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Posts posted by WhidbeyGirl

  1. More detail....

    Hew was asked:

    My name: Correct

    My employer: Correct

    When we met: Correct

    Where I worked when me met: Incorrect

    Can I see wedding pics: Looked at them and gave them back.

    The issue was I worked for Company A from Jan 2002-April 2007 and then I started working with them again in December 2008 and still work for them. He messed up the date and thought I worked there until April 2008 so it would mean that I was working for them when we met.

    The man (who didn't give his name) told SO he had paperwork to complete and then he would call him. SO asked if he should sit and wait and the man said, "No you are free to leave."

    SO said the man was not friendly at all and asked questions very fast. When SO answered incorrectly, he said, "At the same place?" and SO said, "Yes she worked there and was terminated when she was visiting and we got married." I worked at Company B and was terminated from that company when I was visiting, I started working for Company A a few weeks after I returned home.


  2. Interview is over and the result..... I don't know.

    No pink, but no blue either. Didn't take his passport, but did return original marriage certificate.

    What does this mean? Does it mean that we are on AP? What do I do now? I sent an email to the consulate, they have been really good about returning my emails within 24 hours.

    More waiting....................

  3. Say congratulations to Carlo on his permit, Carlish!

    Holiday, nice to see you again. I was in your neck of the woods the other day (OKlahoma, that is), loved the Texoma lake!

    W, you and your hubs are in my prayers. Hope everything goes well with his interview :thumbs:

    I am leaving tomorrow morning, probably won't be sleeping tonight :)

    I'll stay in touch as I'm taking my laptop with me. I'll make sure to update you guys with our good news next Tuesday!

    Y'all better miss me :lol:

    Of course we'll miss you!

  4. Hey everyone...sorry I have been away for some time.

    Just dealing with drama (not my drama, other people's drama) and then my parents were here for a few weeks so I have been busy busy busy.

    Congrats on all the good news that has been happening :)

    For those still waiting....hang in there (F)

    Glad to hear all is well with you Zee....YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED!!!

  5. hi everyone, my wife passed her interview on july 29th. sorry for the late news, i had no access to the internet. she and 1 more couple were the only ones to get a visa that day. everyone else received a blue slip for more evidence. vietnam consulate is very tough. thanks everyone for the support during this journey, especially to Sombercat, Whidbeygirl, and Carlish. i booked the return ticket for aug 24. goodluck to the rest of you guys still waiting :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Congrats Kevin!!!!!!!!!!


    So when did she have visa in hand???

  6. hi everyone, my wife passed her interview on july 29th. sorry for the late news, i had no access to the internet. she and 1 more couple were the only ones to get a visa that day. everyone else received a blue slip for more evidence. vietnam consulate is very tough. thanks everyone for the support during this journey, especially to Sombercat, Whidbeygirl, and Carlish. i booked the return ticket for aug 24. goodluck to the rest of you guys still waiting :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Congrats Kevin!!!!!!!!!!


    So when did she have visa in hand???

  7. V - I don't hate him. Just don't think he's right for the job - BIG DIFFERENCE.

    In case you two didn't see my FB post:

    If Moses had to put the Ten Commandments through Congress today:

    1. You shall have no other gods before Obama

    2. Do not worship false idols, for we are a jealous Congress.

    3. You shall not take any liberal name in vain (but conservatives are fair game!)

    4. Remember tax day and keep it holy. You shall work 7 days a week because you'll need the extra money to cover the taxes we are adding to your income.

    5.Honor your Senators and Representatives that you may live long on the earth (after all, we control your life)

    6. You shall not kill....any bill that we, the democrats want to get passed.

    7. You shall commit adultery, whenever you feel like it (why not, we do)

    8. You shall not steal......that's our job.

    9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, if they are liberal. Go ahead if they are conseratives.

    10. You won't need to covet anything that belongs to your neighbor because once we're done, everyone will have exactly the same things.

    I did see it :P

    We haven't had the right man for the job in the office for a looooooong time, though ;)

    You see that's the problem, V. We keep putting a man in the office!! I think Betsy or I could do pretty good :)

  8. V - I don't hate him. Just don't think he's right for the job - BIG DIFFERENCE.

    In case you two didn't see my FB post:

    If Moses had to put the Ten Commandments through Congress today:

    1. You shall have no other gods before Obama

    2. Do not worship false idols, for we are a jealous Congress.

    3. You shall not take any liberal name in vain (but conservatives are fair game!)

    4. Remember tax day and keep it holy. You shall work 7 days a week because you'll need the extra money to cover the taxes we are adding to your income.

    5.Honor your Senators and Representatives that you may live long on the earth (after all, we control your life)

    6. You shall not kill....any bill that we, the democrats want to get passed.

    7. You shall commit adultery, whenever you feel like it (why not, we do)

    8. You shall not steal......that's our job.

    9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, if they are liberal. Go ahead if they are conseratives.

    10. You won't need to covet anything that belongs to your neighbor because once we're done, everyone will have exactly the same things.

  9. My family and I had to go through that seminar also, it was just BS, there were brochures in there what to expect in the US, how to use dishwasher and toilet :lol:

    Yes, my country is a small God forsaken place, but c'mon ... So that was kind of funny.

