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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. Good day to all VJ'ers! I read VJ just about everyday so that when I have a question hopefully it will be answered. This thread has been very informative thank you all. My question concerns the timing of scheduling an interview. I was under the impression that once you received a MNL # from the National Visa Center that is was just a matter of time before the actual paperwork would be sent to Manila and that an interview could now be scheduled. I don't think that's the case. When I got my MNL # this morning I asked when my paperworkk would be sent and was told it could be anytime and I was also cautioned that it could receive additional processing. So I guess my question is when exactly can I schedule my fiancee's interview? Must the paperwork physically be at the Embassy? Any insights on others experience would be most appreciated! Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences on VJ! It's incredibly helpful!

    Best wishes and God speed to all.

    Steven & Grace

    Greetings fellow Washingtonian...

    You are on the right track regarding the interview. In order to schedule an interview, your paperwork must not only be physically at the Embassy, but it must also be "entered into their system". For us, it took less than two weeks from the time I called the NVC and got our MNL number until the Embassy received our paperwork and entered it into their system (and I set a date for my fiancée's interview).

    In order to find out when the NVC has sent your paperwork to the Embassy, simply call the NVC and ask them if it has been sent yet. Then, after about ten days or so, start calling the Embassy to see if your paperwork has been entered into their system. Once it has, you can set a date for the interview.

    Occasionally, the NVC will hold on to someone's paperwork for what I believe they call Administrative Processing (AP). I have read here on VJ that AP can last some weeks. I hope this is not the case with your paperwork. However, the NVC sends out most people's paperwork only a few days after they assign it a MNL number.

    Best wishes...

    ~ Tahoma

  2. abbynorm2...thanks for passing along the news. Grace was very helpful to us both times I spoke with her. She was always professional and went out of her way to answer our questions and to address our concerns. She will be missed.

    Our best wishes to you, Grace...and thank you for everything!

    ~ Tahoma & Chinook

  3. OH SMOKE! You have the memonry of a genius!!!

    Remember "got Waxed topic"?

    how relevant is that to visa journey? :wacko:

    i dunno...IMO about as relevant as "The Perfect Female Body" is....care to guess who started that gem?


    Well, Saicy is filipina.. and my husband is her fan. That is relevant.... also, thats in OFF TOPIC section. do you understand OFF TOPIC?

    but shaving your "down south"... cant even imagine filipina posted that thread. maybe you've lost your dignity too... so shameful to hear that.

    Hi girl,

    You have a lot to learn. You are young and too blinded by your love with your husband. I understand that. You are his wife.

    I know you are smart too but I just hope you are smart enough to realize why a lot of VJ members antagonize your husband.

    Just because he is your husband, does not mean that everything he does is perfect. Maybe for you, but not for most of us here. Maybe you can try reading you and your husband's posts from another person's point of view.

    Peace and I really wish both of you a long and happy marriage. I wonder when you will wake up. B)


  4. What does the CFO need?

    Do they need originals of things like NBI Clearance or are copies fine?

    Bring the original and photocopies of your documents.

    Include a copy of the USC passport and birth certificate and 4-5 photos.

  5. What time should my fiance show up in front of St Lukes if she wants to get a good place in line?

    Her interview at the embassy is scheduled at 7 AM. What would be the best time to show up for this?

    Also what are recommended hotels to stay at for both places? Can I call and make a reservation over the phone from the US? They may not accept credit cards over the phone. Is there anyway to make a reservation without paying yet?

    > I suggest to go to St.Lukes between 10 - 11 a.m.

    > As instructed at the embassy website, the applicant should be there one hour before his/her scheduled interview.

    > Citystate Tower Hotel. You can make reservation by phone or email. Your fiancee can pay once she arrives at the hotel. Just google their website.

    > Medical fee is 213 USD which includes the vaccination fee.

    > K1 Visa fee is 131 USD

    > Air 21 visa delivery fee is 215-230 pesos.

    ~ Chinook :)

  6. The rage of this very thread actually shows how valid it is. People will strick in a negative way to things. If you read the original post it was not meant to offend. But some got rubbed the wrong way. It nothing but pure evidence....

    Here is yet another valid question that I'm sure you won't bother to answer: how does rage equal validity?

    The only thing you have shown is what a first-class nut-job you are. You haven't answered a single one of my questions.

    Where is any evidence in your post?

    Your wilfull ignorance, prejudice, and sweeping generalizations make me ashamed to be an American.

