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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. This thread is for those who are done with the interview at the USEM but was requested to submit add'l document(s) at the US embassy and for us to keep track how many weeks till they issue the visa.

    Interview - Nov.6,2008

    Additional doc required - NBI clearance with A.K.A

    Date Submitted - Nov. 12,2008

    Delbros status - Shipment still in process at the embassy

    Hi, Just curious here... Why did they require you to submit another NBI clearance with A.K.A'?


  2. Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhh... why is it that when you ask a yes or no question, Filipinos will answer with 'it's ok?'

    Would you like a drink? - It's ok

    Do you want me to bring you the item you forgot? - It's ok.

    Is the word 'no' considered rude??? Bahhhhhhhh! :wacko:

    Mostly, Filipinos want to avoid offending someone by saying 'No' so we either give the 'It's ok' answer or any indirect answer to the question.

    Lady1 = "How do I look?"

    Lady2 = "Hmmm...It's ok." - which means You dont look good.

  3. I am always fascinated by the excuses given by men and women as to why some men choose to marry women from the Philippines.

    Some American men openly admit that they want a woman that is going to stay with him, and is not going to leave him in indebtors prison...

    American woman claim that she is to strong of a woman for these weak american men and she has claimed her independence, and that now he will go over and claim some poor, hungry little immature submissive filipina who cant take care of herself.

    Then what does the filipinas say to this?

    How often do we men get the nasty look when we show up in public with our wives?

    The ESSENCE of being a WOMAN....does not matter what your nationality is. Each woman has her own special qualities.

    Stereotyping and prejudice always breed hatred and bitterness.


  4. Seriously, I am filipina but I dont like to see topic like this.. Admit it or not, some people will get offended.. We Filipinos dont want to be generalized, dont want to be treated badly, but let us respect also others that does not want to be generalized as well. I love equality and hate prejudism...This is how racism starts. Of course some people will react and the more people will respond to this topic..

    Lets just say, that we never looked for someone outside,, it is just coincidence that God gave us different person with different values in life that will understand us more.

    I never questioned my husband as why he chose me, as I believe it was destiny that brought us together.

    Thread like this should never exist.. Honestly..


    This topic is becoming non sense as it seems like proving who is better than the others.. I believe wherever you came from or wherever I came from has nothing to do with being a good wife... Everyone is capable of being a good one... No offense meant to every one.. Bad apples and oranges are everywhere..

    We Filipinos hate to be discriminated but we should stop bashing and proclaiming that we are better than others.. This topic needs to be closed as people will respond and respond more and will just offend more people.. I do not disagree to everyone.. this is a regional forum, but everyone can read everything we post here. And everyone has the right to react....

    It is not right to bring up the past from ex's, what happen before should be forgotten and just think that everything did not work for both of you.. As well as to my co-filipinos, I will say that we need to stop asking question like this in the forum, instead help each other on how you will improve your relationship and your visa journey going...

    What we do always come back to us, so let us treat everyone with respect and dignity..

    PEACE. (L)

    Peace everyone.

    AGREE. :thumbs:

  5. banana-Q, turon with langka, sidewalk bar-b-q, IUD, adidas, tusok-tusok the fishball, halo-halo sa kanto, kare-kare with bagoong, daing na bangus, siopao, siomai, etc. etc. :crying::crying::crying: I miss them all

    Yum, yum...Nagpapakasawa na ako ngayon sa mga pagkaing ganito habang nandito pa ako...

  6. Ah yes...the good old days...before the FDIC...and when gold was king...when a man was a man...and when his bank went bust he just gritted his teeth, tightened up his belt, and started over from scratch. Yes, those were the days!

    Advocacy by a few people of going back to the gold standard has been going on for generations. However, businesses back then did not act any more rationally than they do today. Risk and greed will always walk hand in hand. A few simple rules would have sufficed in order to prevent the latest economic collapse. As a result of deregulation of the financial markets, we now are stuck talking about massive bailouts and stimulus plans.

    Are there some businesses that we believe should be classified as "too big to let fail"? Or, should we allow Darwinian economics to apply to all businesses regardless of size? Could we stand the pain that ensued from a Wall Street collapse? Would allowing Wall Street's collapse really lessen our risk of any future collapse?

  7. I must have missed something in your posting. I had no problem listing some of #######'s magic moments. I doubt if my list is exhaustive. Yet, I can't seem to find even one that you have listed.

    VPs don't do much independent of the president so you'd have a hard time finding a list for say, Gore.

    Obama the Messiah...following Bush's policies? I got a chuckle out of that.

    Could you list how Obama's plans differ from Bush's? Following the Bush playbook on more money stimuli for the economy, continued wars, lack of transperancy. . .

    By the way, sometimes cartoons are not the best thing to support a point you are trying to make. For example, have you checked out the upcoming GOP head count in the Senate? The House? The governorships? The GOP has now lost two straight elections...badly. Maybe you would feel more comfortable calling it a "sweeping" change rather than "nation united".

    You forgot to add there was no change in control of Congress has been dominated by the Democrats since 2006 so there was no sweeping change. More likely the Dems will lose most of the gains in 2010 elections- happens most of the time.

