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Robert / Oksana

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Posts posted by Robert / Oksana

  1. Thanks to eveyone who responed,I have heard good things about the process in Kiev.

    My honey is going to try hard to make it for my interview, but work may not allow it. I think it goes a long way for you to be there. To me it shows the commitment you have to your fiancee. Good luck!

    I would say GO if you possibly can. I do not know why your lawyer would be "appalled" other than when you go and find out how easy it is, it will confirm the lagging suspicion you have that the lawyer was a big waste of time and money. The interview is simple and painless (in Kiev) and my fiancee even commented "Why didn't we just mail everything?" But she was a nervous wreck and really needed the "moral support" if nothing else. I think it also goes a long way to show thre is an "ongoing relationship", I mean we were asked for almost nothing do document our relationship and the "interview" was absolutely "No questions asked", just handing over the paperwork and original documents and saying "Welcome to the USA".

    I went, I do not regret it, and I absolutely encourage anyone else who can to go.

  2. sojori,

    Thank you for your comment, is this what you plan to do?

    i'm going back for my interview too! if you have the time and the money i think it's the best way to go. not only does it show your commitment to the relationship, but it will also ease your fiancee's mind. i can't imagine many places in ukraine being as intimidating as the american embassy, especially if she is from a smaller town!
  3. Hello to all,

    I spoke with my lawyer recently (surprised she called me) when I suggested that I would be going, back over for the interview, she seemed appalled by the idea. Of course, I will probably go, at the request of my beautiful fiancee.

    I would like to hear, from others who have gone to interview. Thank you.

  4. There hope for us all!!!!! Congratulation :dance::dance::dance::thumbs:

    OMG OMG OMG Praise God, I've check case status online today and it says that "On December 5th 2008 we have sent you and approval notice stating that we have approved your I129-F Pettion......"

    :dance::dance::dance::dance: I'm SOOOOO Happy, I'm all shaking and can't work normally today.

    I assume that I should receive my hard copy of NOA2 soon.

    Good luck to everyone still waiting, yours will come soon just be patient and pray to God, everything is possible with HIM.

  5. The information goes underneath the line, man if your having trouble just filling out this form (which you don't need to file I-129) maybe you should hire a attorney.

    I started a thread earlier about using a service to complete the K1 and everyone basically called me a dumbass for not doin it myself. So I sit down and start filling all this stuff out and i get to the Affidavit of Support part. On number 3 of that document there is a place for me to fill out my fiances name, address, etc., but the form is all retarded in that there is no room for her name. It's like there is a line missing. It's ####### like this that worries me. I know that if i just fill it out neat and complete that anyone with common sense would be able to read it and understand. But we're dealing with Government employees. Can someone please explain where i write her name at number 3? I don't want something as dumb as that holding everything up.


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