    ~ Tahoma

  7. (Mykuls Merry Ann @ Apr 5 2009, 05:03 PM)

    I had a talk with some filipinas and I found out that most of the girls that you see in the bars working as bargirls are usually Visayan. I also now see what they mean. In fact while I was stationed and visit the Phiippines I noticed the U.S. bases are near more people who have Ilocano culture, and that you have to travel very far to Visayas. So most of the girls who leave the province and work as bar girls are usually from Visayas regions. Because Ilocano live so close and interact more with military and foreigners they are more likely to know the good and bad of western culture and how it affects pilipino culture.

    It seems also true that most of the Visayan girls try to act like they have more class and culture than their Ilocano counterparts.

    But what I see happening is that the Ilocana seems to know more about foreigners (especially military) and the Visayan do not see what they are getting themselves into dealing with American military and all the foreign men who visit the Philippines just to meet poor Asian women. So its probably that the Ilocana has seen the bad experiences that western culture brings to pilipino culture. And they know how some military and foreigners can be. So they are more likely to stay away and try to hold on to their pilipino cultural heritage. But this education is not as good or as strong for the Visayan women. They are more likely to think that meeting an American or a foreigner is a dream lifestyle. Education is needed here.

    Which is probably why more Visayan are working in clubs in higher numbers.

    Like most other pinays here I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH YOUR FINDINGS HERE. You made a sweeping generalization out from a meager data you acquired by talking some of the Filipinas. I bet you have no enough knowledge of scientific research because there is no validity and reliability of the information you generated as your findings. I would like to put emphasis that I am a Visayan but I am not and never in my whole life as a bar girl. Your claims are quite offensive and you were saying those as if you were very sure of it and you were not even seeking any validity. You noticed I underlined some important items in your post that I want to make it clear to you. Let me ask you these questions: Have you travelled all parts of the Philippines? Have you surveyed all the bars in the Philippines? How many bars you visited in the Philippines? Did you survey the total population of the girls who went to big cities end up as bar girls? Don't you know that the term "provinces" in the Philippines refers to all places except Metro Manila? And do you know that it's not only the people in Visayas do speak Visayan? Don't be surprised if many of the pinays specially the visayans here in VJ are in rage reacting from your groundless and unsubstantiated shallow knowledge about Philippines. Are you implying that visayans are just good as bar girls? By the way what is the ethnicity of your wife?

    How did you meet your wife? was it in the bar?

    hahahahahaha, its always funny to me how you can see this as being wrong or offending. Why not just say you dont agree or think this is true? By trying to be sarcastic you are actually giving validity to the post itself....lol....thanks for that...lol

    Nobody was pleased from your post..it was purely a sign of ignorance, insensitivity and meager knowledge...You need to know that "Little knowledge is dangerous"..And it is indeed true; because of your post it appears as if YOU against ALL the visayan pinays here in VJ.

    Is it true that its more Visayan working in the bars than of other regions?

    PO...you are not leaving anyone any middle ground for a discussion. You refuse to answer any questions posed to you. You are leading us to believe that either you are an attention ####### (even if it happens to be negative attention), or you are truly as dense as you sound. Which is it?

  8. I had a talk with some filipinas and I found out that most of the girls that you see in the bars working as bargirls are usually Visayan. I also now see what they mean. In fact while I was stationed and visit the Phiippines I noticed the U.S. bases are near more people who have Ilocano culture, and that you have to travel very far to Visayas. So most of the girls who leave the province and work as bar girls are usually from Visayas regions. Because Ilocano live so close and interact more with military and foreigners they are more likely to know the good and bad of western culture and how it affects pilipino culture.

    It seems also true that most of the Visayan girls try to act like they have more class and culture than their Ilocano counterparts.

    But what I see happening is that the Ilocana seems to know more about foreigners (especially military) and the Visayan do not see what they are getting themselves into dealing with American military and all the foreign men who visit the Philippines just to meet poor Asian women. So its probably that the Ilocana has seen the bad experiences that western culture brings to pilipino culture. And they know how some military and foreigners can be. So they are more likely to stay away and try to hold on to their pilipino cultural heritage. But this education is not as good or as strong for the Visayan women. They are more likely to think that meeting an American or a foreigner is a dream lifestyle. Education is needed here.

    Which is probably why more Visayan are working in clubs in higher numbers.

    How sure are you of the things you are saying? How many Filipinas have you talked to, by the way? bar girls in the Philippines are from all over.

    yes your right angel its all over and i think the OP must be responsible of what he posted here you should consider some of the things that should not be posted.. i knew you want to speak out but you should watch your word generalizing visayan woman think about it sir and be responsible on your act............ peace its holy week... and by the way im from MINDANAO the land of promise

    come to think of it, did you mean VISAYAN as the language they use to communicate? or are u referring to an archipelago of visayas... i was born in cebu which makes me a visayan. raised in mindanao and still that makes me a visayan coz i speak a visayan language... ilocano/a (if you're referring to those who live in ilocos?) is only a very small margin when you talk about "visayan" (whatever you mean by that statement), knowing FYI are consisting of visayas and mindanao region. please you cant just start giving statistics where your margin can be compared as day and night... and here u are talking about education is being need in the country... let's start to educate ourselves shall we? and yes i need more education too... thats why im on the computer/internet most of the time (online study lol)...