    The funniest thing of all still stuck in my head is that the group of about 20 pple that were in the seminar we all had to sit around in circle and repeat out loud" "America is not a socialist country! America is not a socialist country!" :rofl:

    To this day, when my mom or dad complains about the poor health care regulations and such, we all burst out laughing and repeat in unison "America is not a socialist country!"

    Not yet anyways.... we are on track to be soon.

  10. Morning all! Just 65 hours and 30 minutes until our interview - can you tell I'm a bit anxious? I REALLY wanted to be there. I have to leave it in God's hands and in SO's head. He's ready though, he knows more about me then I do - LOL! Seriously though I had to look up some dates and things of stuff he's supposed to know.

  11. 83 hours and 22 minutes until our interview!!! It's so difficult knowing I can't be there :cry: I was supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning, but finances have made it impossible. So it is all in the hands of God and the head of my husband :). OMG that man knows more about me then I do!!! I had to look up answers that he has to know off the top of his head!! Granted I had a brain injury 13 years ago so I have an excuse... ok it's a sucky excuse but I use it well :)

    Anyways, I sent my husband two 6 sectioned folders. The Green one has copies of everything that I sent to USCIS & NVC and all their responses back - NOA's emails, paid receipts, etc. The Blue one has copies of 1 year of cell phone records, 1 year of Skype records, 1.5 years of email logs with about 40 pages (front & back) of selected emails (would have included more but ran outta ink), life insurance policy listing him as beneficiary, copies of my boarding passes and all receipts from my 2 visits and about 50 pictures.

    I also sent an email two weeks ago to the embassy asking for conformation of the interview and asking what information other than the medical reports they would need from us when we come to the interview (I kinda made it sound like I was going to attend, was still hoping at that time I would receive a financial miracle), they responded and confirmed the interview date and time. Then last week I emailed again letting them know that I wasn't going to be able to come to the interview but that I would be MORE than willing to make an international call during the interview so I could talk with the CO. They sent an email back saying they printed the email and included it in my file. So I responded asking for the phone number so I could call shortly after the interview started. This morning I received an email to not worry, that if they needed to talk with me they would make arrangements. So I sent final email telling them thank you and let them know I would be available at my home phone number if there were any questions. I don't know if any of these emails will have ANY effect but my thought is that the more contact I have with the embassy there the better.

    I'm still a flippin' nervous wreck!!!

    OK now 83 hours and 12 minutes!!!

  12. Thats awesome, Whidbey! Do you or your hubby have baking experience or is this a new adventure for you?

    I can follow a recipe - does that count?? LOL!! Actually my role will probably be more in the construction aspect of it. Give me a hammer and power tools and I'm good to go!

    I was supposed to go to Liberia last year but the trip changed from a building mission to a scouting mission (to see what needed to be done). I want to go on a "get my hands dirty" mission so this will hopefully be the one for me. I just have this longing to do mission work in Africa, I know it's where I am supposed to be.

  13. Hello everyone,

    For those of you who have already done so, what is the best way to send original documents to Nigeria? UPS, FedEx or DHL, e.t.c.? About how long did it take to get there? We don't have an interview date yet, but I want to start getting everything in order while we wait. Thanks!!!

    I sent 4 pounds of documents to Dakar, Senegal with DHL, it was $170, took 3 days.

    Oh wow! A bit more than I thought it would be, but I guess its not too bad. Thanks WhidbeyGirl!

    Did they deliver it to his residence or did he have to go pick it up at the DHL office? I'm asking because someone told me that if I were to use UPS, he would have to go pick it up at the local office close to where he lives.

    He picked it up but only because I put a note on it saying "HOLD FOR PICK UP AT DHL IN DAKAR". He doesn't live in Dakar he has just been staying there the last 2 weeks getting all his medical done so I didn't want it delivered to his residence which is 9 hours away. I was extremely worried because they told me I had to put his residence address on it and then the message in the notes section. I was certain they would mess it up and send it out for delivery. But I was pleasantly surprised. I did pay for global express. Also, it's cheaper (by about 10%) to pay online than going into a DHL office. Interestingly enough it's been nearly 2 weeks since I sent it and my account still hasn't been charged.

  14. And I think its fair to say my cumulative anxiety is 10 fold any one who has only been waiting only 6 months. Got the Dr. records to prove it. Think about it. 2 1/2 years since getting married. 4 years since meeting. How would you like a taste of that medicine?

    And? Would you like a cookie or something? Not sure what the point of this thread is other than to proclaim yourself king of unfortunate circumstances and shake your finger at others who aren't able to remain as patient as you have been.

    Just don't like to see the system bogged down by frivolous complaints... slowing down proper and real enquiries. Anxiety is normal. USCIS time/speed is not measured the way a normal person measures it. It takes a while to understand this...

    I'm glad you have this all figured out, but I'm not sure how you can make such a general statement about complaints. Have a little compassion!


    I'll take that cookie if Pooh don't want it - LOL!

  15. Hello everyone,

    For those of you who have already done so, what is the best way to send original documents to Nigeria? UPS, FedEx or DHL, e.t.c.? About how long did it take to get there? We don't have an interview date yet, but I want to start getting everything in order while we wait. Thanks!!!

    I sent 4 pounds of documents to Dakar, Senegal with DHL, it was $170, took 3 days.

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