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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. Rush Limbaugh once advised a black caller to his radio show: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

    He said that in the 1970's, and has since said that he regrets it. Having listened to Rush for nearly two decades, I find more to apprecaite about him than I do to dislike. One thing is that he is not condescening toward minorities, like libs are. I don't have a "plight" for them to exploit, EXCEPT that, as a conservative, I'm not convinced that I'm constantly being discriminated against, owed something, or need help from the government to make a good life for myself. I'd make a lousy minority lib.

    This quote is simply one among thousands of examples. The only reason he regrets those words is because they are bad for business, not because he has changed his views. I will, however, give Rush Limbaugh credit for being a good businessman, since he realizes that prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance sell better than outright racism. With him, it's all about the benjamins.

    Your current fact-challenged diatribe about minorities would make Rush proud. It is people like you and Rush who are destroying the once-proud GOP.

  2. Look around you and pay attention, please. If the OT is your idea of a brain trust, I am about to reveal what must be a secret in your world:

    There is no sustained depth on the OT. Not from you (although you clearly think you project it), and not from me, nor anyone else.

    I learned long ago to accept that I don't have the power to control anyone but me. So, here, I just give as good as I get, and the getting is pretty shallow and insipid. I don't come to the OT to offer more than that, nor do I expect more than that, or I would be beating my head against a wall every day. This is not a genious forum; the best we can do here, with varying agendas, levels of self-awareness and communication skills, is debate-lite. But, for me, after a day deep in analytical thought and substantive exchanges, it is a great place to come for harmless amusement and pseudo-intellectual repartee. You can ignore the fact that there is no more to it than that, but hopefully, for your own sanity, that reality will strike you soon. In the meantime, you are now keenly aware that this is how I see it, then take it or leave it, as you choose.

    This must be one of your uncomfortable rants.

    It's always interesting to see how often people resort to the same hyperbole, conjecture and ad homineum they accuse me of as they respond to me. I've never understood why there are a few who believe that if you don't post by their (imaginary, arbitrary) rules, then you're being definitively disingenuous. Oh, well. No one forces me to play in this sand box, so, so be it.

    Uh, ok. Now maybe you could enlighten us by telling us what your comment about Barry has to do with this thread about an intellectually incoherent, culturally intolerant, perpetually outraged, angry white man who's sole interest is to collect a fat paycheck by sitting on his drug-addicted bum in West Palm Beach and demonize gays, people of color, Muslims, feminists, and anyone else who doesn't fit his white-picket-fence fantasies.

    I don't like Barry. You don't like Rush. Whenever someone calls Rush a druggie, I have visions of Barry toking jits and using cocaine, as he has freely admitted to doing. This is the OT; what law makes them have to relate to each other more than that?

    I listen to Rush's show everyday. I have for nearly two decades, and I'm female, Muslim, a person of color. He's hardly as bad as you depict him to be. Liberals are FAR more angry and most of them are or have been druggies, too, so most of them can hardly criticize Rush with any credibility. He's far less of a racist than those who voted for Barry and fawn over him because he's Black, and the first Black president. What a joke!

    Under Obamas plan ol' Ted is a chronic case and would be sent home to die without further care or put to sleep. One of the two.

    You say that like it's a bad thing?! :unsure:

    Rush is a chopf#ck!!! :angry:

    And a druggie.......oxycontins anyone ? :unsure:

    Barry can supply the cocaine.


    Thank you for your enlightening post, as I have learned a lot from it. For example:

    > Responding to the substance of a posting is always optional, especially when it makes you uncomfortable because you realize that you can't defend the indefensible.

    > Since this is the Off Topic forum, it does not matter what subject you are talking about with someone. You can simply respond with any unrelated rant.

    > In our conversation, the first unrelated rant that came to your mind was about anyone you could think of who was not a hypocritical drug addict who believes that all those other drug addicts should be taken out and shot.

    > It's perfectly fine with you if Rush Limbaugh has a double standard regarding drug addiction.

    > In your opinion, Rush Limbaugh is "hardly as bad" as I depict him to be. Instead, you view him as run-of-the-mill bad.

