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Posts posted by WhidbeyGirl

  1. Hi, I am petitioning my wife but I am worried about being denied because I don't have three years of tax returns as I have not been working for three years. (I am 20)

    Is it possible to send 2 years of tax returns and all my paystubs for the last year? I have been with my current company since July 2008.

    I only sent 2008 returns and 4 months of this years paystubs and we did just fine. You do have to fill out the part on the I-864 that asks for the income amounts for the last 3 years.

  2. What I did (for the USCIS level ieI-130) was make color copies of everything, take them to the bank along with the originals and then the bank certified the copies as true and accurate and in my possession.

    For the NVC level (ie I-864 & DS-230) I sent originals and in my letter stated I wanted the originals back and I would provide them with clean copies. Our interview is in 16 days - so we'll see if they will do that!

    Thanks for the replies! I guess I'll just keep things simple and send photocopies. They didn't specifically say they want an original check so maybe I'll just send a photocopy of that too! :thumbs:

    Thanks again!


    oh the sarcasm! LOVE IT! Maybe they'll just send you a copy of the approval instead of the original LOL!

  3. Thanks Whidbeyyyyyy Don't know what we would do without you!! :dance:

    apparently she's got the magic touch with DHL tonight ...

    Well it's cause I gave them $170 today - LOL! Tomorrow I'll be forgotten by them like a cheap one night stand!


    As long as they deliver ;) (not to be mistaken with the one night standers, of course, of course ...)

    Let me tell ya, I'm watchin' their every move!! The package has left the island so step one is complete.

  4. Vareska and Whidbey. AVR at NVC said our case left NVC on July 14th but I don't see a package to Cairo???????? What's up with that? What should I do??

    Shipment delivered.

    Delivered on: 7/19/2009 8:32 am

    Delivered to:

    Signed for by: KHALED ABN A


    Portsmouth, NH 03801

    United States

    To Cairo, Egypt

    Shipment information

    Ship date: 7/14/2009

    Pieces: 1

    Total weight: 1.0 lbs Note on weight

    Shipment reference: EXP 13 JUL 2009A

  5. ..............

    Next worry - can husband make it through interview without me?????


    I am such a control freak, this is killing me now that I am not there :lol:

    I have the link for DHL, but somehow when I play around with reference number and dates nothing is coming up...

    W, for $170 charge they better f-ing figure it out and do it right!

    OH ME TOO MAJOR CONTROL FREAK this is why it's really driving me UP THE WALL right now. Letting those papers all go out of my hands was EXTEMELY HARD. The whole reason I didn't send them earlier was because I was going to be bringing them.

    Oh my, you're just as F-ed up as I am, I love it! :lol:

    I am so relieved that I will be bringing our documents, and of course I will have that big ole folder in my carry on, even though it weighs like 10 lbs

    When I say big ole folder I mean 3 folders :rofl:

    TWO FOLDERS - one green with documents sent & received in it; one blue with proof of marriage

    Each folder has 6 sections with those bendy metal thing-a-bobs for holding papers in.


    Side one - NOA1 & NOA2

    Side two - I-130 packet

    Side three - Payment receipt & email for I-864

    Side four - I-864 packet

    Side five - Payment receipt & email for DS-230

    Side six - DS-230 packet


    Side one - Skype printouts for 1year

    Side two - Tmobile bills for 1 year

    Side three - Receipts from my visits, western unions, & USPS packages

    Side four - List of emails for past 1 1/2 years and about 60 pages double sided of emails

    Side five - Life insurance/ADD policy listing husband as benenficiary

    Side six - 50 pictures of us together in plastic holders with the part where you put the pictures in taped off so the pics don't fall out

    He will NEED a knife to open the package because I put SO MUCH package tape on it!!! Wanted to make sure NO ONE got into it without him knowing!!

  6. Shipment delivered.

    Delivered on: 7/20/2009 10:23 am

    Delivered to:

    Signed for by: DZEBOWhat is this?

    Want to get the status of all your shipments in one place


    Portsmouth, NH 03801

    United States

    To Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina

    Shipment information

    Ship date: 7/16/2009

    Pieces: 1

    Total weight: 1.0 lbs Note on weight

    Shipment reference: EXP 15 JUL 2009A

    Service: Next DayMore info

    Description: EXPRESS WORLDWIDE (doc)

  7. ..............

    Next worry - can husband make it through interview without me?????


    I am such a control freak, this is killing me now that I am not there :lol:

    I have the link for DHL, but somehow when I play around with reference number and dates nothing is coming up...

    W, for $170 charge they better f-ing figure it out and do it right!

    OH ME TOO MAJOR CONTROL FREAK this is why it's really driving me UP THE WALL right now. Letting those papers all go out of my hands was EXTEMELY HARD. The whole reason I didn't send them earlier was because I was going to be bringing them.


