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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. regarding i134form since my fiance got laid off last dec 2008 how will he answer the question number 7 asking are u engaged in the business of _______ with_________ should he answer it none or n/a since he got laid off last dec or should he still put his previous workplace.

    then below this ques, is a ques how much is annual income should he put his last annual income last 2008

    right now he is a full time student, government paying unemployement payment then he got federal loan, student loan.

    since im will wait for his new g325a to send me i got confused cause he filled up i134form ques number 7 then he put his annual income last 2008.

    thank you, hope you wont get tired answering my queries.

    YES tahoma, thats what im thinking to do not to call anymore uscis, i wil just hand to the consul incase he notice our old g325a

    whats the best courier aside from ups it takes 5-7days to arrive in phili my interview wil be on 26th. i need to get the papers by 25th or else im thinking to reschedule it by 30th or first week of april.



    You are thinking the right thing about filling out his I-134. He should say he is a student.

    Then, he should answer the question about his 2008 income with exactly that...the gross amount that is shown on his W-2 Form for 2008.

    Don't worry too much about these questions because the Consul Officer also will look at your co-sponsor's income and also the fact that you are a nurse who will be able to help support your family. This gives you a strong case.

    In my opinion, the important thing that the Consul Officer is trying to determine is whether or not your relationship is genuine...whether or not you two really love each other. When you go into your interview, the Consul Officer will see that love is in the air!

    The income is secondary. Certainly, they don't want you to become dependent on the state for your support. But, since you have a sponsor, a co-sponsor, and your own job skills, you have a good case to show the Consul Officer in regards to to your support. You also have a fiance who is continuing his education so that he can improve his chances of getting a better job, so that he can support you and your future family.

    In my experience, if your fiance sends you the papers via Fed Ex Express, you will receive them in three business days. I have sent papers three or four times from Seattle to Bacolod using Fed Ex Express, and every time they were delivered on the third day.

    It seems that you are getting everything in order so that you will have a successful interview. So, please try not to worry too much and always remember why you are interviewing...because you are in love with your fiance.

    Our best wishes to you for a PINK interview and a speedy visa!

    ~ Tahoma & Chinook

  2. sweet eifey 22, tahoma, haole

    from the bottom of our hearts we both thank you!!!

    right now things getting clear and its really enlightened us and made us continue with this battle we almost lost our faith and so hopeless, we were so miserable for the past 2 days all i do was to cry, its also painful that my family and his family were so been affected by this stupid error we commited. im so much concern with the miswritten info i have put in g325a to be honest.

    thank you guys for helping us, it means so much to us and words were not enough to extend how thankful we were cause u gave time to read and drop us your advices and knowledge.

    may god be with you all!!!

    i wil keep u updated right now my fiance is filling up new g325a

    someone told me to call uscis in their toll free number you think it wil do good or might harm more our papers. i believed everything need to deal with our papers should be direct from usembassy manila sinc ei wil have my interview on 26th

    thank you once again!!!

    Hi again asia_tyson...

    Here is our opinion regarding your G325A: take the updated G-325A to the interview with you. If the Consul Officer notices the problem with your old one, offer him the new one, and explain the circumstances.

    We believe it is unnecessary to call the USCIS.

    ~ Tahoma & Chinook

  3. Welcome to Visa Journey!

    After your fiancée receives her pink slip and pays the visa delivery fee to air21, she will have her visa in her hand in as little as a few days...but normally in about a week. Good luck with the interview and with a speedy visa delivery!

    Tahoma & Chinook

  4. I agree that your profession as a registered nurse will help you when you interview. The Consul Officer who you interview with has the discretion to grant you a visa despite any problems with your fiance's employment history or his income. Having a co-sponsor will most likely help you also. When my fiancée interviewed, the pre-screener and the Consul Officer never even asked to see my employment letter.

    One thing I would strongly advise is for your petitioner to completely fill out, sign, and date a new I-129F...and send it to you before your interview (make sure he sends you the original...and not a copy). If the Consul Officer notices anything wrong with your first I-129F, you can give him the new, updated (corrected) I-129F. This will save you a lot of time because you will not have to wait for your petitioner to send you a new one, and you will not have to make another trip to the USEM to submit a new I-129F. The Consul Officer will accept the new, updated (corrected) I-129F during your interview. No worries!!!

    Good Luck with your approval and for a speedy visa!