    > You know every liberal in the country, and that's why you can assert with authority that they "are far more angry" and "most of them have been druggies too" .

    > You would never be intellectually dishonest enough to paint a group with a broad brush.

    > You believe that liberals who are not angry nor drug addicts have a lot to be critical of regarding Rush Limbaugh's act.

    > You believe that Rush Limbaugh is a racist, just "less" so than those who are proud to have voted for, and fawn over, Barry.

    > You are female, Muslim, and a person of color who has been insulted by Rush Limbaugh for twenty years...and you are still oblivious to it.

    > You actually think Rush Limbaugh is interested in more than his ratings and the size of his next paycheck.

    Thanks again for the lesson.

    PS...since this is the Off Topic forum, and we are allowed to change the subject of any conversation in any thread at any time for any reason, I thought I would let you know that there is also something that I don't like...liver and onions. Whenever someone mentions Rush Limbaugh, I have "visions" of that stinking mess sitting on a plate in front of me.


    There you go again...another clumsy (and obvious) attempt to sidestep my posting. This time, you've switched to using sweeping generalities, and to big words that you can't even spell correctly.

    It's a mystery to me why you let your pride get in the way of admitting that you've hung yourself with your own words. Maybe it's easier for you to simply take your ball and go home. Is this an example of your "depth"?

    Now you are blaming the forum...that's deep! I nominate you as the Master of Avoidance.

  3. This must be one of your uncomfortable rants.

    It's always interesting to see how often people resort to the same hyperbole, conjecture and ad homineum they accuse me of as they respond to me. I've never understood why there are a few who believe that if you don't post by their (imaginary, arbitrary) rules, then you're being definitively disingenuous. Oh, well. No one forces me to play in this sand box, so, so be it.

    Uh, ok. Now maybe you could enlighten us by telling us what your comment about Barry has to do with this thread about an intellectually incoherent, culturally intolerant, perpetually outraged, angry white man who's sole interest is to collect a fat paycheck by sitting on his drug-addicted bum in West Palm Beach and demonize gays, people of color, Muslims, feminists, and anyone else who doesn't fit his white-picket-fence fantasies.

    I don't like Barry. You don't like Rush. Whenever someone calls Rush a druggie, I have visions of Barry toking jits and using cocaine, as he has freely admitted to doing. This is the OT; what law makes them have to relate to each other more than that?

    I listen to Rush's show everyday. I have for nearly two decades, and I'm female, Muslim, a person of color. He's hardly as bad as you depict him to be. Liberals are FAR more angry and most of them are or have been druggies, too, so most of them can hardly criticize Rush with any credibility. He's far less of a racist than those who voted for Barry and fawn over him because he's Black, and the first Black president. What a joke!

    Under Obamas plan ol' Ted is a chronic case and would be sent home to die without further care or put to sleep. One of the two.

    You say that like it's a bad thing?! :unsure:

    Rush is a chopf#ck!!! :angry:

    And a druggie.......oxycontins anyone ? :unsure:

    Barry can supply the cocaine.


    Thank you for your enlightening post, as I have learned a lot from it. For example:

    > Responding to the substance of a posting is always optional, especially when it makes you uncomfortable because you realize that you can't defend the indefensible.

    > Since this is the Off Topic forum, it does not matter what subject you are talking about with someone. You can simply respond with any unrelated rant.

    > In our conversation, the first unrelated rant that came to your mind was about anyone you could think of who was not a hypocritical drug addict who believes that all those other drug addicts should be taken out and shot.

    > It's perfectly fine with you if Rush Limbaugh has a double standard regarding drug addiction.

    > In your opinion, Rush Limbaugh is "hardly as bad" as I depict him to be. Instead, you view him as run-of-the-mill bad.

    > You know every liberal in the country, and that's why you can assert with authority that they "are far more angry" and "most of them have been druggies too" .

    > You would never be intellectually dishonest enough to paint a group with a broad brush.

    > You believe that liberals who are not angry nor drug addicts have a lot to be critical of regarding Rush Limbaugh's act.