  8. W, have you heard from your husband, how did the medical go today?

    He'll call me in about 4 hours. He didn't have an appointment so maybe all he will be able to do is make an appointment, not sure. It doesn't appear that there are too many visas going through Dakar right now so hopefully he was able to get all the medical done today.

    Did you get through to the AVR?

    Hehehe I should hear from my husband tonight about his medical as well :)

    His appointment is at 2 am my time. I am right now waiting for 9:30 pm to wake him up to get ready.

    I laughed my a** off today when one Bosnian girl told me about her experience at medical for visa. The doctor told her to undress and pull her panties down to her pubic hmm area, and then he flicked her stomach, like her abdomen, you know with his finger tips and said ok looks good, you're done.

    She was like what the heck could he have seen just by doing that, other than maybe he has some kind of fetish. Anyway she was all freaked out.

    So, there is this other Bosnian girl who has appointment today same time as my husband and I asked her to do me a favor and to tell my husband after she finishes with her exam that the doctor will ask him to undress and then he will flick his pubes :lol:

    I hope she will come through for me, I just wanna mess with him :)

    I am gonna call NVC now...

    You are SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sent husband all the documents today for the interview $170!!!!!!!!!!! for 4 pounds of paper?????? SHEESH!! I am very worried though. Last week I was told I could send it to the DHL office in Dakar and he could pick it up. Today when I called to get the address I was told to NOT use the DHL office address but to put his residence address and then in the 2nd & 3rd lines of the address and the description to HOLD FOR PICK UP CARE OF DHL IN DAKAR. When I printed up the label it was so small I highlighted it with bright yellow. I PRAY they really do what they say they will do. Although now that I think about it the label had SEA-DKR on it so I wonder if they only go to Dakar and then notify people to pick up their packages if they don't live in the city. I said lots of prayers over the package and am still saying them so I believe we will be just fine. Next worry - can husband make it through interview without me?????

    V- LAY OFF THE DRINKS ALREADY!!!!!!! Go back a page on this thread and you'll see the link!!

  9. We sent in two (not notarized) from people who attended our wedding, one was a hired witness so didn't know either of us and the other was a friend of my SO's. We also included a notarized letter from my mom who did not attend the wedding she verified that she watched my children while I was in Senegal and she had looked at the wedding certificate and it appeared valid. We have FLOWN through this process with not one RFE our interview is in 16 days!

  10. So there is no longer AVR at NVC?

    I called about 5x in the last hour and it connects me to the operator right away...

    I really just wanted to see on what day our package was sent to embassy in Bosnia, now that you reminded me of tracking it W.

    Anyway, didn't feel like talking to an operator, I figured out packet reached the embassy already and that's that :)

    There is just hold for a few minutes and then it will let you go through the AVR. Not sure what's up with it.

  11. Pasting this from a reply I did in NVC forum. It's pretty detailed and may help.

    My package left NVC on 08 May 2008. This is what I did on the site http://track.dhl-usa.com/TrackByRef.asp?nav=TrackByRef

    In the "reference" box, I put EXP 07 MAY 2008A (notice that's the day before they said it left)

    They must generate their reference and do the packing the day before pick-up because EXP 08 MAY...didn't work.

    Below in the "shipment pick up date range" I put May 8 2008 to May 8 2008 (I wanted to see things leaving NVC on only May 8)

    Then click the red arrow that says "track"

    There were three pages of shipments, so be sure and click "next" which indicates if there are more pages.

    I noticed that there were 67 shipments leaving NVC on May 8, but each was to a different country (no duplicates) which tells me that they combine petitions going to the same Embassy. Looking at details on some shipments, the London package was 3 pounds and Manila was 40 pounds, so there must have been many petitions from Manila going together.

    I did the same steps above for the previous day (May 7) and there were 16 countries, but they were all different from the May 8 countries. Thats 83 different countries in 2 days, with multiple petitions in many boxes! It kinda gives you an idea that many more petitions are being processed than just the timelines we stare at here on VJ. They may have some order in their mail room where different countries go out on different days of the week. It's just my speculation for what it's worth.

    This post seemed to be somewhat insightful, hope it helps

    V - how come I can't get this work?????

    I tried EXP 11 JULY 2008A and it said NO SHIPMENTS I tried EVERY day from the day I got the interview to the day it was shipped - WTH????????

  12. Does the sworn declaration of age has to state that the birth certificate was destroyed in a fire or lost by any means? Or just sworn that you were born on a specific date as stated to you by your biological parents and you also believe the same to be true and it should be use for official purposes?

    The Sworn Affidavit of Declaration of Age is issued by The High Court of Lagos State.

    My husbands had 6 statements.