    Tahoma & Chinook

  5. Well we just got approved today!!! Thank God!!! It has been a long journey up to this point, but all so worth it.

    I do have a question though, when my fiancee was filling out the medical forms, for POE we had put Detroit because at the time that was the cheapest ticket available. Now that time has gone by, that POE is actually one of the more costly.

    As I understand it, they will send the Medical CD to the POE you had mentioned on the medical forms. Is it required to enter the US through the POE mentioned in the medical forms, or can you somehow get them to deliver the medical CD to a residence in the US or another POE? Is the medical CD necessary to have? Can we go through another POE or is it a must that we have to go through Detroit now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    > The USEM will not send your medical CD to a POE.

    > You will receive your medical CD in your visa packet when your visa packet is delivered to you in the Philippines.

    > You are required to present your unopened visa packet to the U.S. Immigration Officer at your POE.

    > It does not matter if you change your POE.

    > The U.S. Immigration Officer at your POE will return your medical CD to you.

    > Save your medical CD because you MIGHT need it for your AOS.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Thank you for the information. We were just concerned because when the medical was over they said that they would send the CD to the location of the POE that we specified on the medical exam form. That led me to believe that they would be shipping the CD separately and not a part of the packet. Thank you for clearing that up! It had me worried!

    My fiancée's medical CD was returned to her by the Immigration Officer. He did not even look at it. The only thing on the medical CD is her chest x-ray.

    Along with her name, her date of birth, the date her x-ray was taken, and St. Luke's address and phone number, the following is printed on the front of her CD: "To the Immigration Officer: Please give this CD to the immigrant for submission to the local health department."

    Tahoma & Cascade

  6. Well we just got approved today!!! Thank God!!! It has been a long journey up to this point, but all so worth it.

    I do have a question though, when my fiancee was filling out the medical forms, for POE we had put Detroit because at the time that was the cheapest ticket available. Now that time has gone by, that POE is actually one of the more costly.

    As I understand it, they will send the Medical CD to the POE you had mentioned on the medical forms. Is it required to enter the US through the POE mentioned in the medical forms, or can you somehow get them to deliver the medical CD to a residence in the US or another POE? Is the medical CD necessary to have? Can we go through another POE or is it a must that we have to go through Detroit now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    > The USEM will not send your medical CD to a POE.

    > You will receive your medical CD in your visa packet when your visa packet is delivered to you in the Philippines.

    > You are required to present your unopened visa packet to the U.S. Immigration Officer at your POE.

    > It does not matter if you change your POE.

    > The U.S. Immigration Officer at your POE will return your medical CD to you.

    > Save your medical CD because you MIGHT need it for your AOS.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  7. Finally, I am reunited with my loving fiance now :) . After the long visa process and 15 hours in the air, it is wonderful to be together with him again. Everything went smoothly. Flight was on time, the Immigration officers were very nice. It took me only 30 minutes to go through Immigration :thumbs: .

    The first Immigration Officer asked me these questions:

    > Why are you going to the U.S?

    > What is your fiance's name

    > How long have you known each other?

    Then, he took my fingerprints and my photo, and instructed me to proceed to the other Immigration counter.

    The second Immigration officer checked my visa packet and asked me the following questions:

    > Fiance's name

    > Is he divorced? Does he have any kids?

    > Where did you meet him?

    > Your parent's names?

    > His age and your age?

    He gave me back my xray CD and my passport. Then, he told me that I have 3 months to marry my fiance. Also, he wished me good luck in my marriage.

    My fiance was there waiting for me ;) at the baggage claim area.

    I saw snow today for the first time in my life !!!

  8. I am anything I want to be.

    Too bad you suck at 'Let's Pretend'.

    You just suck, period.

    Changed your name, huh? Be careful with the insutls, you may get suspended.

    You would know :devil:

    Rush Limbaugh once advised a black caller to his radio show: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

    He said that in the 1970's, and has since said that he regrets it. Having listened to Rush for nearly two decades, I find more to apprecaite about him than I do to dislike. One thing is that he is not condescening toward minorities, like libs are. I don't have a "plight" for them to exploit, EXCEPT that, as a conservative, I'm not convinced that I'm constantly being discriminated against, owed something, or need help from the government to make a good life for myself. I'd make a lousy minority lib.

    This quote is simply one among thousands of examples. The only reason he regrets those words is because they are bad for business, not because he has changed his views. I will, however, give Rush Limbaugh credit for being a good businessman, since he realizes that prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance sell better than outright racism. With him, it's all about the benjamins.

