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Posts posted by WhidbeyGirl

  1. I attempted to make them for the first time last week. Found them to be a bit bland, not sure if the plantain wasn't ripe or if I just messed up - LOL. I tried to make Yamrita too and failed miserably. My guy tells me to just wait 'til he gets here and he'll teach me to cook the way he likes. Although he is positive I am going to butcher one of my goats for him, I keep telling him NO WAY my goats are my friends LOL!

  2. Hi

    I just registered here yesterday. My doctor told me of the site. I was so discouraged and disappointed last night. I didn't realize how difficult and long this process is going to be. I really thought my husband to be would be here by Christmas.

    Who are ya? WhidbeyGirl

    Where did you come from? I live in Washington State

    Where is your SO from? Senegal

    How did you meet? togetherchristian.com

    Where are you in the process? ummm well getting married next month and will send in I-130 packet

    Someone from the K-3 threads suggested I come over here to the regional area to find out all the things (problems) that I can expect to come up.

  3. WOW!!! THANK YOU all so very much. I only got 1 email notification of a response so I was SHOCKED to see all of you.

    Right now this whole process is so overwhelming. I had been on the US Embassy website and it just seemed like it was filing the I-130 and then everything was good to go. I am SO glad my doctor told me to come here!!

    The 125% above poverty level really caught me off guard, I don't make that right now, but there is a very good chance I'll be working for local law enforcement by the time I get back from my honeymoon and it pays more than double what I make now so I'm not too worried about that part.

    Someone asked if I'd be willing to move to Senegal, I would LOVE to, but I have 3 children who live with me right now and it's just not possible. Although I will look for possible employment while over there next month, who knows maybe there will be something I can do there.

    Thank you again for all the responses and support.

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