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Status Updates posted by Bern.

  1. Sorry, I've been taking a break from immigration related stuff. It was getting way too stressed. I see you fixed the RFE, awesome. One step closer. ;)


  3. ...You have like my dream job. Let's trade! And yeah, it's 30% off Chapters/Coles/Indigo. I only buy True Crime and Sci Fi with the occasional romance. :3 What about you?

  4. You get to make doughnuts!? Lucky. I work for Indigo Books as a supervisor person. It's so boring. Today was killer...nothing happened. Normally we get werido's that we get to kick out...haha

  5. Yeah....I dislike the heat. I'm such a canuck. I LOVE the snow...and I'm going to miss timbits...I'm still nervous about my interview when it comes due to my age...but blehh. I have tons of evidence...just nerves. :P

  6. OH. :o I love Target, and you get so much cool stuff! I'm going to be living in TX. I'm not going to enjoy that probably. HEAT. Eeep! I wish you both success. I'm probably going to go into Law. I memorized like, all of the CDN law...but just had to marry an american...lol

  7. Ah, cool! I live in Calgary, but I'm from Halifax. :3

    What does your fiance do? And I bet it'll be great to have a job with him, as long as it doesn't effect yours or his work ethic. My husband doesn't want me to work apparently, but I'm getting a job anyway...>_> He drives me nuts sometimes...

  8. Oh, that sucks. But hey, FREE FOOD. :D Where abouts in Canada do you live anyway, just out of curiosity? And I hope that you get your EAD soon. I mean, I heard it can take a few months ;_;

  9. Ouch, sounds rough. I hope things work out for you and your fiance. ): I currently live with my mum. She can't wait to get rid of me...And I'm sure your parents won't mind? Do you have a co-sponsor?

  10. We paid for our wedding with my husbands military sign on bonus. But we had a small, 25 people wedding in Vegas. Cost us...$5,000? Oh. And get a dress from David's Bridal. They are great. :D I wanted a K-1..because well, I'm only 19 :P And he's 20. I'm hoping for an interview in March or late Feb, so I can be 20 when I do it. Hahaa

  11. We're almost done NVC, we have to pay the remaining $400 and then I can send in my IV package. It's longer than K-1, K-3 but it's a better visa and cheaper. :3 In your case, your file will stay in nvc for like...a few weeks to a month, then off to van or mon, depending on where you live

  12. The only way we'll know is if you get another RFE. But hey, at least you know your case is being reviewed if you got a RFE. Your approval is soon I bet. :D

  13. I'm not sure, I didn't have any RFE. But it would make sense to send them all at once, but this is USCIS we're talking about. And the G-325A could go either way...


  15. If I were you, I would fire the lawyer. I mean, you have the guides, and VJ, you don't need anything more! I'd talk to him about that. And yes, they want original signatures for the G-325A. Do up another copy and send it in straight away. And follow the directions too. Be careful though, because you have to send it in asap, or else bad things can happen. D:

    And think of it

  16. Ew, why do you have a lawyer? If I can do it, anyone can. Do you know what the RFE is for?

  17. Aw..hopefully soon. Have you gotten your fiance to give them a call? I was going to do a K-1 visa...but things didn't work out. obviously. But if you can, get your fiance to give them a call. I can get you the number to call and all that, if you need it. :)

  18. Snail mail....would take like 2 months. I asked the postal person. LOL I only got snail mail when he was in basic and AIT training. Never again! I heard they put a slow down on Spousal/Fiance visas again though. HB visas are death.

  19. Bern.

    We didn't have to fly there, my husband is from Vegas haha. :D But, they have some really amazing chapels. The one I got married at has a TV show now.

  20. Something about the development of countries. But hopefully, time will flyy. Soooooooooon. I still play RO with my husband to pass the time. I can't let it gooo hahaha

  21. Bern.

    Hehe, I'm sure it'll be amazing. Just be glad you're not marrying Las Vegas. I did that. And after leaving the registry building, tons of people like mobbed to me trying to drag me to their chapels. o.O

  22. Bern.

    OH. WOW. You're getting married. :D HAVE A BLAST AND CONGRATS.

  23. Trust me, it's totally not fun in any sense of the word. But this is what he wants to do, so I support him. I hope you get your NOA2 soon. I heard Canada and the USA have the longest processing times. D:

  24. FINALLY GOT MY NVC NUMBER. I was watching the news...turns out my husbands base almost got attacked by Al Queda. It was crazy. :(

    But yeah, I met my husband back in 2004 when I was still in Nova Scotia. We met when I was 14 and him 15...we're young. Haha :P

  25. I just noticed, I met my husband around the same time you met your fiance! But I took way longer to meet him..because I thought he was an 60 yr old man on the internet :D

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