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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    herrin illinois
  • Interests
    well my intrests..hmm.... to get my husband here from egypt,heheh,besides that hehehi love music so much especially amr diab and i love the net hiking,camping ect,im a mom wiht 3 kids working my tail off and doing my best in this life..

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Chicago IL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    well. me and hossam met in cairo egypt when i was there visiting friends back in march of 2007, we started to become friends and i started to get to know his family and friends also, everyday he would come to the flat i was staying at, call up to the balcony for me to come down, heheh, im a american muslimah so he cant come to my door without a chaparone so this was our way of communication, cute huh?so anyway every day him and i and my friend ahmed would go everywhere, walking and walking, cause i love to walk and see places and buildings and people more than all the tourist hype.well i stayed amonth and we decided that we wanted to get to know each other more so when i returned to usa we keep in touch visa internet and phone, and 1 yr 2 months later, we married, hurraaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!i stayed there in our flat for 2 months, just loving being with him , his family and friends ,, plus i got to see my friends also , that i missed for a year now, so reunited with alll of them!!!!!!!!!!! but after 2 months had to come back...... that about killed us, having to say good-bye at the airport, hurt, and anger u feel all at once, cause this is your love.... whyyyyyyy should u have to be seperated, i felt like i was being ssent to hell., alone,,,,i cried all the way to amsterdamm, the stewardess had to calm me down, it was hard on me, my family picked me up at the airport, they were expecting to see me in smiles, which i smiled some to see my childrnen cause i missed them, but they sawwwwww the look of emptyness and lonliness,, well i thought its time to start this visa process, so we hurried to get papers, money and all things, and then guess what??? my cancer came back,, im fighting breast cancer and lymphoma and my breast cancer returned, so now i had to go all the way to chicago at cancer treatment centers of america and stay there for 5 months,,,,,, ughhhhhhhhhh,,,my body is immuned to chemo from all the treatments ive done since 2005 so the other alternative was stem cells treatment, with this i have to be monitored for months and not to leave the hospital, but hossam called always and i had a laptop in my room which helped, i get out and feeling good cause my cancer again is put away and it looks as if the night mares over, untill my mother went into final stages of lymphoma, shes been fightng hers for 8 yrs now, hers went aggresive and she got very ill. so everyday i stayed with her at her home helping her, going to the store for her and so on, this way dad could continue working, and mom didnt have to go through a hospice program... then 1 week befor christmas of 2008, my mother got real bad and we took her to the hospital, days later she slipped into a coma, i stayed and stayed with ehr hopeing and praying all would be good, hossam caling and being there for me like he always had been, then in janurary 2009,,, my mother went to meet the angels,,,its been hard on me and hossam through all thsi time but we have not faultered, hes been my rock, and i love him dearly,,, so now here we are after alllllll this and after i finally got out of my big depression, doing the visa journey, this is our story, this is our journey in our lives,,,,, i tell u all this so one u can know us better and 2,,,,, to see that no matter how much god puts on your shouldders ,, trust and be strong and alll will prevail. thank you and if theres anyone that can give us advice please we need it, we are babies at doing this visa procdess, thank you and god bless you alll and goodluck getting your loved one home to u!

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