or any locality for that matter.  That's why gun control laws should be national, not local or state.

  5. 9 minutes ago, missileman said:

    Gun laws won't stop crazy people.  The only reasonable and immediate solution is to train and arm teachers who can act as a safety net when these killers penetrate our children's schools.  Why do we protect our money in banks with guns, yet we protect our children with "gun free zone" signs.  The liberals who misled naive people into thinking that signs equal protection have blood on their hands...


    missileman out

    We don't protect our money in banks with guns.  The only time I've ever seen an armed guard in a bank was in the Philippines.  The teachers don't want to be armed, and rightly so, because it won't prevent anyone from doing what they are determined to do.  The Florida school had an armed guard.  That didn't work either.  Should we have popcorn sellers in theaters armed also?  How about bartenders in night clubs?

  6. 8 minutes ago, missileman said:

    This is about an incompetent FBI.  You are just trying to smear the messenger and the NRA......you failed miserably.

    Wake up!  Scott is the governor of Florida, is a crook, and is a tool of the NRA.  He has a clear bias.  He supported the weak gun control laws in Florida and is clearly dodging talking about gun control in the wake of the tragedy at Douglas High School.  He deflects from  talking about gun control measures by attempting to fob this tragedy off onto the FBI.

  7. On 2/17/2018 at 10:20 AM, jg121783 said:



    Pretty disgusting that the FBI is more concerned about a politically motivated witch hunt than investigating and stopping real crime. All the top people at the FBI should be in an unemployment line tomorrow. 17 people are dead because of their incompetence.

    Is this the same Rick Scott who was the CEO of Columbia/HCA when it perpetrated the biggest Medicare/Medicaid fraud in history?  That crook is a tool of the NRA.

  8. On 2/17/2018 at 10:20 AM, jg121783 said:



    Pretty disgusting that the FBI is more concerned about a politically motivated witch hunt than investigating and stopping real crime. All the top people at the FBI should be in an unemployment line tomorrow. 17 people are dead because of their incompetence.

    What could an FBI or local law enforcement investigation have done to prevent the shooting?  

  9. 37 minutes ago, Steeleballz said:



     Not like Trump is making any new fans. Politicians who rode the Trump wave should probably get used to the fact that it has crested. Every time he opens his mouth, he sinks farther. 

    No surprises here.  Trump is toxic all the way down the ballot to dog catcher.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, IDWAF said:

    He’s questioning it (as are many) because it was an end-run around the existing laws.  EXECUTIVE branch executes the laws, doesn’t make them up as time rolls on.  Obama handled it improperly, and now it’s up to Trump to make it right again.

    I see.  Obama handled it improperly because you say he handled it improperly, not because the arbiters of law, the courts, say he handled it improperly.  Got it!

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