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About Keshia

  • Birthday 10/02/1986

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Hi everyone! My name is Keshia and my fiance's name is El Hossain. I am a 22 year old student from Georgia, studying to be an accountant, and he is a 24year old English/Teaching graduate. We met 2 1/2 years ago on myspace. I was in my second semester of my freshmen year of college, and he was in his last year at his university. It was by chance that we met because normally I would never answer a message from someone I didn't know, but I thought he had me confused with someone he knew. So I messaged him back, and we started talking. At first it was just casual and then it became 4 hours at a time. Soon we were talking every day. Then one day he said it "Keshia I think I love you..." and I replied with "ok b/c I think I love you too." The rest is history. About a year into our relationship I decided that it was useless to try to get him here without knowing without a doubt that he was the man I knew him to be, so I went to Morocco. It was the best thing I ever did in my life. I remember being so incredibly nervous when I got to the Moroccan airport, and when I finally got through to where he was suppost to meet me. My heart stopped, I could not find him. I was so worried b/c my plane was about an hour late, but I had met a very kind gentleman on the plane and he helped me to look for him. And just as I was looking down to my bag to get a pic to show the man what my El Ho looked like.........there he was. I was so happy and I could see in his eyes that he was too. I don't remember too much after that b/c he came up to me and we kissed and it was the most magical kiss ever!!! I stayed in Morocco for a total of 17days and within that time, we actually did try to get married but it did not work out with the paperwork and everything. I was able to meet many wonderful people while there, including his wonderful family.When I had to leave it was awful, they were all asking me to stay and I wanted to so much....But I had to be back in the states to start my Junior year of college. So we started the process June 2008 mainly b/c we had to save money for a lawyer. and our petition was received on September 18, 2008. So now we are just waiting.....it has been a long year and a half without him. I get so depressed sometimes and so does he b/c we miss each other so much. I just hope that nothing goes wrong and that we will soon be together b/c neither of us can take another year without each other....if it was up to me I would be there with him now, but I want to be a successful accountant and be able to provide for our family so that is what I must do. Thank you to every one for being so warm and inviting, it is good to feel that we are not alone.

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