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Posts posted by rinehardt

  1. Hello dear VJs,

    I have just a brief question on I-864 and DS-230: how long does it usually take NVC to put the received packages into their system?

    Mailed both the forms via USPS this Monday, and according to their operators it can take from 4 to 6 weeks. Is that really so long?

    Could you please share your experience on this matter? Any information is highly appreciated!

    It took us about 2 weeks

  2. Our son got a new passport in honor of his anticiapted visa and the Ukrainian government, sensing another opportunity to stamp out the Russian language in their midst, chose to transliterate the spelling of his Russian name, "Sergey" in the Ukrainian manner "Sergei". All other documents are prepared in the proper Russian transliterated spelling and already in Ukraine awaiting the interview. What to do? See the email from the consulate below. Please bear in mind this applies only to the Kiev (Kyiv) consulate, check with your own for similar questions but this is a common problem in Ukraine.

    Dear Mr. :

    Thank you for your inquiry of June 3, 2009.

    Please be informed that as long as K2 child has a valid passport with either Sergey or Sergei or any other close spelling – we will take it for visa processing. We will process his visa application based on the spelling of the name in the passport.

    We hope this information will be helpful.


    Public Liaison Unit

    Consular Section

    U.S. Embassy,

    Kyiv, Ukraine

    Tel.: +38/044/490-44-22

    Fax: +38/044/484-45-70

    Please visit our website at http://kyiv.usembassy.gov for more information about consular services

    This e-mail is UNCLASSIFIED based on the definitions provided in E.O. 12958

    have the same problem with my name ,thank you,very helpful information

  3. Ok folks, Maybe someone has been thru this before?

    My fiance born In Russia in thge 60's.

    moved to Crimea and area ever since. While she was in school years ago, she went back to Russia and shared an apartment with a girl in school for a little time, maybe 8-13 months, who knows?

    She went to Police in Ukraine and told them what she needed & about this, they said, Don't worry, we know what you need, Fiance Visa , right, and she said YES. not knowing anything else, she left and just is folowing my lead for instructions on what to do.

    Today , after 3 weeks, her girlfriend who works for Police called & said the certificate arrived, but when my fiancee opened this, there was nothing about Russia. She asked them and they told her she'd have to go to Russia to do this as they don't co-operate together(their words)and she would need address in Russia

    She does not even remember where she lived back then, only the city, which was small village and 15-20 hours by train and bus.

    Now, we have all paperwork done and still have time, but she doesn't know if she SHOULD contact WHO

    in Russia, or even if she HAS to, Doesn't have a clue who to contact and what info to tell them , and where to go, or should she stick to just Ukraine Certificate and go to Interview?

    Yes, I know what the rules say, but the girl she knows at Police told her (off the record) that not to worry, as no one knows where you were years ago and there was no computers in Russia then??? On another thought, I said to her, WHAT will you tell the CO if he asked if you lived at any other locations, and she said she would just say : NOT for more than a year and I can't remember where as i was living with a student

    Any thoughts on this, except the obvious rules we all know and have read? She would be telling the truth, but I can also see the embassy making it hard and telling her to get a Russian Cert anyways? Kiev usually does NOT get fancy or strict with questions, and according to people I know who just had interviews, nothing like this was even talked about , not even simple questions!!!


    the Russian Embassy in Ukraine can do it for you

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