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Status Updates posted by Bern.

  1. YOU TOO. Sorry I havent been around lately. Been working 24/8. So anyway, if youre going to wed in Vegas, chances are you can only get pictures after the wedding. Most chapels will not let you take photos because...youre taking their money. But you can go to ther strip and take pictures, its not uncommon. :P

  2. No idea. All I know is that they do not let friends/family take pictures during the actual ceremony. You'd have to ask them!

  3. Yes I did. I love it. The service is FANTASTIC and their have AMAZING photographers. ;) Oh man, I cannot recommend that chapel enough. It is the nicest chapel there and it's elegant too, it's not a typical vegas wedding. And it's affordable!

  4. They're expensive though...like 80 bucks...but they do the job....just be prepared not to breathe as well and then you'll have crazy marks on your skin once you take it off LOL

  5. Me tooo. They actually have these things, like corsets that go under your dress. You pretty much can't breathe but it does the job...x_x My mom was like HOW DID YOU HIDE YOUR STOMACH?...I'll never tell >_>

  6. Oh em gee. That dress is gorgeouss!! :D I'm sure you will look smashing in it.

    ^ ^ :DD!!!

  7. Ooooo! Do tell. I got my dress from David's Bridal. Got pictures of yours?!

  8. Welcome to VJ!! :)

  9. Me too, but the army is so unpredictable. He FINALLY got his letter of employment and we just paid our $400 IV bill. It's so exciting to finally be ball on the journey that is to the US and his arms. WHOOO.

  10. Oh wow, you were really fast with P3. I just found out we could expedite again, we're on the fence about it though. But apparently, my husband might be back in february instead of april. im hopingg!~

  11. There is like 700 or so...I'd check but I'm too lazy. I just worked an 8 hour shift and people were super lame. Oh well =) How was your dayy

  12. I agree. I only buy books from used bookstores nowadays. I cannot afford $30....or even $15. Every bit counts! I told this kid when I was his age there was only 150 Pokemon, he called me senile and old. :(

  13. Yep! :3 I totally understand. But anime/manga is amazing no matter what. And some things never get old...:3

  14. I started hearing that before I was even 16. :( People are just haters, and I'm asian too. ANIME IS IN MY BLOOD. RAWRRR. :D

  15. I found it randomly. i use it on all the forums I go on. It's like my trademark. ;) But I am a giant anime/manga nerd D:

  16. I don't think we're allowed to know what's on our files... and the only problem with the number is...is it CDN or US advice? Hmm. I've never heard of that though. Hopefully it's still around for you D:

  17. As long as you are not permanently banned currently, then you are fine. And on one of the forms, they ask if you've ever been denied and why. Just be honest, it will not affect your visa. :P I know it's scary though. And...you lied? D:

  18. I was 18 when I first crossed, and like, I have a terrible time lying so I always tell the truth. I noticed after my 3rd trip to see him, they started getting antsy. I'm like...:| Those silly customs people.

  19. I completely understand. I've always said visiting boyfriend/fiance. Maybe they take pitty on the young...but they do like asking me 40 questions about him and I :( The first time I went to see him though, I went through Vancouver...and the guy at customs was...sleeping...>> and he just let me through...ahhaha...

  20. Previous denials will not effect your K-1 visa. Just be 100% honest about when/why it happened. You'll be okay. :) I've personally never been denied nor pulled into secondary. But they do like grilling me. XD

  21. Wow, it got there so fast...good luck from heree ;D

  22. Oh you, I love your sense of humor LOL :3 Maybe you should pretend you live in Vancouver, just for a faster interview hahaa. jaykay. :P

  23. Welll, due to unexpected bills, we have to wait until Oct to resume NVC. stupid $400 bills xD

    So, your case should be at NVC soon, are you excited? :)

  24. Haha, that'd be neat. I doubt my husband can come..unless I snag an April interview. o_o But I'm hoping for one after my 20th birthday, so late Feb or March. I'm just paranoid :D

  25. OMG YAY.

    So you'll be interviewing in Montreal eh? I hope it's not backlogged like the CR/IR applicants are. You're almost there, eee!

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