    > You believe that Rush Limbaugh is a racist, just "less" so than those who are proud to have voted for, and fawn over, Barry.

    > You are female, Muslim, and a person of color who has been insulted by Rush Limbaugh for twenty years...and you are still oblivious to it.

    > You actually think Rush Limbaugh is interested in more than his ratings and the size of his next paycheck.

    Thanks again for the lesson.

    PS...since this is the Off Topic forum, and we are allowed to change the subject of any conversation in any thread at any time for any reason, I thought I would let you know that there is also something that I don't like...liver and onions. Whenever someone mentions Rush Limbaugh, I have "visions" of that stinking mess sitting on a plate in front of me.


    There you go again...another clumsy (and obvious) attempt to sidestep my posting. This time, you've switched to using sweeping generalities, and to big words that you can't even spell correctly.

    It's a mystery to me why you let your pride get in the way of admitting that you've hung yourself with your own words. Maybe it's easier for you to simply take your ball and go home. Is this an example of your "depth"?

  4. Uh, ok. Now maybe you could enlighten us by telling us what your comment about Barry has to do with this thread about an intellectually incoherent, culturally intolerant, perpetually outraged, angry white man who's sole interest is to collect a fat paycheck by sitting on his drug-addicted bum in West Palm Beach and demonize gays, people of color, Muslims, feminists, and anyone else who doesn't fit his white-picket-fence fantasies.

    I don't like Barry. You don't like Rush. Whenever someone calls Rush a druggie, I have visions of Barry toking jits and using cocaine, as he has freely admitted to doing. This is the OT; what law makes them have to relate to each other more than that?

    I listen to Rush's show everyday. I have for nearly two decades, and I'm female, Muslim, a person of color. He's hardly as bad as you depict him to be. Liberals are FAR more angry and most of them are or have been druggies, too, so most of them can hardly criticize Rush with any credibility. He's far less of a racist than those who voted for Barry and fawn over him because he's Black, and the first Black president. What a joke!

    Under Obamas plan ol' Ted is a chronic case and would be sent home to die without further care or put to sleep. One of the two.

    You say that like it's a bad thing?! :unsure:

    Rush is a chopf#ck!!! :angry:

    And a druggie.......oxycontins anyone ? :unsure:

    Barry can supply the cocaine.


    Thank you for your enlightening post, as I have learned a lot from it. For example:

    > Responding to the substance of a posting is always optional, especially when it makes you uncomfortable because you realize that you can't defend the indefensible.

    > Since this is the Off Topic forum, it does not matter what subject you are talking about with someone. You can simply respond with any unrelated rant.

    > In our conversation, the first unrelated rant that came to your mind was about anyone you could think of who was not a hypocritical drug addict who believes that all those other drug addicts should be taken out and shot.

    > It's perfectly fine with you if Rush Limbaugh has a double standard regarding drug addiction.

    > In your opinion, Rush Limbaugh is "hardly as bad" as I depict him to be. Instead, you view him as run-of-the-mill bad.

    > You know every liberal in the country, and that's why you can assert with authority that they "are far more angry" and "most of them have been druggies too" .

    > You would never be intellectually dishonest enough to paint a group with a broad brush.

    > You believe that liberals who are not angry nor drug addicts have a lot to be critical of regarding Rush Limbaugh's act.

    > You believe that Rush Limbaugh is a racist, just "less" so than those who are proud to have voted for, and fawn over, Barry.

    > You are female, Muslim, and a person of color who has been insulted by Rush Limbaugh for twenty years...and you are still oblivious to it.

    > You actually think Rush Limbaugh is interested in more than his ratings and the size of his next paycheck.

    Thanks again for the lesson.

    PS...since this is the Off Topic forum, and we are allowed to change the subject of any conversation in any thread at any time for any reason, I thought I would let you know that there is also something that I don't like...liver and onions. Whenever someone mentions Rush Limbaugh, I have "visions" of that stinking mess sitting on a plate in front of me.