    Well the bigger question is, is it true that the majority of girls working in a club are from the visayas region, di ba? There are several regions in the PH, and I am talking about the visayas region,including Mindinao.

    Maybe someone from visayan region hurt you or busted you that why you hate visayan ladies.lol..Sorry but mostly visayan ladies are so picky to choose husband they prefer to marry handsome guys not black guys..

    I am guessing you are Visayan and also worked as a bargirl, di ba?

    Ano ba naman yan Mykuls! I was trying to help you out na nga for them to understand you why you start this thread...nakikipag-away ka pa!



    I know what you were trying to do, but I have been doing this for a long time. I know you are trying to protect me from the onslaught, thank you, but of course I have know for a long time that some issues are hard for some to deal with. So I am used to it, but thanks anyway! :)

    We are waiting for you to deal with "the issue." The "issue" is that you are making unsupported claims and sweeping generalizations without a shred of evidence to back them up. Why is that so hard to deal with?

    ~ Tahoma

  9. So what is the purpose of creating a thread like this? :blink:

    Well just noting the differences and the diversity of Philippine culture. Thre are many different types and we often put all filipinas in one bucket. But now I see that their is a big difference. Like I am being told mostly the girls in the clubs are Visayan.

    I can't believe you do not see that you are judging/belittling an entire population by the actions of a few of its members and justifying it by saying it is to make the rest of the population of the Philippines look better..Some have said that black men do not like to work like the other Americans but I did not post a thread attesting to the truth of it..BECAUSE I AM SURE THAT NOT ALL BLACK MEN ARE LAZY AND THAT ALL THE OTHER RACES ALSO HAVE THEIR LAZY MEMBERS.

    Are you stoned? or just stupid? Greg (Pink's husband) & o0pink0o

    Well I dont see anything wrong with saying something that they think is true....I don't think its anything wrong with saying that most black men dont like work, or that they are in prison, in fact there is alot of truth to this in many places in America. I am me, so why should I care about what people think of black men. If it dont stick to me, then why think its offending? You think I am gonna defend all black men.....lol or all Americans? Sorry I am not tribal...So why would you try to defend all filipinos, visayan, ilocano/a etc....?? i have not pointed a finger at any individual person...so why is your hair raised?

    I am offended by all intolerance and ignorance that is spewed that hurts another..or others...whether its physical or mental or whatever...just because YOU dont feel its wrong doesnt mean it it doesnt hurt others..this OBVIOUSLY WAS gonna hurt people..Neither my wife nor I are Visayan, I am, of course, American..but what you said was offensive to us both...Rodney Kings beating was offensive to us as well..Any generalization of a people in a negative light is offensive to others......if they are tolerant and want peace with their brothers and sisters and truly believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions no matter what hole they had to crawl out of..everyone has a story and people are not THE SAME because they came from the same neighborhood..That's all the enlightenment i care to give you...I won't waste my time further on your gibberish...

    Well said Greg... :thumbs:

    One thing I would add is that the OP is not ignorant. There is nothing wrong with being ignorant. That means that you simply don't know something. Instead, he is wilfully ignorant. He has every opportunity to listen and learn (and even respond with something resembling rational thought), yet he chooses not to.

    "Gibberish" is too polite of a word to describe his #######.

    ~ Tahoma

  10. Ho hum...yet more sweeping generalizations and prejudices unsupported by any facts.

    The only education needed here is yours. I would encourage you, on your next visit to the Philippines, to spend less time sitting in bars. Instead, you could volunteer at an orphanage, or perform community service in a poor barangay. This would be educational indeed.

    ~ Tahoma

    hahahahahaha, its always funny to me how you can see this as being wrong or offending. Why not just say you dont agree or think this is true? By trying to be sarcastic you are actually giving validity to the post itself....lol....thanks for that...lol

    How is it that you think your sweeping generalizations and prejudices are not wrong or offending? Maybe you would like to stay on topic and explain that to everyone. In case you hadn't noticed, it is not only me who thinks you are one sandwich short of a picnic.

    You really don't get it do you? It is not a matter of saying that I agree or disagree with you. It's not a matter of of whether I think it's true or not. It is a matter of you making unsupported claims and sweeping generalizations that you refuse to explain. Where is your evidence to back your claims? Cite your sources.

    It is always the sign of a failed argument when someone changes the subject, or when they try to laugh it off.