    Now...I'll stay tuned for your list of #######'s high points.

    I doubt Biden will have any high points given the nature of being a VP.

    1. Where have you been for the past eight years? ####### Cheney was all over the news. I had no trouble pulling some of his magic moments off the top of my head. Who cares about Al Gore? He's just another guy I didn't vote for. Besides, the original posting wasn't about Al Gore, nor any other Vice President. It was all about #######. He certainly was an active Vice President. You would have a hard time convincing even a staunch conservative that ####### Cheney was George Bush's dupe. Can't you even think of one high point?

    2. Obama is following Bush's playbook? That one is a real hoot. Nobody wants the playbook from a losing team. And, I am not going to do your homework for you. You need to come up with your own list. Even the three examples you listed are ridiculous. You never even bothered to explain how those three policies were the same. Does Bush support Obama's proposed spending on infrastructure? Does he support a bailout of GM and Chrysler? Does Bush support more spending on job training and employment insurance? Does he support tighter regulations of any industry whatsoever? The policy list goes on and on...

    Continued wars? In case you hadn't noticed, the Bush Administration started two wars. You know...the two wars that Obama is now stuck with. Starting two wars was the Bush Administration policy. Are you saying that Obama is going to start two more wars? Didn't you even notice the vast difference between Bush and Obama regarding the use of diplomacy? Have you ever heard Obama demonize countries like the neocons do with their "axis of evil" pap? How about the policy differences on Guantanamo, torture, extraordinary rendition, and due process of the law? The list goes on and on...

    Lack of transparency? What lack of transparency? Obama isn't even President yet, so how do you explain his soon-to-be administration's lack of transparency? On the other hand, the Bush Administration's secrecy and lack of transparency is legendary by any measure. How about #######'s secret energy policy meetings? How about his refusal to turn over his email to the National Archives when he leaves office? How about this administration's refusal to testify before Congress by claiming executive privilege for everyone from the President to the janitor? The list goes on and on...

    3. I see that you still don't want to talk about the sweeping changes that occurred at the polls in 2006 and 2008. Not just in Congress...but all the way down the line. When is the last time that you recall the US Senate being so dominated by one party? How about the House? How about both at the same time? The GOP's tent is shrinking fast...at all levels. I really don't blame you for glossing over your current reality and, instead, looking for some kind of hope for the next election. Pain is never easy.

    4. Back to the original posting...I'm still waiting for your list of #######'s best tricks.......

  8. I believe that any discussion about corporate income tax rates should look at their effective tax rate, rather than their tax rate before deductions. Also, subsidies should be taken into account. Many corporations, while profitable, pay no federal income tax at all

    Maybe we could find an intelligent discussion of corporate taxes. Grover Norquist adds nothing to the conversation.

  9. The true Highest Moment of the last 8 years will be when the change of administration officially takes place.

    The converse is probably true for the incoming Obama administration. Obama won't live up to the hype as the "new Lincoln-JFK-FDR-Reagan-MLK". I've heard all those comparisons and more to a man who has no accomplishments and the minimal qualifications.

    No matter. We'll get the usual responses how other posters don't believe Obama is the Messiah but how Bush is the worst president ever. It's all very black and white (no pun intended). Ironically, I think Obama will make Bush look better as Obama comes down to earth and has to deal with reality. As I've said before, Bush was supposed to the dumbest guy around but Obama seems to be following most of his policies so far.

    One poster had it right with the signature cartoon with Bush wins 51% of the vote=nation divided and Obama wins with 52%=nation united. Expect good press for Obama unless it's the end of the world but Bush will get most of the blame for that, too.

    I must have missed something in your posting. I had no problem listing some of #######'s magic moments. I doubt if my list is exhaustive. Yet, I can't seem to find even one that you have listed.

    Instead, all I see is an echoing of Rush's and Bill's for-profit comedy routines. Apparently, no one has told you that they make a fabulous living creating rhetorical nonsense, and it's not to be taken as news. Obama the Messiah...following Bush's policies? I got a chuckle out of that.

    By the way, sometimes cartoons are not the best thing to support a point you are trying to make. For example, have you checked out the upcoming GOP head count in the Senate? The House? The governorships? The GOP has now lost two straight elections...badly. Maybe you would feel more comfortable calling it a "sweeping" change rather than "nation united".

    I can understand why you simply don't want to talk about the last eight years. Pain is never fun. We all witnessed what happened when the guys in charge were "accomplished" and "qualified".

    Now...I'll stay tuned for your list of #######'s high points.

  10. Paul...

    Thank you for posting Avi Shlaim's words. With the propaganda machine turned up to maximum volume, it is helpful to hear an articulate voice of balance and reason penetrate through the noise machine. This article provides the context and historical perspective to help understand the tragic situation that exists in Gaza today.

    I don't care what anyone chooses to label it...genocide, near-genocide, attempted-genocide, insanity, or whatever. I am appalled by Israel's land grabbing, it's dehumanizing treatment of the Palestinians, and it's belief in a military solution.