    Your current fact-challenged diatribe about minorities would make Rush proud. It is people like you and Rush who are destroying the once-proud GOP.

    It wasn't a diatribe; just a statement of my position. Try unloading the overstatements, and you may start to make more sense. I'm hardly destroying the GOP by disagreeing with you and agreeing with Rush. Frankly, as long as I'm disagreeing with liberals, I know my conservative compass is still pointing in the right direction :D

    Disagreeing for disagreement's sake...that's deep!

    I disagree with you. Grow up and get over it.

    Your disagreement is noted. You have a nice day too.

  9. Your current fact-challenged diatribe about minorities would make Rush proud. It is people like you and Rush who are destroying the once-proud GOP.

    What a plastic statement.

    Why don't you share with us who in the GOP you believe made it a "proud party"?

    What a joke :rofl:

    Hi Danno...

    I missed you after you dropped out of the thread about equal opportunity. In that thread, wasn't it you who said there was a 50% drop out rate for African Americans in your local high schools? When Ling Ling challenged you on that assertion, you simply ignored him. Later, on another thread, I saw where you posted a column by Pat Buchanan that used that same line. Danno, you BS-er! You lifted a Buchanan line and made it your own! No wonder you ignored Ling Ling when he called you out on it. Now I know why you are a plastics expert!

    You make me laugh, do you think I scan every post to see what someone might have said in a follow up?

    By the way I think I said "Black males" not african americans as a whole.

    I wrote about the 50% number because that was what I heard on the local news.

    The fact that Pat Buchanan also used this common stat means .....what?

    If you pulled your head out of your crack for a few minutes a day you might learn something dude.


    <<<Dr. Andrew Jones, Round Table secretary and Dallas County Community College District vice chancellor for educational affairs, added context to the discussion in his remarks before the assembled crowd, which included community college presidents from across the nation. “In most of our major cities in this country, less than 50 percent of African-American males graduate from high school.>>>


    Oh and Tahoma, I am still waiting on your list of republicans who made you proud.

    Danno...I'm glad I gave you a chuckle. Naturally, I don't think you scan every post to see what someone else might have said in a follow up. That would take up too much of your valuable time. I realize that you are far too busy waving your confederate flag and whistling dixie while you listen to Rush Limbaugh spew forth.

    As busy as you are, I would like to ask a favor of you. Would you mind if I borrow your line about pulling my head out of my crack? It's an original and I like it a lot. I'd like your permission to use it in the future. I feel that using it would demonstrate my great wit, humor, and maturity, all at the same time. I'll even make you a deal; the first three times I use that line on someone, I'll be happy to attribute it to you. After that, I'd like to claim it as my own. Would that be OK with you? Thanks in advance.

    Also, if you are not too busy, perhaps you would care to go back and read my post again. Nowhere in my post did I say that I had a "list of republicans who made" me "proud." My comment refers to the many Republicans who are disgusted with the party since you neocons hijacked the party and ran it into the ground. There are, in fact, Republicans who I admire. I would gladly talk with you about them if I thought you cared one iota. I can easily guess who's on your own list.

    Danno...In the spirit of sharing, and to refresh your memory, I've taken the liberty of quoting some of your classic Danno-isms (are there any other kind?). Your continued denial regarding the Black Experience in America for the past 300+ years is legendary, and your belief that Blacks are simply lazy, complaining failures is a throwback to to the good ol' days. Allow me to share these nuggets:

    > Danno expounding on how he knows that prejudice and discrimination barely exist in America: "Of course there a small fraction of people out there who would never vote for a Black, but I don't know one person like that so there can't be that many out there.

    > Danno explaining what is evident to everyone: Prejudice and discrimination are "evidently, way overrated."

    > Danno evidently channeling Rush: "As I said before, the race card is short lived....soon Ole whitey will be a minority too."

    > Danno the amnesiac: "Are we to believe that of all the races in the world, it is only the color of black skin which the whites want to keep down."

    > Danno forgetting to look up high school dropout rates for Hispanics: "The hispanics will clearly out-do our African American folks in a number of areas...."

    > Danno in denial of the Black Experience in America...Take 1: "In MY CITY we have a 50% drop out rate with black males in high school..."

    > Danno getting his story straight...Take 2: "My friend we have a 50% drop-out rate in OUR HIGH SCHOOL among black males."

    > Ling Ling to Danno: "My learned colleague, what high school is this?"

    > Danno to Ling Ling...Take 3...: "Is this the place where I am supposed to say 'I have a lot of black friends?'"