    ~ Tahoma

  11. Are you trying to understimate Visayan ladies?For what reason?And how sure you are about Visayan ladies?

    No, I am not trying to undermine Visayan women...but I have heard these differences more than once. I now I have also witnessed it.

    Who did you hear it from? What are their credentials? How did they know? What did you "witness?" You have provided no evidence for any of your ridiculous claims. Would you please give us the link to any of the studies that you are citing?

    You are clearly showing disrespect to all Filipinas...and to the Philippines as well. Why can't you find something intelligent to talk about?

    ~ Tahoma

  12. So what is the purpose of creating a thread like this? :blink:

    Well just noting the differences and the diversity of Philippine culture. Thre are many different types and we often put all filipinas in one bucket. But now I see that their is a big difference. Like I am being told mostly the girls in the clubs are Visayan.

    How does your posting note "the differences and diversity of the Philippine culture" as you say it does? You are the one who is "putting all filipinas in one bucket" by posting your unsupported nonsense. From what I gather, you get your information from the drunks at the clubs where you hang out.

    The "big difference" that you "see" is that "mostly the girls in the clubs are Visayan?!?" This is one of your cultural awakenings?!? If I have to explain to you how ridiculous this sounds, then you wouldn't understand.

    Using your own powers of logic, I conclude from reading your post that all posters from California are lame-brains who have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Some "education" in this area is certainly needed immediately.

    ~ Tahoma

  13. Ho hum...yet more sweeping generalizations and prejudices unsupported by any facts.

    The only education needed here is yours. I would encourage you, on your next visit to the Philippines, to spend less time sitting in bars. Instead, you could volunteer at an orphanage, or perform community service in a poor barangay. This would be educational indeed.

    ~ Tahoma

  14. well guys i need some insight here im bit of nervous because my interview is up coming and here the thing that maybe i might be in trouble i hope not.. my fiance visited me once when we got our engagement party last April 13-19 just 7 days

    after that their no chance to visit again because after he was out of probationary to his work his department gave him more work load and it mean there no really chance to visit again beside its not practical too for me.. now im nervous because consul might question it why? but we have lots and lots of chat log cards and some of prof of evidence then his mother letter remittances pictures of our engagement,everything is here but still this one bothered pls i need some tips who have in here in vj same situation with me pls pls pls i really appreciate all the info you will share

    GOD bless and may we have blessed holy week........ :help::crying: :crying:

    I hope the Consul Officer notices that love is in the air when you have your interview. And please don't worry a bit about your fiancé's one visit...I only visited my fiancée once...and the Consul Officer never made it an issue. If they ask, simply tell them the truth about his situation. You have nothing to hide and you have done nothing wrong. I'm sure that you would love your fiancé just as much with one visit as you would with ten visits.

    As long as all the forms are filled out completely, you should have no problem. Double check your I-129 and your I-134...etc.

    Also, it seems that the Consul Officers enjoy looking at everyone's photos, so maybe bring a few extra with you...just in case they ask.

    Best wishes to you and your fiancé for a PINK 24th!!!

    ~ Tahoma

  15. :ot2: To the OP - There are many reasons. First, my fiancee looks at things with an almost child-like facination that is very rare in the US. Although very mature in most things, she has kept her youthful outlook regarding life and its wonders. When she laughs, she doesn't give a polite "teehee" - she really laughs. And she can always find something to laugh about, even when times aren't the best. She sees joy when others would only see despair, and by sharing that joy, she lifts me.

    She is happy for what she has, rather than bitter for what she doesn't have. Her glass is always half full.

    There's so much more. But to end, I would say she might also use "felt" or "spelt" - and I find that cute. Ultimately, communication is conveying an idea from one person to another. And I never have a bit of trouble knowing where I am in her life, regardless of how she spells things. Let's face it, her English beats my Tagalog by several hundred miles. :)

    Very well said. That is exactly my fiancee too. Always so happy, always so positive. Her laugh is so pure and joyful. I am so blessed to have her in my life. :wub:

    Agreed! :thumbs:

    Matt, Stan, & Dude...Go go go...AGREED!!! :thumbs:

    ~ Tahoma

  16. What is "Spelt" ?

    According to Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary; Unabridged; Second Edition:

    > "Spelt" is a verb that is used as an "alternative past tense and past participle of SPELL."

    Walang anuman.

    Just in case you are confused...

    A "dictionary" is a book containing the words of a language, arranged in alphabetical order, with definitions.

  17. Congratulations guys!!!

    Only four months...wow...that was quick!

    Have a wonderful reunion and a safe trip.

    ~ Tahoma & Chinook

    PS...make sure you get the right bagoong for her...my fiancée loves the Bisayan-style bagoong...not the Manila-style bagoong!

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