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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. Nickz1517...Here are some ideas:


    1.  You could go to your interview and hope for the best.

    2.  You could hire a private investigator to find your ex-fiance, You, your current fiance, your attorney, or your private investigator could ask your ex-fiance to withdraw his petition.  You could write the withdrawal in advance in order to make it easier for your ex-fiance.  All he would have to do is sign it and date it in front of a notary, and then send it to the US IS and the embassy. Pay your ex-fiance if necessary.

    3.  Your current fiance could get his U.S. representative involved in finding out the status of the previous petition and whether it will affect your current petition.


    I like number three.  If that didn't work, I would go with number two.  


    Does anyone have any other ideas?

  2. 5 hours ago, RedRina said:

    Hi @Tahoma,

    i heard also some stories of what u said.

    but most of the people told me that my case is different and the first petition has been filled 7years ago. And it didn't even went for interview stage. And im now living in UAE and the my second petition will be applied from here.

    pls let me know if there is still a big risk of visa issues.

    thanks a lot,

    There is a risk in Manila.  There is also a risk in the UAE.  Talk to a knowledgable immigration attorney.

  3. 1. Warm clothes are a must. Also, if you don't already have electric blankets on the beds, then get them.

    2. Living on a bus line is a great idea.

    3. The school will place your step son in the appropriate grade. You will be astonished at how fast his English will improve. Five years from now, his mother will be talking to him in Tagalog and he will be answering in English!

  4. No issue with CFO and the divorce, there are 3-4 that I know of with foreign divorces none had issue with CFO.

    In those divorces, was it the Philippines citizen who was the one who filed for the divorce? Or, was it the U.S. citizen who filed for the divorce?

    Also, in the cases you are familiar with, did the Philippines citizen have their visa interview in Manila?

    Also, where were those couples married? Philippines or the U.S.?

  5. Does your husband live in Hong Kong? If so, then he could file for divorce in Hong Kong. Once divorced, you could have your divorce recognized in a Philippines court, a less expensive and faster process than an annulment.

    Come to think of it, this could also work if your husband was a resident of any country other than the Philippines.

    If you were allowed to file for divorce in Hong Kong, you would be able to get a fiancee visa at the U.S. Embassy Manila. However, I'm not certain if you would be allowed to get the necessary sticker in your visa from the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO). That may be a stumbling block because a CFO sticker would be necessary in order to board your flight to the U.S.

    Another possible option is to get a divorce in Hong Kong, stay in Hong Kong for your fiancee visa interview and, once you receive your visa, fly from Hong Kong to the U.S. thereby avoiding the CFO.

  6. I still have an outstanding balances with my credit cards and loans but i still continue paying it even if minimum payment only. And my question is will the immigration in airport will hold me in leaving the philippines? Im leaving the Philippines on November 28 as K Visa.

    will the immigration will hold me from leaving the philippines because I still have debts?

    You will be fine.

    Have a safe flight!

  7. my fiancé went to interview for fiancé visa and they sent her back to get copies of our facebook chats for the first 2 months of our relation ship in Jan and Feb. Is this a problem, will it be denied. we made copies of 50 pages and sent them we have over 12200 messages between us since anuary. looking for input if she still has a chance for approval.

    thank you

    The embassy has your fiancee's passport, so you guys should be fine. When the embassy receives your papers, the visa should be issued within a few weeks.

    Despite what a few others on this board say, the embassy can, and sometimes will, ask for more evidence of a relationship, so it's wise to go to your interview fully prepared.

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