    > Danno...Take 4...: Danno posts the Pat Buchanan column suspecting no one will notice.

    > Danno...Take 5: "I wrote about the 50% number because that is what I HEARD ON THE LOCAL NEWS."

    > Danno...Take 6 (scrambling to Google): "In MOST OF OUR MAJOR CITIES IN THIS COUNTRY, less than 50 percent of the African-American males graduate from high school."

    > Danno the expert on how to convince a Black man (Ling Ling) in America that racism, prejudice, and discrimination barely exist: "My friend you are the Reason the Black community is in trouble, not me. You fail to act and you make excuses."

    Danno...I will save some of your Danno-isms for your next reading pleasure. Now go out there and make Rush proud!

    It's a little sad you spent all that time and effort researching my "golden" posts from the past yet

    failed to prove me wrong on one.

    Clearly you are race obsessed and anyone who does not see America as a "place full of racists"

    must be (in your view) himself a racist.

    Next time you go through the effort to repost someones words..... howz about you prove them wrong on something... or else you end up looking like an Azz.

    ahh and there is no chance I will dredge up your old posts.... I have a bit of a life and your old posts.....it was boring enough reading them the first time.

    Your words speak for themselves.

  10. Your current fact-challenged diatribe about minorities would make Rush proud. It is people like you and Rush who are destroying the once-proud GOP.

    What a plastic statement.

    Why don't you share with us who in the GOP you believe made it a "proud party"?

    What a joke :rofl:

    Hi Danno...

    I missed you after you dropped out of the thread about equal opportunity. In that thread, wasn't it you who said there was a 50% drop out rate for African Americans in your local high schools? When Ling Ling challenged you on that assertion, you simply ignored him. Later, on another thread, I saw where you posted a column by Pat Buchanan that used that same line. Danno, you BS-er! You lifted a Buchanan line and made it your own! No wonder you ignored Ling Ling when he called you out on it. Now I know why you are a plastics expert!

    You make me laugh, do you think I scan every post to see what someone might have said in a follow up?

    By the way I think I said "Black males" not african americans as a whole.

    I wrote about the 50% number because that was what I heard on the local news.

    The fact that Pat Buchanan also used this common stat means .....what?

    If you pulled your head out of your crack for a few minutes a day you might learn something dude.


    <<<Dr. Andrew Jones, Round Table secretary and Dallas County Community College District vice chancellor for educational affairs, added context to the discussion in his remarks before the assembled crowd, which included community college presidents from across the nation. “In most of our major cities in this country, less than 50 percent of African-American males graduate from high school.>>>


    Oh and Tahoma, I am still waiting on your list of republicans who made you proud.

    Danno...I'm glad I gave you a chuckle. Naturally, I don't think you scan every post to see what someone else might have said in a follow up. That would take up too much of your valuable time. I realize that you are far too busy waving your confederate flag and whistling dixie while you listen to Rush Limbaugh spew forth.

    As busy as you are, I would like to ask a favor of you. Would you mind if I borrow your line about pulling my head out of my crack? It's an original and I like it a lot. I'd like your permission to use it in the future. I feel that using it would demonstrate my great wit, humor, and maturity, all at the same time. I'll even make you a deal; the first three times I use that line on someone, I'll be happy to attribute it to you. After that, I'd like to claim it as my own. Would that be OK with you? Thanks in advance.

    Also, if you are not too busy, perhaps you would care to go back and read my post again. Nowhere in my post did I say that I had a "list of republicans who made" me "proud." My comment refers to the many Republicans who are disgusted with the party since you neocons hijacked the party and ran it into the ground. There are, in fact, Republicans who I admire. I would gladly talk with you about them if I thought you cared one iota. I can easily guess who's on your own list.

    Danno...In the spirit of sharing, and to refresh your memory, I've taken the liberty of quoting some of your classic Danno-isms (are there any other kind?). Your continued denial regarding the Black Experience in America for the past 300+ years is legendary, and your belief that Blacks are simply lazy, complaining failures is a throwback to to the good ol' days. Allow me to share these nuggets:

    > Danno expounding on how he knows that prejudice and discrimination barely exist in America: "Of course there a small fraction of people out there who would never vote for a Black, but I don't know one person like that so there can't be that many out there.

    > Danno explaining what is evident to everyone: Prejudice and discrimination are "evidently, way overrated."

    > Danno evidently channeling Rush: "As I said before, the race card is short lived....soon Ole whitey will be a minority too."

