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Posts posted by Tahoma

  1. 38 minutes ago, jayjayj said:

    Have you ever heard of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)?  It is a newly discovered psychological disorder.  Defined as - A condition of hysteria, anger, and fear of Donald Trump as a result of a failure by the afflicted to avail themselves of alternative media sources to combat the misrepresentations and often outright lies of the leftist media.


    Trump: "I'm the best alternative media source!!!  Did you know that Obama bugged Trump Tower!!!"

  2. Texas Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn: "We voted against the relief package for victims of Superstorm Sandy, and we're going to vote against giving victims of Irma a single dollar.  But we expect every senator's vote for the $9 billion down payment for Harvey's victims."

  3. 3 hours ago, jg121783 said:

    I get it the headline is written in liberalese. Allow me to translate.





    (Notice the all caps to make it look more authoritative)




    The EPA will no longer be wasting money on religion masqurrading as science.

    ^^^ This message is brought to you by the same people who said cigarettes, dioxins, asbestos, and agent orange are harmless.

  4. 13 hours ago, john1989 said:

    I did go for a medical exam at SLEC last thursday. I'm a nurse by profession and was a little bit freaked out for the result of my chest xray. I affirm that their equipment is more advance than in any other hospitals. After the radiologist took my xray, I looked inside her room and glanced at the monitor showing my chest radiograph. It was clear and more detailed compared to what I've seen in the hospital I've worked with. We have an annual check up including chest x ray. I also brought my previous chest xray for comparison but SLEC did not look into it. BTW, my chest radiograph is CLEARED and I'm waiting for my interview this wednesday. Hoping for "APPROVED" this wednesday.

    Congratz on passing your medical!  And thanks for your update.  


    SLEC must have upgraded their equipment.  No wonder so many people have been referred for the sputum culture the past few years.


    Good luck with your interview.  And your NCLEX too!  Your going to faint when you get your first paycheck...lol...


    (Hint: study pharma!)

  5. 12 hours ago, Steeleballz said:


        I've noticed this seems to happen a lot. For how concerned about so called 'fake' news the right is, it's amazing how much of it they post.

    Mueller: "But it's no surprise that they think the DNC server has to be examined in order to determine whether Russia hacked it.  They fit right in with the Trump demographic, low-information white males."

  6. 13 hours ago, Tahoma said:

    Steve Bannon: "I'm glad I'm going back to Breitbart.  Chump Trump is a pathological liar with a much deeper personality disorder.  He's in for a rude awakening if he thinks his base won't keep shrinking because I'm going to take his white supremacists with me."

    Trump: "Steve, you're a GREAT guy and you're good friend of mine.  But, my racist base isn't going anywhere!!!  They know I've spent my whole life fighting for them.  Just look at my housing discrimination lawsuits, my condemning of the Central Park Five even after they were found innocent, my six years as the leader of the birther hoax, and my dog whistles to the storm troopers in Charlottesville!!!  Now that's loyality!!!  You want more!?!  My father was arrested at a KKK rally right here in the Big Apple in 1927.  Now, that's roots!!!  So, go ahead and spread your FAKE NEWS!!!"

  7. Trump: "I alienated the republican congress, my agenda is in tatters, the West Wing is in chaos, I lost the business community, I'm running out of people to lash out at, and I'm having to fire everyone around me because none of that is my fault.  At least I have my loyal KKK base and Putin still on my side.  And by the way, that story about Pershing is true, no matter what the FAKE media says!!!"

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