  11. In order for Israel to commit genocide they would have to basically force the Palestinian people out of their territory by a combination of mass murder and forced deportation.

    That isn't happening here, though it might if the situation destabilises any more.

    The Israelis pulled their people out of Gaza in 2005 so Israel doesn't want one of the poorest places on Earth.

    If you remove the population - then it won't be "one of the poorest places on earth". It will be prime real estate.

    There's nothing of value there. Per capita income is $1,100. Care to share with us all the resources and assets that the Gazans themselves don't know about?


    Reminds me of the guy who told me Afghanistan was a country with lots of valuable natural resourcs. He must have been referring to the opium.

    Lastly, Israel left the entire Sinai in 1982 (?) which actually had some oil so your theory holds as much logic as the sands of the Sinai holds water.

    The GDP per capita of Gaza is irrelevant. There is plenty of value in Gaza, and the Israelis who settled there knew it. They appropriated the land and turned it into settlements and farms. They raised crops and livestock. On a macro level, history shows us that populating a land with your own is a way that nations build a claim to that land.

  12. I can't imagine why Vice President ####### Cheney is so modest when asked about the high point of his administration. Just look at a few of his many achievements to choose from:

    > As the head of the committee to choose a Vice-Presidential running mate for Republican Presidential nominee George Bush in 2000, ####### Cheney scoured the land for the best candidate, and then...he chose himself.

    > One of his first major achievements in office was when he gathered his industry buddies (including his friends at Enron) together in a secret meeting so they could write a secret new energy policy for America. Even though we were not allowed to attend the secret meeting, nor read the secret report about it, he was generous enough to let us see one page from his secret report...a map of the oil fields in the Middle East.

    > It took him only 13 visits to the CIA to cook the pre-war intelligence on Iraq.

    > He talked his sidekick, Scooter Libby, into taking the fall for him when he outed Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA agent. This was a stroke of genius because he killed two birds with one stone: he got away with treason for divulging the identity of an undercover agent; and he diverted our attention away from the report about his hoax regarding Iraq trying to buy yellow-cake uranium from Nigeria.

    > He successfully talked his boss, a fellow draft-dodging chicken-hawk, into an illegal and immoral war.

    > Vice President Cheney will almost certainly be inducted into the Halliburton Hall of Fame during the first round of voting. It may not be enough that he was Halliburton's CEO, and a big shareholder to boot. What will certainly put him over the top are the billions of dollars of fat war contracts handed to Halliburton on a silver platter...as the only bidder.

    > Believing in the old saying about doing a job right by doing it yourself, Vice President Cheney disregarded all of the weapons inspectors in Iraq and decided to look for the weapons of mass destruction himself. While his trillion-dollar inspection has so far only cost 35,000 dead or seriously wounded Americans, countless tens of thousands of dead and seriously wounded Iraqis, some two million "internally displaced" Iraqis, two million more Iraqis who fled their homes to other countries, and instability in the Middle East, his diligent search for weapons of mass destruction continues.

    > He discovered a new interpretation of the Constitution that allowed him to deny due process of the law to anyone he didn't like. He even generously approved a free airline ticket for each and every one of those 500 guys who were released, after they rotted for years at Guantanamo...without a trial nor any other evidence of wrongdoing.

    > He carefully polished America's international image when he ignored national law, international law, military law, and the Geneva Convention, by bringing torture back into vogue. And when the torture business picked up, Vice President Cheney saved taxpayer money by outsourcing torture jobs to Third-World countries through his new extraordinary rendition program.

    > He graciously pointed out to all Americans how wrong we were all of this time to think that the Vice President is a member of the executive branch of our government, and instead, as the head of the Senate, was a member of the legislative branch...and therefore, did not have to abide by the law that requires him to turn over his email and other info to the public when he leaves office. The Vice President is still working on his rationale about why he, as a member of the legislative branch of government, can claim executive privilege when it comes to testifying before Congress.

    > Perhaps his greatest achievement was his nomination as the National Rifle Association's new poster boy...after shooting his hunting buddy...and having his buddy apologize for it!

    There are those who wrongly blame Vice President Cheney for not paying attention to the August 2001 National Intelligence Estimate that warned of Osama Bin Laden's attack on us. You can't blame ####### Cheney for something that was his boss' job. Besides, ####### was busy at the time...reading his oil maps.

  13. Again, our CONGRATULATIONS to those who got approved yesterday.

    For the rest of the Sept CSC filers, have more patience. It will come at the time you least expect it.

    We were actually expecting to get our approval anytime within the next 2 weeks, and it really felt good to finally get it.

    I have kept myself busy the past 2 days completing all my documents while waiting for NOA2 and they all came together yesterday. 14 is now one of our lucky numbers.

    God bless everyone. Keep the faith.

  14. I can swim but I am not really confident swimming in the deep water(10 ft or more).

    Swimming class is part of our P.E. subject during college but I was exempted from taking it. Still, I wanted to learn how to swim so I enrolled myself to swimming classes one summer right after college. I am glad I did, I love swimming and love the beach and the water.

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