    > Danno the amnesiac: "Are we to believe that of all the races in the world, it is only the color of black skin which the whites want to keep down."

    > Danno forgetting to look up high school dropout rates for Hispanics: "The hispanics will clearly out-do our African American folks in a number of areas...."

    > Danno in denial of the Black Experience in America...Take 1: "In MY CITY we have a 50% drop out rate with black males in high school..."

    > Danno getting his story straight...Take 2: "My friend we have a 50% drop-out rate in OUR HIGH SCHOOL among black males."

    > Ling Ling to Danno: "My learned colleague, what high school is this?"

    > Danno to Ling Ling...Take 3...: "Is this the place where I am supposed to say 'I have a lot of black friends?'"

    > Danno...Take 4...: Danno posts the Pat Buchanan column suspecting no one will notice.

    > Danno...Take 5: "I wrote about the 50% number because that is what I HEARD ON THE LOCAL NEWS."

    > Danno...Take 6 (scrambling to Google): "In MOST OF OUR MAJOR CITIES IN THIS COUNTRY, less than 50 percent of the African-American males graduate from high school."

    > Danno the expert on how to convince a Black man (Ling Ling) in America that racism, prejudice, and discrimination barely exist: "My friend you are the Reason the Black community is in trouble, not me. You fail to act and you make excuses."

    Danno...I will save some of your Danno-isms for your next reading pleasure. Now go out there and make Rush proud!

  11. I love how democrat devisevness works! You ppl that buy it are fools! You sit back and complain about rich ppl all the while hopin you can be like them. Its there for the taking, just get out there and get it! Dont let the pussys of life scramble your dreams!

    Dems just say "I cant" Your bein put down like a stray dog by this scumbag president, he wants you to be a victim that way he can profess to take care of you! Get up off your takin ####### and make your life!

    Theres millions of dollars floatin out there, go get some! ** man what you doin beggin for scraps? You dont need no fvckin hand-outs! GEEEEEEEZ!

    You sound like a broken record. The countries a mess because of your hero's. Grow up and get a clue.


    Let's talk about this intelligently, I'm here, who are you going to bring to help you?

    Your history only goes back to your birth! Go back a little further to the founding of your country! Do you recognize the players? Quit thinking about yourself and think about all! Please listen closely! This is what our country was founded on and it wasnt founded on YOU!

    Let me get this straight. You used a clip, from a work of fiction to justify your point? Seriously?

    He had a point? I'd be surprised if he even knew what thread he's on.

  12. Rush Limbaugh once advised a black caller to his radio show: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."

    He said that in the 1970's, and has since said that he regrets it. Having listened to Rush for nearly two decades, I find more to apprecaite about him than I do to dislike. One thing is that he is not condescening toward minorities, like libs are. I don't have a "plight" for them to exploit, EXCEPT that, as a conservative, I'm not convinced that I'm constantly being discriminated against, owed something, or need help from the government to make a good life for myself. I'd make a lousy minority lib.

    This quote is simply one among thousands of examples. The only reason he regrets those words is because they are bad for business, not because he has changed his views. I will, however, give Rush Limbaugh credit for being a good businessman, since he realizes that prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance sell better than outright racism. With him, it's all about the benjamins.

    Your current fact-challenged diatribe about minorities would make Rush proud. It is people like you and Rush who are destroying the once-proud GOP.

    It wasn't a diatribe; just a statement of my position. Try unloading the overstatements, and you may start to make more sense. I'm hardly destroying the GOP by disagreeing with you and agreeing with Rush. Frankly, as long as I'm disagreeing with liberals, I know my conservative compass is still pointing in the right direction :D

    Disagreeing for disagreement's sake...that's deep!

  13. Your current fact-challenged diatribe about minorities would make Rush proud. It is people like you and Rush who are destroying the once-proud GOP.

    What a plastic statement.

    Why don't you share with us who in the GOP you believe made it a "proud party"?

    What a joke :rofl:

    Hi Danno...

    I missed you after you dropped out of the thread about equal opportunity. In that thread, wasn't it you who said there was a 50% drop out rate for African Americans in your local high schools? When Ling Ling challenged you on that assertion, you simply ignored him. Later, on another thread, I saw where you posted a column by Pat Buchanan that used that same line. Danno, you BS-er! You lifted a Buchanan line and made it your own! No wonder you ignored Ling Ling when he called you out on it. Now I know why you are a plastics expert!

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