  5. Let's give credit where credit is due. While Rush Limbaugh may be a hypocritical, fact-challenged, morbidly obese, drug-addicted blowhard, he's laughing all the way to the bank because there are enough willfully ignorant people out there who take his act seriously...and he knows it.

    I like this so much that I want to say that Barry Obama may be a skinny, hypocritical, policy-challenged, drug-addicted blowhard, he's laughing at all the willfully ignorant people who voted for him, still take his act seriously, and are still painfully clueless . . . and he knows it.

    You are probably correct. I don't think Stern has the numbers he had before he went to satellite. I think him and Rush are douche bags. Anyone who hopes the President fails should be shot and deported.

    Does that go for all Presidents or just this one?

    I think a lot of folks would have been Shot during the last 8 years.

    Any President. I didn't care for Bush but I most certainly never wished for him nor any other to fail. Why would anyone want their country to fail?

    What makes you think that the president equals the country?

    Kennedy and Limbaugh are both big fat bags of hot air, but Limbaugh hasn't personally killed anyone that I know of, so that puts him a couple notches above Uncle Teddy.


    But Bush fried a lot of people in the electric chair.

    Yea, that was a good start :)


    Thank you for your compliment regarding my posting. I'm glad you like it. I notice that you're a believer in imitation being the sincerest form of flattery.

    However, maybe you could explain to everyone how your response to my posting has anything to do with the price of tea in China, since Barry is just another guy I didn't vote for. Should we simply assume that you jumped to an erroneous conclusion and were poking in the wrong direction? What would the bloviator-in-chief think about that!

    It doesn't have to have anything to with your vote. You just put words together in a way I liked, so I used them to express my own point of view about Barry.

    Uh, ok. Now maybe you could enlighten us by telling us what your comment about Barry has to do with this thread about an intellectually incoherent, culturally intolerant, perpetually outraged, angry white man who's sole interest is to collect a fat paycheck by sitting on his drug-addicted bum in West Palm Beach and demonize gays, people of color, Muslims, feminists, and anyone else who doesn't fit his white-picket-fence fantasies.

  6. Let's give credit where credit is due. While Rush Limbaugh may be a hypocritical, fact-challenged, morbidly obese, drug-addicted blowhard, he's laughing all the way to the bank because there are enough willfully ignorant people out there who take his act seriously...and he knows it.

    I like this so much that I want to say that Barry Obama may be a skinny, hypocritical, policy-challenged, drug-addicted blowhard, he's laughing at all the willfully ignorant people who voted for him, still take his act seriously, and are still painfully clueless . . . and he knows it.

    You are probably correct. I don't think Stern has the numbers he had before he went to satellite. I think him and Rush are douche bags. Anyone who hopes the President fails should be shot and deported.

    Does that go for all Presidents or just this one?

    I think a lot of folks would have been Shot during the last 8 years.

    Any President. I didn't care for Bush but I most certainly never wished for him nor any other to fail. Why would anyone want their country to fail?

    What makes you think that the president equals the country?

    Kennedy and Limbaugh are both big fat bags of hot air, but Limbaugh hasn't personally killed anyone that I know of, so that puts him a couple notches above Uncle Teddy.


    But Bush fried a lot of people in the electric chair.

    Yea, that was a good start :)


    Thank you for your compliment regarding my posting. I'm glad you like it. I notice that you're a believer in imitation being the sincerest form of flattery.

    However, maybe you could explain to everyone how your response to my posting has anything to do with the price of tea in China, since Barry is just another guy I didn't vote for. Should we simply assume that you jumped to an erroneous conclusion and were poking in the wrong direction? What would the bloviator-in-chief think about that!

  7. I have used Fed Ex successfully three times to send documents to Bacolod, Negros Occidental. I sent the documents "Express", and each time they arrived in Bacolod in three business days.

    You can track your package on the Fed Ex web site using the tracking number they give you at the time that you send it.

    The only part of the Fed Ex operation which shut down in the Philippines was their distribution center. Otherwise, they still make deliveries as usual. Now, all of the packages going to the Philippines are routed through mainland China.

    Never send cash.

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