    1. I am the aboved named person

    2. I am iformed by my parents Mr and Mrs, that I was born on birthdate in villiage

    3. my certificate of birth was obtaind and registered but got lost in trasit and all efforts to retrieve same proved abortive hense this declaration

    4. this affidavit is now require for record and offical purposes

    5. I depose to this affidavit factually and truthfully by virtue of information and belief

    6. I make this solemn declaration in good faith believing same to be true and correct in accordance wiht the provision of the Oath Law of Lagos State 2003

  13. Mumtaz girl, I cannot offer one sensible answer/advice regarding your tax / I-864 mumbo jumbo, just wanted to say I hope you get it figured out and everything goes smoothly for ya!

    I spent a beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful day at the Texoma lake with my family. My dad recently purchased an RV and he and my mom went camping this week, and my sister and I went to surprise them and just showed up there in middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. They just about had a heart attack, I mean I can hardly figure out driving directions in Dallas, let alone on farm roads in OK :) so you can imagine their shock.

    It was so beautiful! I am sunburned, look freaking ridiculous, but I don't even care.

    You know, I miss my husband so much when things are bad and I need his support, but I miss him oh so much more when things are just perfect and he is not next to me to share a day like this ...

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!

    Sounds like a great weekend V.

    I just committed myself to running a 1/2 marathon in April - :blink::wacko:

    Running until exhaustion for no good reason?

    Good, you should be committed :wacko:

    Some of my best ideas and plans come to when running. It's a time for just me and God with no distractions. Believe it or not I even do a whole lot of math calculations too while running.

    I ran this 1/2 marathon several years ago, but my running partner (my mom) decided she really didn't want to run anymore so I kinda gave it up. BAD idea as since then I have put on about 45 pounds.

  14. Mumtaz girl, I cannot offer one sensible answer/advice regarding your tax / I-864 mumbo jumbo, just wanted to say I hope you get it figured out and everything goes smoothly for ya!

    I spent a beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful day at the Texoma lake with my family. My dad recently purchased an RV and he and my mom went camping this week, and my sister and I went to surprise them and just showed up there in middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. They just about had a heart attack, I mean I can hardly figure out driving directions in Dallas, let alone on farm roads in OK :) so you can imagine their shock.

    It was so beautiful! I am sunburned, look freaking ridiculous, but I don't even care.

    You know, I miss my husband so much when things are bad and I need his support, but I miss him oh so much more when things are just perfect and he is not next to me to share a day like this ...

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!

    Sounds like a great weekend V.

    I just committed myself to running a 1/2 marathon in April - :blink::wacko:

  15. General travel tips.

    Leave expensive things at home, especially on a first trip to a strange place.

    Western Union one or more emergency money transactions to yourself. If you need the money it is there, if you don't you are only out the transaction fees. Plus you don't have any wad of money that will attract attention.

    Leave your plastic at home , with the exception of a single card. Make sure to call the bank and tell them that you may be making emergency charges from out of the country between your travel dates. Also be sure to get their international numbers. Most of the 800 numbers are only good in the US.

    Take at least one copy of your passport/visa pages , it helps if you lose yours passport.

    Take several smaller memory cards for your camera. That way you can save pictures in sections. If you do lose your camera everything.

    Arrange with family a "secret" question that will tell them you want help you can't ask for. Not that you will ever need it but it makes you family feel better.

    Something else I did when I was in Senegal - when we entered a vehicle I texted the license plate and description of the vehicle to a family member along with where we were starting out and where we were going and what time we left and when we should arrive.

    :wow: you're good WhidbeyGirl! I treated the whole thing like a trip to Disney World. Same preparation. :blush:

    Your timeline is looking good too.

    My family was a BIT paranoid with me going to Africa to meet and marry someone they didn't know. All safety plans & nets were in place to ease their minds. My husband even bought a computer and had an internet line installed in his compound so I could have contact with my family every day.

    Thank you. I have been amazed by our timeline - God is so good!! When we started this process we didn't think we would be getting an interview until July next year.

  16. General travel tips.

    Leave expensive things at home, especially on a first trip to a strange place.

    Western Union one or more emergency money transactions to yourself. If you need the money it is there, if you don't you are only out the transaction fees. Plus you don't have any wad of money that will attract attention.

    Leave your plastic at home , with the exception of a single card. Make sure to call the bank and tell them that you may be making emergency charges from out of the country between your travel dates. Also be sure to get their international numbers. Most of the 800 numbers are only good in the US.

    Take at least one copy of your passport/visa pages , it helps if you lose yours passport.

    Take several smaller memory cards for your camera. That way you can save pictures in sections. If you do lose your camera everything.

    Arrange with family a "secret" question that will tell them you want help you can't ask for. Not that you will ever need it but it makes you family feel better.

    Something else I did when I was in Senegal - when we entered a vehicle I texted the license plate and description of the vehicle to a family member along with where we were starting out and where we were going and what time we left and when we should arrive.

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